polf(3G) polf(3G)
polf, polfi, polfs, polf2, polf2i, polf2s - draws a filled polygon
void polf(long n, const Coord parray[][3])
void polfi(long n, const Icoord parray[][3])
void polfs(long n, const Scoord parray[][3])
void polf2(long n, const Coord parray[][2])
void polf2i(long n, const Icoord parray[][2])
void polf2s(long n, const Scoord parray[][2])
All of the above routines are functionally the same. They differ only in
the declared type of their parameters and whether or not they assume a
two-dimensional or three-dimensional world.
n expects the number of vertices in the polygon.
parray expects the array containing the vertices of the polygon.
polf fills the polygonal area bounded by the vertices specified in
parray. The first and last vertices connect automatically to close a
polygon. The vertices can be expressed as integers, shorts, or real
numbers, in 2-D or 3-D space. 2-D polygons are drawn with z=0. After
the polygon is filled, the current graphics position is set to the first
vertex in the array.
Properties that affect the drawing of polygons include the current color,
writemask, fill pattern, shade model, polygon antialiasing mode, polygon
scan conversion mode, and subpixel mode. Some polygon modes are
applicable only if old-style scan conversion is defeated. (See note
There can be no more than 256 vertices in a polygon. In addition, polf
cannot correctly draw polygons that intersect themselves.
backface, bgnpolygon, concave, frontface, glcompat, poly, polymode,
polysmooth, scrsubdivide, setpattern, shademodel, subpixel
By default polf draws a polygon using the old-style scan conversion
algorithm, rather than the point sampling algorithm used by bgnpolygon
and endpolygon. Point sampling is prefered over old-style scan
conversion because it has higher performance, it results in higherquality
images when blending, logical operations, or stenciling are used,
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polf(3G) polf(3G)
and it supports new rendering features such as texture mapping, fog, and
antialiasing. Call glcompat(GLC_OLDPOLYGON,0) to enable point sampling
of polygons generated by polf.
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