snake, snscore - display chase game
snake [-w width] [-l length] [-t]
snake is a display-based game which must be played on a CRT terminal.
The object of the game is to make as much money as possible without getting
eaten by the snake. The -l and -w options allow you to specify the
length and width of the field. By default the entire screen is used.
The -t option makes the game assume you are on a slow terminal.
You are represented on the screen by an I. The snake is 6 squares long
and is represented by s's with an S at its head. The money is $, and an
exit is #. Your score is posted in the upper left hand corner.
You can move around using the same conventions as vi(1), the h, j, k, and
l keys work, as do the arrow keys. Other possibilities include:
sefc These keys are like hjkl but form a directed pad around the d
HJKL These keys move you all the way in the indicated direction to the
same row or column as the money. This does not let you jump away
from the snake, but rather saves you from having to type a key
repeatedly. The snake still gets all his turns.
SEFC Likewise for the upper case versions on the left.
ATPB These keys move you to the four edges of the screen. Their position
on the keyboard is the mnemonic, e.g. P is at the far right
of the keyboard.
x This lets you quit the game at any time.
p Points in a direction you might want to go.
w Space warp to get out of tight squeezes, at a price.
To earn money, move to the same square the money is on. A new $ will
appear when you earn the current one. As you get richer, the snake gets
hungrier. To leave the game, move to the exit (#).
A record is kept of the personal best score of each player. Scores are
only counted if you leave at the exit, getting eaten by the snake is
worth nothing.
As in pinball, matching the last digit of your score to the number which
appears after the game is worth a bonus.
To see who wastes time playing snake, run snscore.
/var/games/snakerawscores database of personal bests
/var/games/snake.log log of games played
When playing on a small screen, it's hard to tell when you hit the edge
of the screen.
The scoring function takes into account the size of the screen. A perfect
function to do this equitably has not been devised.
BSD May 31, 1993 BSD
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