clock(1m) Open Software Foundation clock(1m)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
clock - A dcecp object that manages the clock on a local or remote
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
clock compare [dts_entity] [-server dts_entity]
clock help [operation | -verbose]
clock operations
clock set [dts_entity]
{-to DTS_timestamp [-abruptly -epoch epoch_number | -bypass] |
-epoch epoch_number}
clock show [dts_entity] [-dtsd | -inetd | -dced]
clock synchronize [dts_entity] [-dtsd [-abruptly] | -inetd | -dced]
ARGUMENTS [Toc] [Back]
Identifies the dtsd server or clerk to act on.
With the -server option in the compare operation, dts_entity
can identify a DTS time provider.
When used without the -dced or -initd options, dts_entity
can be either of the following:
+ The name of a dtsd server, which can be on a remote
host, in the format:
+ A string binding for the remote host on which the dtsd
is running, such as:
Alternatively you can specify the binding in Tcl
format, such as:
When used with the -dced or -inetd options, dts_entity
identifies the server by a simple host name in the form
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clock(1m) Open Software Foundation clock(1m)
operation The name of the clock operation for which to display help
The clock object represents the clock on a system and the time that it
tells. This object has commands to display and set the time. The time
setting functionality is provided by DTS, unless you specify either
the -dced or -inetd option. The optional argument to the clock
command is the name of a DCE Version 1.1 dtsd running on some machine.
Without an argument, the _s(dts) convenience variable is checked. If
this variable is not set, the command operates on the clock on the
local machine.
Use the -epoch option to change only the epoch number of the dtsd.
clock compare
Returns the difference between the clocks on the local machine and a
DTS server in the cell. The syntax is as follows:
clock compare [dts_entity] [-server dts_entity]
Options [Toc] [Back]
-server dts_entity
Optionally names a specific DTS server against which to
compare the host clock.
See ARGUMENTS for the format of the dts_entity argument.
The compare operation returns the difference between the clocks on the
local machine and a DTS server in the cell. If a server is not
specified, the command picks the last responding server returned by
dts catalog. An optional argument compares a remote host's clock
against a DTS server. An optional -server option compares the clock
against a specific DTS server.
The DTS server that responds to this operation may be communicating
directly with an external time provider. If so, the provider
attribute returned by this operation will be set to yes.
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
You must have r (read) permission on /.:/hosts/hostname/dts-entity to
execute the command.
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clock(1m) Open Software Foundation clock(1m)
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> clock compare
{server /.:/gumby/hosts/oddball/dts_entity}
{provider no}
{skew -0-00:00:00.020I-----}
dcecp> clock compare -server /.:/hosts/santafe/dts-entity
{server /.:/hosts/santafe/dts-entity}
{provider yes}
{skew -0-00:00:00.292I1.431}
clock help
Returns help information about the clock object and its operations.
The syntax is as follows:
clock help [operation | -verbose]
Options [Toc] [Back]
-verbose Displays information about the clock object.
Used without an argument or option, the clock help command returns
brief information about each clock operation. The optional operation
argument is the name of an operation about which you want detailed
information. Alternatively, you can use the -verbose option for more
detailed information about the clock object itself.
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
No special privileges are needed to use the clock help command.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> clock help
compare Returns the difference between the local clock and a server.
set Sets the system clock to the specified time.
show Returns the current time as a DTS style timestamp.
synchronize Synchronizes the local clock with the specified server.
help Prints a summary of command-line options.
operations Returns a list of the valid operations for this command.
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clock(1m) Open Software Foundation clock(1m)
clock operations
Returns a list of the operations supported by the clock object. The
syntax is as follows:
clock operations
The list of available operations is in alphabetical order except for
help and operations, which are listed last.
