pnt(3G) pnt(3G)
pnt, pnti, pnts, pnt2, pnt2i, pnt2s - draws a point
void pnt(x, y, z)
Coord x, y, z;
void pnti(x, y, z)
Icoord x, y, z;
void pnts(x, y, z)
Scoord x, y, z;
void pnt2(x, y)
Coord x, y;
void pnt2i(x, y)
Icoord x, y;
void pnt2s(x, y)
Scoord x, y;
All of the above routines are functionally the same. They differ only in
the type declarations of their parameters and in whether or not they
assume a two-dimensional or three-dimensional space.
x expects the x coordinate of the point to be drawn.
y expects the y coordinate of the point to be drawn.
z expects the z coordinate of the point to be drawn.
pnt colors a point in world coordinates. If the point is visible in the
current viewport, it is shown as one pixel. The pixel is drawn in the
current color (if in depth-cue mode, the depth-cued color is used) using
the current writemask. pnt updates the current graphics position after
it executes. A drawing routine immediately following pnt will start
drawing from the point specified.
bgnpoint, endpoint, v
pnt should not be used in new development. Rather, points should be
drawn using the high-performance v commands, surrounded by calls to
bgnpoint and endpoint.
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