glVertexPointer - define an array of vertex data
void glVertexPointer(
GLint size,
GLenum type,
GLsizei stride,
const GLvoid *pointer );
Specifies the number of coordinates per vertex; must be 2,
3, or 4. The initial value is 4. Specifies the data type
of each coordinate in the array. Symbolic constants
GL_SHORT, GL_INT, GL_FLOAT, and GL_DOUBLE are accepted.
The initial value is GL_FLOAT. Specifies the byte offset
between consecutive vertexes. If stride is 0, the vertexes
are understood to be tightly packed in the array. The initial
value is 0. Specifies a pointer to the first coordinate
of the first vertex in the array. The initial value
is 0.
glVertexPointer() specifies the location and data of an
array of vertex coordinates to use when rendering. size
specifies the number of coordinates per vertex and type
the data type of the coordinates. stride specifies the
byte stride from one vertex to the next allowing vertexes
and attributes to be packed into a single array or stored
in separate arrays. (Single-array storage may be more
efficient on some implementations; see glInterleavedArrays().)
When a vertex array is specified, size, type,
stride, and pointer are saved as client-side state.
To enable and disable the vertex array, call glEnableClientState()
and glDisableClientState() with the argument
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY. If enabled, the vertex array is used when
glDrawArrays(), glDrawElements(), or glArrayElement() is
Use glDrawArrays() to construct a sequence of primitives
(all of the same type) from prespecified vertex and vertex
attribute arrays. Use glArrayElement() to specify primitives
by indexing vertexes and vertex attributes and
glDrawElements() to construct a sequence of primitives by
indexing vertexes and vertex attributes.
glVertexPointer() is available only if the GL version is
1.1 or greater.
The vertex array is initially disabled and isn't accessed
when glArrayElement(), glDrawElements() or glDrawArrays()
is called.
Execution of glVertexPointer() is not allowed between the
execution of glBegin() and the corresponding execution of
glEnd(), but an error may or may not be generated. If no
error is generated, the operation is undefined.
glVertexPointer() is typically implemented on the client
Vertex array parameters are client-side state and are
therefore not saved or restored by glPushAttrib() and
glPopAttrib(). Use glPushClientAttrib() and glPopClientAttrib()
GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if size is not 2, 3, or 4.
GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if type is is not an accepted
GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if stride is negative.
glIsEnabled() with argument GL_VERTEX_ARRAY
glGet() with argument GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE
glGet() with argument GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_TYPE
glGet() with argument GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_STRIDE
glGetPointerv() with argument GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER
glArrayElement(3), glColorPointer(3), glDrawArrays(3),
glDrawElements(3), glDrawRangeElements(3), glEdgeFlagPointer(3), glEnable(3), glGetPointerv(3), glIndexPointer(3), glInterleavedArrays(3), glNormalPointer(3),
glPopClientAttrib(3), glPushClientAttrib(3), glTexCoordPointer(3)
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