mvSetMovieGLContextState(3dm) mvSetMovieGLContextState(3dm)
mvGetMovieGLContextState, mvSetMovieGLContextState - set/get the
GLContextState of a movie
#include <dmedia/moviefile.h>
DMstatus mvSetMovieGLContextState( MVid track, DMboolean GLContextState);
DMboolean mvGetMovieGLContextState( MVid track );
When mvRenderMovieToOpenGL is called, the movie library disables some of
the unused GL extensions in order to optimize the pixel path for drawing.
Between two successive calls to mvRenderMovieToOpenGL, the movie library,
by default, goes through the disabling routines to make sure that the
pixel path is in the state that it needs to be in while it is drawing and
restores the graphics states when it is done drawing . However, the
overhead in changing the graphics states can be rather expensive. If the
user does not use the graphics states of the current context between
successive calls to mvRenderMovieToOpenGL, the movie library can be
instructed to not toggle the graphics states.
mvSetMovieGLContextState sets the graphics context state of a movie. If
set to DM_TRUE, the movie library assumes constant context state between
successive calls to mvRenderMovieToOpenGL.
mvGetMovieGLContextState returns the GL context state the movie is in.
By default, the GLContextState of a movie is DM_FALSE.
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