splf(3G) splf(3G)
splf, splfi, splfs, splf2, splf2i, splf2s - draws a shaded filled polygon
void splf(n, parray, iarray)
long n;
Coord parray[][3];
Colorindex iarray[];
void splfi(n, parray, iarray)
long n;
Icoord parray[][3];
Colorindex iarray[];
void splfs(n, parray, iarray)
long n;
Scoord parray[][3];
Colorindex iarray[];
void splf2(n, parray, iarray)
long n;
Coord parray[][2];
Colorindex iarray[];
void splf2i(n, parray, iarray)
long n;
Icoord parray[][2];
Colorindex iarray[];
void splf2s(n, parray, iarray)
long n;
Scoord parray[][2];
Colorindex iarray[];
All of the above routines are functionally the same. They differ only in
the type declarations of their parameters and in whether they assume a
two- or three-dimensional space.
n expects the number of vertices in the polygon. There can be no
more than 256 vertices in a single polygon.
parray expects an array containing the vertices of a polygon.
iarray expects the array containing the color map indices which
determine the intensities of the vertices of the polygon
splf draws Gouraud-shaded polygons using the current pattern and
writemask. Polygons are represented as arrays of points. The first and
last points automatically connect to close a polygon.
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splf(3G) splf(3G)
If you want to use backface, you should specify the vertices in counterclockwise
After the polygon is drawn, the current graphics position is set to the
first point in the array.
splf must be used in color map mode.
backface, cmode, concave, poly, rect, rectf, pdr, pmv, rpdr, rpmv
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