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BZ(6D)									BZ(6D)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     bz	- a tank game

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     bz	[ -n player_name ] [ -i	infile ] [ -o outfile ]
     [ -T ttl ]	[ -red | -blue | -pick ] [ -noflag ]
     [ -public | -private key ]	[ -logo	logofile ]
     [ -vo ] [ -fast ]

     bz	-solo [	-kids ]	[ -practice level ] [ -n player_name ]
     [ -logo logofile ]

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     Bz	is a tank game allowing	users to play against several players in a
     networked environment or against the computer in a	solitaire mode.	 The
     view displays the cockpit and a view of the outside world.	 The world is
     made up of	a playing field	that contains several obstacles	and a forcefield

     In	multi-player mode, four	types of tanks are currently available.	 You
     can select	a tank upon startup and	whenever you are killed.  Each tank
     has a different point value associated with it.  You are awarded the
     point value of a tank when	you destroy it.	 The point value of your tank
     is	deducted from your score when you are destroyed.  The following	tank
     types are available:

     Regular Tank (50 points)
	  has mediocre maneuverability but the most maneuverable guided

     Super Tank	(75 points)
	  has a	higher top speed and turning rate than that of the regular

     Stealth Tank (100 points)
	  has the same performance characteristics of the regular tank,	but
	  does not show	up on the radar	and has	a less maneuverable guided

     Runner Tank (125 points)
	  has the highest maneuverability but does not have guided missiles.

     In	solitaire mode,	you are	automatically assigned to a super tank.	 The
     computer will randomly select either a regular tank, a super tank,	or a
     runner tank (no stealth tanks, yet).  The probability for the computer
     choosing a	higher capability tank increases as the	game progresses.

OPTIONS    [Toc]    [Back]

     -blue   Join the blue team.

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BZ(6D)									BZ(6D)

     -fast   Run in fast mode.	All tanks and missiles will be sped up by a
	     factor of 6.  You will only be able to play with other players
	     who specify the -fast option.

     -i	input_file
	     Specifies that packets will come from a file instead of from the

     -kids   In	solitaire mode,	make the game much easier (suitable for	small
	     children).	 Robot tanks will wait longer to fire and have no
	     mines.  Your tank will be a runner	tank with guided missiles.
	     Robot tanks are only worth	a fifth	of their normal	value.

     -logo logo_file
	     Specifies a logo file to use as your tank's logo.	Other players
	     will see this logo	on the side of your tank.

     -n	player_name
	     Sets your playing name.  The default name is your login name.
	     Your playing name can also	be set with the	BZ_ID environment
	     variable (name length is currently	11 characters).

     -noflag Prevent team flags	from appearing in the game.  Note that this
	     will only allow you to play with other players who	have also
	     specified the noflag option.  This	also lessens the restrictions
	     on	allowing players in the	game.

     -o	output_file
	     Specifies that packets will be written to a file instead of
	     broadcast to the network.

     -pick   Join whichever team has the least number of players.  Initially,
	     you will be assigned to the neutral (green) team.	After being
	     destroyed the first time, you will	be assigned to the
	     understaffed team.	 If the	teams are equal, you will be assigned
	     to	a team randomly.

     -practice level
	     Run at the	specified difficulty level (in solitaire mode).	 You
	     are given an unlimited number of lives.  The game will not
	     advance to	harder levels, and your	score will not be considered
	     for saving	in the top score file.

     -private key
	     Restrict the game to only players who specify the same key	with
	     the private option.  Private keys are not displayed by the
	     monitoring	program, bzwho(6D).  The use of	this option allows
	     multiple, private games to	be played on the same network without

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BZ(6D)									BZ(6D)

     -public key
	     Restrict the game to only players who specify the same key	with
	     the public	option.	 Public	keys are displayed by the monitoring
	     program, bzwho(6D), and thus can be accessed by anyone.  The use
	     of	this option allows multiple games to be	played on the same
	     network without interference.

     -red    Join the red team.

     -solo   Play the against the computer.

