mvFindTrack(3dm) mvFindTrack(3dm)
mvFindTrackByIndex, mvFindTrackByMedium - find tracks in a movie
#include <dmedia/moviefile.h>
DMstatus mvFindTrackByIndex( MVid id, int trackIndex, MVid *returnTrack )
DMstatus mvFindTrackByMedium( MVid movie, DMmedium medium,
MVid* returnTrack )
These functions are used to find tracks in a movie instance.
mvFindTrackByIndex returns the track indexed by trackIndex in
returnTrack. An application can search for all of the tracks in a movie
by first using mvGetNumTracks to find the number of tracks and then
calling mvFindTrackByIndex with trackIndex ranging from zero to the
number of tracks minus one. The medium of the track can be found by
calling mvGetTrackMedium(3dm).
mvFindTrackByMedium is used to get a handle for a track of medium medium.
If a track of the given medium is present, DM_SUCCESS is returned and
returnTrack is set to the MVid for the track. If there is no such track,
DM_FAILURE is returned. When there are multiple tracks of the same
medium, mvFindTrackByMedium returns the first one it finds. In general,
applications should use mvGetNumTracks and mvFindTrackByIndex to examine
mvIntro(3dm), mvGetNumTracks(3dm), mvGetTrackMedium(3dm),
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