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
No special privileges are needed to use the clock operations command.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> clock operations
compare set show synchronize help operations
clock set
Sets the clock to the specified time. The syntax is as follows:
clock set [dts_entity]
{-to DTS_timestamp [-abruptly -epoch epoch_number | -bypass] |
-epoch epoch_number}
Options [Toc] [Back]
-to DTS_timestamp
This option specifies a DTS timestamp as the time to which
to set the clock. You can specify the time in the ISOcompliant
time format, as follows:
-abruptly Specifies to set the clock abruptly rather than gradually
adjust it to the computed time.
-bypass Sets the system clock to the specified time without using
-epoch epoch_number
Specifies an epoch_number that matches the epochs of servers
with which the local clock synchronizes.
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clock(1m) Open Software Foundation clock(1m)
The set operation sets the local clock to the specified time. An
optional argument sets the clock on a remote host. The -to option
specifies a DTS timestamp as the time to which to set the clock. If
you do not specify the -abruptly option, DTS adjusts the clock
gradually to the specified time. The -abruptly option changes to the
specified time, without gradual adjustments. If you specify the
-abruptly option, you must also specify the -epoch option to indicate
a new epoch. You can also use the -epoch option without specifying a
time to pull the specified dts_entity out of synchronization. The -
bypass option causes DTS to be ignored and sets the system clock
directly. This operation returns an empty string on success.
Note that setting your system clock is a dangerous operation. If your
machine is not synchronized with other machines in the cell, other DCE
services, especially CDS, do not operate correctly. See the OSF DCE
Administration Guide for more information about DTS.
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
You must have w (write) permission on the clock object
(/.:/hosts/hostname/dts-entity) if using DTS to set the time,
otherwise no special privileges are required.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> clock set -to 1994-07-15-16:27:28.000-04:00 -abruptly -epoch 1
dcecp> clock set -epoch 5
clock show
Returns a DTS-style timestamp including the time differential factor
(TDF). The syntax is as follows:
clock show [dts_entity] [-dtsd | -inetd | -dced]
Options [Toc] [Back]
-dced Use dced services instead of DTS to report the time.
-inetd Use inetd socket connections instead of DTS to report the
-dtsd Use DTS services to report the time (default).
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clock(1m) Open Software Foundation clock(1m)
The show operation returns a DTS-style timestamp with the TDF
indicated. Use the dts_entity argument to specify a remote host on
which to show the clock.
Two options let you specify that the time should be returned without
using DTS services:
+ The -dced option specifies that dced services should be used
instead of DTS services
+ The -inetd option specifies that inetd socket connections should
be used instead of DTS
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
You must have r (read) permission on the clock object
(/.:/hosts/hostname/dts-entity) if using DTS to show the time,
otherwise no special privileges are required.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> clock show
dcecp> clock show oddball -dced
clock synchronize
Causes dtsd to synchronize with a server. The syntax is as follows:
clock synchronize [dts_entity] [-dtsd [-abruptly] | -inetd | -dced]
Options [Toc] [Back]
-abruptly Causes the clock to be set abruptly rather than gradually
adjusted to the computed time.
-dced Use dced services instead of DTS as the time source.
-inetd Use inetd socket connections instead of DTS as the time
-dtsd Use DTS services as the time source.
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clock(1m) Open Software Foundation clock(1m)
The synchronize operation causes the local dtsd to synchronize the
local clock gradually with the cell time from DTS servers. The
-abruptly option changes to the specified time immediately, without
gradual adjustments.
By default, the time is retrieved from DTS. If the -dced option is
specified, the time is retrieved from dced services. If the -inetd
option is specified, the time is retrieved from inetd socket
connections. The optional dts_entry argument synchronizes the clock on
the named remote host. This operation returns an empty string on
Privileges Required [Toc] [Back]
You must have w (write) permission on the clock object
(/.:/hosts/hostname/dts-entity) if using DTS to synchronize the time,
otherwise no special privileges are required.
Examples [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> clock synchronize
Commands: dcecp(1m), dcecp_dts(1m), dcecp_utc(1m), dtsd(1m).
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