     -T	ttl  Specifies the maximum number of times the multicast packets can
	     be	forwarded between networks.  See the TCP/IP User's Guide for
	     details on	setting	up multicast routing.

     -vo     Run view-only mode.  No other players will	know of	your presence.
	     You will not be able to fire missiles, drop mines,	capture	flags,
	     or	send mail.  You	will be	able to	move about at a	greater	rate
	     of	speed than the other players.  You will	also be	able to	assume
	     the view of any other player as discussed below.

CONTROLS    [Toc]    [Back]

     Tanks are steered by moving the mouse within the yellow circle superimposed
 on	the main view.	Moving the mouse outside the circle does not
     increase the speed.  The speed of the left	and right tracks are shown in
     the cockpit display with green and	red representing forward and backward
     velocity, respectively.

     Tanks can be destroyed by either a	missile	or by running over a mine.
     Missiles are fired	with the left mouse button and travel in a straight
     line.  They have a	life of	about 10 seconds, which	is also	the amount of
     time it takes to reload a new missile (you	have an	unlimited supply).

     A guided missile is fired by hitting the middle mouse button.  The	sky
     background	will turn red to indicate that you are in guided missile mode.
     The missile is steered by left and	right mouse movement.  While guiding
     the missile, your tank ceases to move and is therefore especially
     vulnerable	to attack.  You	may abort control of the missile to regain
     control of	your tank by hitting the middle	mouse button again.  Guided
     missiles are not available	in the solitaire version of the	game.

     Regular missiles travel faster than guided	missiles (but have the same
     range).  It also takes less time to reload	after firing a regular missile
     than it does to reload after firing a guided missile.

     There are also two	types of mines:	 regular and permanent.	 A regular
     mine is dropped by	hitting	the d key.  No one will	be able	to see the
     mine but you (on your radar).  The	mine can be remotely detonated with
     the x key.	 The mine is also detonated when your tank is destroyed.
     Either type of forced detonation results in a larger kill radius for the
     mine.  The	mine shows up on your radar as two concentric yellow circles.
     The smaller circle	represents the passive kill radius.  The large circle

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     represents	the kill radius	when the mine is remotely detonated.  Note
     that the center of	an enemy's tank	must be	within the appropriate circle
     before the	tank is	destroyed.

     A permanent mine can be dropped by	hitting	the D key.  It can not be
     remotely destroyed	and remains in place even if your tank is destroyed.
     A common strategy is to place a permanent mine near the center of the
     playing field, next to one	of the obstacles.  Since a permanent mine can
     not be remotely destroyed and therefore has only one kill radius, only
     one circle	is displayed about the mine's location on the radar screen.

     Both regular and permanent	mines can be picked up by running your tank
     over the mine (your mine will not be detonated by your tank) and hitting
     the p key.

     An	enemy tank can be identified by	centering the small cross in the
     center of the screen on the tank and pressing the right mouse button.

     A player can toggle a online help display by hitting the h	key.
     Similarly,	the s key is used to toggle a summary of the scores.

     On	machines equipped with audio boards, the S key is used to toggle the
     sound effects.  The up- and down-arrows are used to control the volume.

     A brief text message can be sent to other players in multi-player mode by
     hitting either the	m or t key, typing in the message, and hitting enter.
     If	you are	a member of the	red or blue team, using	the t key will limit
     distribution of your message to your team.	 The color of the input	text
     serves as a indicator of who will see the message when it is sent.	 (Red
     for red team only,	blue for blue team only, and green for everyone.)

     Up	to five	messages can be	specified with resources (described below).
     Hitting the keys 1	through	5 will recall the corresponding	message	for
     broadcast to all.	Hitting	the shifted keys 1 through 5 will recall the
     message for broadcast to your team.  The string will be recalled into the
     message buffer where additional text can be added.	 Hit the enter key to
     send the message.	Strings	ending in the '&' character will automatically
     be	sent.

     The a and z keys can be used to zoom and unzoom the radar view,

     The l key toggles the display of logos.

     The b key toggles on a magnified ("binocular") view of the	main screen.
     This is useful for	looking	at logos of distant tanks.

