mvParams(3dm) mvParams(3dm)
mvGetParams, mvSetParams, mvAddUserParam, mvSetMovieDefaults - get and
set the parameters of a movie or track
#include <dmedia/moviefile.h>
DMparams* mvGetParams( MVid movieOrTrack )
DMstatus mvSetParams( MVid movieOrTrack, DMparams* params,
DMparams* paramsSet )
DMstatus mvAddUserParam( const char* paramName );
DMstatus mvSetMovieDefaults( DMparams* params, MVfileformat format )
mvGetParams returns the parameter list associated with a movie or track.
For movies, the parameter list contains the file format, looping mode,
etc. For tracks, the parameter list contains information about the
format of the data in the track.
The parameter list pointer returned points into the internal data
structures of the movie. Any values from it that are to be kept should
be copied, because the movie library may change the structures if the
movie is changed or closed. Do not call dmParamsDestroy on the returned
list, since it is owned by the movie library.
mvSetParams changes the parameters of a movie or track. params is the
list of parameter/value pairs that you want to change. Some parameters
cannot be changed, and some parameters are not recognized by the movie
library. The parameters that were recognized and that could be changed
are placed into paramsSet if it is not NULL.
mvAddUserParam tells the movie library about a user-defined parameter
that is to be stored with a movie or track. This addition is global and
applies until the process dies. mvAddUserParam is called automatically
by the movie library when loading a movie that contains user parameters.
If this function is not called, any extraneous parameters passed to
mvSetParams will be ignored. User-defined parameters can only be stored
permanently in movie files that have the MV_FORMAT_SGI_3 format.
Names for user parameters must have 15 or fewer characters. The values
stored in user parameters are restricted to being null-terminated strings
with a length less than 32K bytes.
mvSetMovieDefaults is used to construct a parameter list that will be
used to create a movie. It takes the desired format for the new movie
file, and sets the rest of the movie parameters (such as loop mode) to
their default values. The parameters set and their values are:
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mvParams(3dm) mvParams(3dm)
mvIntro(3dm), mvCreate(3dm).
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