circ(3G) circ(3G)
circ, circi, circs - outlines a circle
void circ(x, y, radius)
Coord x, y, radius;
void circi(x, y, radius)
Icoord x, y, radius;
void circs(x, y, radius)
Scoord x, y, radius;
The routines above are functionally the same. However, the type
declarations for the coordinates differ.
x expects the x coordinate of the center of the circle specified
in world coordinates.
y expects the y coordinate of the center of the circle specified
in world coordinates.
radius expects the length of the radius of the circle.
circ draws an unfilled circle in the x-y plane with z assumed to be zero.
To create a circle that does not lie in the x-y plane, draw the circle in
the x-y plane, then rotate and/or translate the circle. Note that circles
rotated outside the 2-D x-y plane appear as ellipses.
A circle is drawn as a sequence of line segments, and therefore inherits
all properties that affect the drawing of lines. These include the
current color, writemask, line width, stipple pattern, shade model, line
antialiasing mode, and subpixel mode. The stipple pattern is initialized
to bit zero of the current linestyle before the circle is drawn, then
shifted continuously through the segments of the circle.
After circ executes, the graphics position is undefined.
arc, bgnclosedline, circf, crvn, linewidth, linesmooth, lsrepeat,
scrsubdivide, setlinestyle, shademodel, subpixel
When the line width is greater than 1, small notches will appear in
circles, because of the way wide lines are implemented.
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