     Press the escape key to exit.

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BZ(6D)									BZ(6D)

     In	multi-player mode, a new tank type can be selected after your current
     tank has been destroyed.  Press the c key followed	by the number of the
     tank type you wish	to use.

     By	default, you will be assigned to the green (neutral) team.  You	may
     decide to join either the red or blue team	whenever you are destroyed.
     Optionally, you may specify a team	to join	at startup with	the command
     line options, -red, -blue,	or -pick.  As a	member of either team, you
     gain points for destroying	other tank not on your team and	lose points
     for destroying tanks on your team.	 Also, mines have no effect on your
     team members (for red or blue teams only; neutral mines can destroy
     anyone without penalty).

     If	you specified a	logo to	use, it	will be	shown on the control panel in
     the color of your team.  If you did not specifiy a	logo, a	small square
     will be displayed instead with the	appropriate color.

     Once at least one member of each team (red	and blue) have appeared, team
     flags will	appear in opposing corners.  Initially,	the flags are centered
     in	the corresponding team's "base", indicated by a	square outline of the
     appropriate color.	 When a	team captures the opposing team's flag and
     drops it in their own home	base, their team is awarded 500	points,	the
     opposing team is penalized	500 points, the	tank making the	capture	is
     awarded a personal	bonus of 200 points minus the value of his tank, and
     both flags	are reset to their respective bases.  If a tank	is destroyed
     while carrying a flag, the	flag's team is awarded 500 points.

     The f key is used to pick up the opposing team's flag when	it your	tank
     is	directly beneath it.  The c key	can be used to drop the	flag.  Note
     that you can only pick up the opposing team's flag.  You can not pick up
     your own.	Therefore, the only way	to return your flag back to your home
     base is by	destroying an enemy tank while it has your flag, by letting
     the other team capture your flag, or by capturing the other team's	flag.

     Neutral team members can not pick up flags.  Neutral team members can
     choose to join either the red or blue team	after being destroyed.

VIEW-ONLY MODE    [Toc]    [Back]

     While in view-only	mode, you can either view the playing field from
     within your own imaginary tank or from within another player's tank.  Use
     the c key to toggle between the normal and	co-pilot view.	When in	the
     co-pilot viewing mode, use	the n key to move to the next tank.

SOLITAIRE MODE    [Toc]    [Back]

     You are given three super tanks to	begin with and are awarded one new
     tank for every 1000 points	you score (500 points in kids mode).  The game
     is	over whenever your last	tank is	destroyed.

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BZ(6D)									BZ(6D)

     The game can be paused at any time	by hitting the P key.  Hitting the P
     key again resumes play.

     The computer-controlled tanks will	randomly select	a logo from any	logo
     files located in the /usr/demos/General_Demos/bz/data directory.  An
     alternate directory of logo files can be specified	by setting the
     BZ_LOGO_DIR environment variable to the location of the alternate files.

     The top ten scores	are maintained in /usr/tmp/bz.top by default.  An
     alternate directory can be	specified by setting the BZ_SCORE_DIR
     environment variable.  The	scores will be maintained in the file bz.top
     in	the specified directory.

SOUND    [Toc]    [Back]

     Bz	will play sound	effects	on those machines capable of Indigo-quality
     sound (currently the Indigo and the 4D/3x with the	audio option).
     Alternate sounds can be substituted by setting the	BZ_AUDIO_DIR
     environment variable to a path which contains the following sound files.
     Each file should be an AIFF file with two channels, 16 bit	wide data, and
     16	KHz sound samples.  center box ; a | a .  bump.aiff collision sound

     explosion.aiff explosion sound effect

     fire.aiff cannon sound effect

     flag_grabbed.aiff	 other team grabbed your flag sound effect

     flag_lost.aiff other team captured	your flag sound	effect

     flag_won.aiff  your team captured other flag sound	effect

     mine_drop.aiff mine drop sound effect

     mine_pick_up.aiff	 mine retrieval	sound effect

     pop.aiff  tank placement sound effect

     pause.aiff	    pause reminder sound

RESOURCES    [Toc]    [Back]

     A small number of resources are available for modifying some of the
     default values.  The application class name is Bz.

     cursorForegound (class Foreground)
	  Sets the cursor foreground color.  The default value is yellow.

     cursorBackgound (class Background)
	  Sets the cursor background color (on machines	so equipped).  The
	  default value	is black.

