glNewList, glEndList - create or replace a display list
void glNewList(
void ); void glEndList(
void );
Specifies the display-list name. Specifies the compilation
mode, which can be GL_COMPILE or GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE.
Display lists are groups of GL commands that have been
stored for subsequent execution. Display lists are created
with glNewList(). All subsequent commands are placed in
the display list, in the order issued, until glEndList()
is called.
glNewList() has two arguments. The first argument, list,
is a positive integer that becomes the unique name for the
display list. Names can be created and reserved with
glGenLists() and tested for uniqueness with glIsList().
The second argument, mode, is a symbolic constant that can
assume one of two values: Commands are merely compiled.
Commands are executed as they are compiled into the display
Certain commands are not compiled into the display list
but are executed immediately, regardless of the displaylist
mode. These commands are glAreTexturesResident(),
glColorPointer(), glDeleteLists(), glDeleteTextures(),
glDisableClientState(), glEdgeFlagPointer(), glEnableClientState(),
glFeedbackBuffer(), glFinish(), glFlush(),
glGenLists(), glGenTextures(), glIndexPointer(), glInterleavedArrays(),
glIsEnabled(), glIsList(), glIsTexture(),
glNormalPointer(), glPopClientAttrib(), glPixelStore(),
glPushClientAttrib(), glReadPixels(), glRenderMode(), glSelectBuffer(),
glTexCoordPointer(), glVertexPointer(), and
all of the glGet() commands.
Similarly, glTexImage1D(), glTexImage2D(), and glTexImage3D()
are executed immediately and not compiled into the
display list when their first argument is GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D,
When the GL_ARB_imaging extension is supported, glHistogram()
executes immediately when its argument is
GL_PROXY_HISTOGRAM. Similarly, glColorTable() executes
immediately when its first argument is
When the GL_ARB_multitexture extension is supported,
glClientActiveTextureARB() is not compiled into display
lists, but executed immediately.
When glEndList() is encountered, the display-list definition
is completed by associating the list with the unique
name list (specified in the glNewList() command). If a
display list with name list already exists, it is replaced
only when glEndList() is called.
glCallList() and glCallLists() can be entered into display
lists. Commands in the display list or lists executed by
glCallList() or glCallLists() are not included in the display
list being created, even if the list creation mode is
A display list is just a group of commands and arguments,
so errors generated by commands in a display list must be
generated when the list is executed. If the list is created
in GL_COMPILE mode, errors are not generated until
the list is executed.
GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if list is 0.
GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if mode is not an accepted
GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glEndList() is called
without a preceding glNewList(), or if glNewList() is
called while a display list is being defined.
GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glNewList() or
glEndList() is executed between the execution of glBegin()
and the corresponding execution of glEnd().
GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY is generated if there is insufficient
memory to compile the display list. If the GL version is
1.1 or greater, no change is made to the previous contents
of the display list, if any, and no other change is made
to the GL state. (It is as if no attempt had been made to
create the new display list.)
glGet() with argument GL_LIST_INDEX
glGet() with argument GL_LIST_MODE
glCallList(3), glCallLists(3), glDeleteLists(3), glGenLists(3)
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