circf(3G) circf(3G)
circf, circfi, circfs - draws a filled circle
void circf(x, y, radius)
Coord x, y, radius;
void circfi(x, y, radius)
Icoord x, y, radius;
void circfs(x, y, radius)
Scoord x, y, radius;
The routines above are functionally the same even though the type
declarations for the coordinates differ.
x expects the x coordinate of the center of the filled circle
specified in world coordinates.
y expects the y coordinate of the center of the filled circle
specified in world coordinates.
radius expects the length of the radius of the filled circle.
circf draws a filled circle in the x-y plane (z = 0). To draw a circle
in a plane other than the x-y plane, define the circle in the x-y plane
and then rotate or translate the circle. Note that filled circles rotated
outside the 2-D x-y plane appear as filled ellipses.
A circle is drawn as a single polygon, and therefore inherits all
properties that affect the drawing of polygons. These include the
current color, writemask, fill pattern, shade model, polygon antialiasing
mode, polygon scan conversion mode, and subpixel mode. Front-face and
back-face elimination work correctly with filled circles, which are
front-facing when viewed from the positive z half-space. Some polygon
modes are applicable only if old-style scan conversion is defeated. (See
note below.)
After circf executes, the graphics position is undefined.
arcf, backface, bgnpolygon, circ, frontface, glcompat, polymode,
polysmooth, scrsubdivide, setpattern, shademodel, subpixel
By default circf draws a polygon using the old-style scan conversion
algorithm, rather than the point sampling algorithm used by bgnpolygon
and endpolygon. Point sampling is preferred over old-style scan
conversion because it has higher performance, it results in higherquality
images when blending, logical operations, or stenciling are used,
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circf(3G) circf(3G)
and it supports new rendering features such as texture mapping, fog, and
antialiasing. Call glcompat(GLC_OLDPOLYGON,0) to enable point sampling
of polygons generated by circf.
The identifier of the function circf declared in gl/gl.h conflicts with
the identifier of the external variable circf declared in regexp.h. If
you need to include gl/gl.h and regexp.h in the same source file, embed
the "#include <regexp.h>" statement, and all references to the variable
circf in the source file, with a "#define circf re_circf" and "#undef
re_circf" pair of statements.
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