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     cursor (class Cursor)
	  Sets the cursor shape.  The default cursor is	a diamond_cross.

     audio (class Boolean)
	  Sets whether or not sound effects are	enabled	on start up.  The
	  default value	is true.

     volume (class Integer)
	  Sets the initial volume setting.  Valid values are 0 (no sound) to
	  10 (maximum volume).	Values outside this range are ignored.	The
	  default value	is -1, which does not modify the initial setting.

     mvRGBmode (class Boolean)
	  Determines whether or	not the	main view is displayed in RGB mode
	  (the default)	or colormap mode.

     showMan (class Boolean)
	  Specifies whether or not the humanoid	figure is displayed during the
	  tank explosion.  The default value is	true except when the kids
	  option is specified, when it is always false.

     ttl (class	Int)
	  Specifies the	maximum	number of times	the multicast packets can be
	  forwarded between networks.

     identifier	(class String)
	  Sets your player name.

     logoFile (class String)
	  Specifies a logo file	to use.	 No file is the	default.

     useTextures (class	Boolean)
	  For VGX and VGXT machines, this flag determines whether or not
	  textures are used on obstacles.  The default is true.

     message1 (class String)
	  Specifies the	message	to be loaded into the mail buffer whenever the
	  1 or shift-1 keys are	hit.  A	string ending in '&' causes the
	  message to be	broadcast immediately without waiting for additional

     message2 (class String)
	  Specifies the	message	to be loaded into the mail buffer whenever the
	  2 or shift-2 keys are	hit.

     message3 (class String)
	  Specifies the	message	to be loaded into the mail buffer whenever the
	  3 or shift-3 keys are	hit.

     message4 (class String)
	  Specifies the	message	to be loaded into the mail buffer whenever the
	  4 or shift-4 keys are	hit.

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     message5 (class String)
	  Specifies the	message	to be loaded into the mail buffer whenever the
	  5 or shift-5 keys are	hit.

     If	the workstations on your network are set up to route multicast
     packets, it is possible to	play bz	across networks.  However, it is also
     possible to create	situations where not all players can see each other.
     Bz	tries to be intelligent	about this and periodically checks to make
     sure all players in your game can see each	other.	If, after a certain
     time period, a player does	not see	the same players you do, he will be
     invalidated and dropped from your game.  This is most likely due to the
     fact that the multicast packets are not being routed uniformly between
     the networks.  See	the man	pages for mrouted(1M) and traceroute(1M) and
     the TCP/IP	User's Guide for details on how	to route packets between the
     two networks.

     Also, if you fail to hear from a player after a certain period, he	will
     be	dropped.  If packets resume arriving from that player, he will be
     added back	to the game.  A	player can be dropped at most three times
     before being invalidated.

     A list of invalidated and dropped hosts will be printed to
     /usr/tmp/bz.log upon exit of the game.

NOTES    [Toc]    [Back]

     Bz	requires IRIX 4.0.1 or greater.

BUGS    [Toc]    [Back]

     A tank is treated as a rectangle when checking for	missile	hits,
     sacrificing speed for 100%	accuracy.

     Since z-buffering is not used, it is possible to see some strange effects
     occasionally.  Specifically, when a tank blows up,	some pieces may	appear
     within nearby obstacles or	other tanks.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     bzwho(6D),	mrouted(1M).

FILES    [Toc]    [Back]

     /usr/demos/General_Demos/bz/data/*.aiff, audio files.
     /usr/demos/General_Demos/bz/data/*.bzl, logo files.
     /usr/tmp/bz.top, top score	list.

AUTHOR    [Toc]    [Back]

     Chris Fouts, Silicon Graphics.

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 8888
[ Back ]
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