audiofile/AFinitmarkids(3d) -- specify a list of marker ID's for a new audio file in an AFfilesetup structure
setup is an AFfilesetup structure, previously created by a call to afNewFileSetup(3dm). trackid is an integer which specifies an audio track in the file configuration. Since all currently supported audio file formats contain exactly one audio track, the value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used here for now. markids is an array of unique positive integer values to be used as handles for the marker structures in a file which is opened with setup. You typically allocate four marker structures s... |
audiofile/AFinitmarkname(3d) -- initialize the name/comment for a specified marker in an AFfilesetup structure
setup is an AFfilesetup structure, previously created by a call to afNewFileSetup(3dm). track is a positive integer value which specifies an audio track in a file configuration. Since all currently supported file formats contain exactly one audio track, the value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used here for now. markid a positive integer value which identifies a marker structure configured into track previously by afInitMarkIDs(3dm). namestr is a character string which will be written into th... |
audiofile/AFinitmiscids(3d) -- initialize the list of miscellaneous data chunk ID's in an AFfilesetup file configuration structure, initializ
setup is an AFfilesetup structure, previously created by a call to afNewFileSetup(). miscids is an array of (unique) positive integer ID's which are used to reference miscellaneous data chunks in a new audio file after it is created by passing setup to afOpenFile(3dm). nmisc The total number of miscellaneous chunks in the file configuration. See the audio file format man pages aifc(4), next(4), wave(4), bicsf(4), and sounddesigner2(4) for formatspecific information. chunkid is one of the chunk ... |
audiofile/afInitPCMMapping(3d) -- configure the PCM mapping for an audio track in an AFfilesetup structure
setup expects an AFfilesetup structure, previously created by a call to afNewFileSetup(3dm). track is an integer which identifies an audio track in setup. Since all currently supported file formats contain one audio track, the value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used here. slope is a positive double-precision floating point value which specifies an amplitude scaling factor for the waveform to be associated with track. intercept is a positive, negative, or zero double-precision floating point... |
audiofile/AFinitsampfmt(3d) -- initialize the audio data format in an AFfilesetup for a specified audio track
setup is an AFfilesetup structure, previously created by a call to afNewFileSetup(3dm). track is an integer which identifies an audio track in setup. Since all currently supported file formats contain only one audio track, the value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used here. sampfmt an integer constant which denotes a sample format. sampwidth a positive integer value which specifies the number of bits in a sample data point. channels is a positive integer value which indicates the number of in... |
audiofile/AFinittrackids(3d) -- initialize the list of audio track identifiers in an AFfilesetup structure.
setup is an AFfilesetup structure, previously created by a call to afNewFileSetup(3dm). trackids is an array of positive integer id's which are handles for audio tracks in a new file after it is opened with write access. Since all currently supported file formats contain only one audio track, the trackids array should always contain one ID, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK. ntracks The number of audio tracks in the file configuration. For all currently supported file formats, ntracks is always 1.... |
audiofile/AFintro(3d) -- Introduction to the Silicon Graphics Audio File Library (AF)
The Silicon Graphics Audio File Library (AF) provides a uniform programming interface to standard digital audio file formats. Thirteen audio file formats are currently supported by the library: Extended AIFF-C standard AIFF (older version) NeXT/Sun SND/AU WAVE (RIFF) Berkeley/IRCAM/CARL SoundFile MPEG1 audio bitstream Sound Designer II Audio Visual Research Amiga IFF/8SVX SampleVision VOC SoundFont2 Raw (headerless) Note that the library will continue to support additional file formats and data ... |
audiofile/AFnewfilesetup(3d) -- create and initialize an AFfilesetup structure
An opaque AFfilesetup structure initialized to the default configuration for a new audio file opened with write access, or for opening a raw (headerless) audio file for read access. |
audiofile/AFopenfile(3d) -- allocate an AFfilehandle structure for an audio file identified by name / by a Unix file descriptor
name A character string which names the audio file to be opened. fd A Unix file descriptor corresponding to an audio data file which has been previously returned by open(2) or its equivalent. mode This parameter identifies whether the file is to be opened for reading or writing audio sample data and header information. Acceptable values: "r" configures the file descriptor for read-only access "w" configures the file descriptor for write-only access The current library implementation causes e... |
audiofile/afQuery(3d) -- retrieve static parameters associated with the Audio File Library formats
querytype is an integer value token representing the type of query being made. arg1,...arg4 are integer value tokens representing the query selectors and/or subtypes. The number of meaningful arguments to the afQuery routines varies with the querytype. |
audiofile/AFreadframes(3d) -- read sample frames from a specified audio track in an audio file
file is the AFfilehandle structure for the audio file from which audio sample data will be read. This structure is usually the returned value of a call to afOpenFile(3dm). track is an integer which identifies an audio track in a file. Since all currently supported file formats allow at most one audio track per file, the value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used for this argument for now. samples is a pointer to a buffer into which you want to transfer the samples read from the audio file. Not... |
audiofile/AFreadmisc(3d) -- read from / write to / move logical read/write pointer for data in a miscellaneous chunk in an audio file
file expects the AFfilehandle structure for the audio file from or to which you want to read or write data. This structure is returned by afOpenFile(3dm) call. miscid expects an integer which identifies the miscellaneous data chunk you want to read from or write to. buf expects a pointer to a buffer which will receive a copy of the miscellaneous data from the file, or which contains the data you want to transfer into the file. nbytes is the number of bytes of data you want to read from the file ... |
audiofile/afSaveFilePosition(3d) -- save and retrieve logical audio sample read pointer
file is an AFfilehandle structure, previously returned by afOpenFile(3dm) or afOpenFD(3dm). |
audiofile/AFseekframe(3d) -- move logical file read pointer for a specified audio track to a desired sample frame location / retrieve curre
file is an AFfilehandle structure, previously returned by afOpenFile(3dm), afOpenFD(3dm), or afOpenNamedFD(3dm). track is an integer which identifies an audio track within a file which is open for read access. Since all currently supported file formats contain one audio track per file, the constant value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used here for now. frameoffset is a sample frame location of type AFframecount with a value between 0 and the total number of sample frames in the track minus o... |
audiofile/afSetChannelMatrix(3d) -- set the channel mix matrix associated with a given track in an AFfilehandle
file is an AFfilehandle structure, previously created by a call to afOpenFile(3dm) or its equivalent. track is an integer which identifies an audio track in handle. Since all currently supported file formats contain only one audio track, the value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used here for now. matrix is an array of double precision floating point values which specify the manner in which a channel conversion operation should take place. Because the values in this array will be copied into i... |