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 audiofile/AFgetmarkname(3d) -- get the name or comment string for a given marker id in an audio track
    file is an AFfilehandle structure, previously created by a call to afOpenFile(3dm). trackid is a positive integer value which identifies an audio track in file. All currently supported file formats allow exactly one audio track per file, so the value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used here for now. markid is a positive integer value which identifies a marker structure in the audio track given by trackid. You obtain marker ID's by calling afGetMarkIDs(3dm). You can call afInitMarkIDs(3dm) to...
 audiofile/AFgetmarkpos(3d) -- get/set the position of a marker in an audio track
    file is an AFfilehandle structure, previously created by a call to afOpenFile(3dm). trackid expects a positive integer value which identifies an audio track in file. All currently supported file formats allow exactly one track per file, so the constant AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used here for now. markid is a positive integer value which identifies a marker structure in the audio track given by trackid. You obtain marker ID's by calling afGetMarkIDs(3dm). You can call afInitMarkIDs(3dm) ...
 audiofile/AFgetmiscids(3d) -- get number and list of miscellaneous chunk ID's for a file, get the data type and size for a miscellaneous dat
    file is an AFfilehandle structure, created when an audio file was opened by a call to afOpenFile(3dm). miscids[] is an array of integer locations used to return a list of unique positive miscellaneous chunk ID's which can be used to reference the miscellaneous chunks in a file. chunkid is a miscellaneous chunk id from the miscids[] list returned by afGetMiscIDs().
 audiofile/afGetPCMMapping(3d) -- get the track / virtual PCM mapping values for a specified audio track from an AFfilehandle structure
    file is an AFfilehandle structure, previously created by a call to afOpenFile(3dm). track is an integer which identifies an audio track in file. Since all currently supported file formats contain exactly one audio track per file, the constant AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used here for now. slope is a pointer to a double precision floating point value which specifies the amplitude scaling factor for the audio waveform associated with track intercept is a pointer to a double precision floatin...
 audiofile/AFgetrate(3d) -- get the track/virtual sample rate for a specified audio track from an AFfilehandle structure
    file is an AFfilehandle structure, previously created by a call to afOpenFile(3dm). track is an integer which identifies the audio track in the file. Since all currently supported file formats contain exactly 1 audio track per file, the value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used for this argument for now.
 audiofile/AFgetsampfmt(3d) -- get the track / virtual sample format or byte order for a specified audio track from an AFfilehandle structure
    file expects an AFfilehandle structure, previously created when an audio file was opened by a call to afOpenFile(3dm) or afOpenFD(3dm). track expects an integer which identifies the audio track in the file. Since all file formats currently supported by the audio file library allow at most one audio track per file, the value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used for this argument. sampfmt is a pointer to an integer location. The routine uses this location to return a symbolic integer constant de...
 audiofile/AFgettrackids(3d) -- get the list of track descriptor id's for the given AFfilehandle
    file expects an AFfilehandle structure, created when an audio file was opened by a call to afOpenFile(). trackids expects an array of integer locations used to return a list of (unique) positive track id's which can be used to reference the audio tracks in a file. If trackids is a null pointer, afGetTrackIDs() will simply return the number of tracks in the file. This value can be used to allocate a trackids array, which can in turn be passed back to afGetTrackIDs()....
 audiofile/AFidentifyfd(3d) -- retrieve the audio file format of a file descriptor / open AFfilehandle
    fd is a Unix file descriptor returned by a call to open(2) or its equivalent. filename is the full pathname of the file whose fd was passed as the first argument. implemented is a pointer to integer which will have its value set to 0 or 1 by afIdentifyNamedFD(). file is an AFfilehandle structure, previously created by a call to afOpenFile(3dm). vers is used to return a file format version number. The AIFF-C format includes a file chunk which contains a version number. AIFF does not contain a ver...
 audiofile/AFinitaeschanneldata(3d) -- set a flag in an AFfilesetup so that storage space for AES channel status data is reserved in / removed from a
    setup is an AFfilesetup structure, previously created by a call to afNewFileSetup(3dm). track is an integer identifier which identifies an audio track in setup. For now, the constant value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used for this argument. usedata is a flag indicating whether AES data will be stored in the file.
 audiofile/AFinitcompression(3d) -- configure the audio compression type and parameters in an AFfilesetup structure for an audio track
    setup is an AFfilesetup structure, previously created by a call to afNewFileSetup(3dm). track is a positive integer which identifies an audio track in a file configuration. Since all currently supported file formats contain one audio track per file, the constant value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used here. compression is a positive integer symbolic constant which indicates the type of audio compression for the audio track. pvlist is an AUpvlist structure, previously created by a call to AU...
 audiofile/afInitDataOffset(3d) -- initialize the audio data byte
    setup is an AFfilesetup structure, previously created by a call to afNewFileSetup(3dm). track is an integer which identifies an audio track in setup. Since all currently supported file formats contain only one audio track, the value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used here. offset is a positive value which specifies the offset in bytes for the audio data associated with track. The data type AFfileoffset is large enough to hold any data offset allowed by the filesystem. count is a positive val...
 audiofile/AFinitfilefmt(3d) -- initialize the audio file format type in an AFfilesetup structure
    setup is an AFfilesetup structure, previously created by a call to afNewFileSetup(3dm). filefmt is a symbolic integer constant which specifies an audio file format supported by the audio file library.
 audiofile/afInitFormatParams(3d) -- initialize the audio data format in an AFfilesetup for a specified audio track via dmParams
    setup is an AFfilesetup structure, previously created by a call to afNewFileSetup(3dm). track is an integer which identifies an audio track in setup. Since all currently supported file formats contain only one audio track, the value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should be used here for now. params a DMparams list, previously created by a call to dmParamsCreate(3dm).
 audiofile/AFinitinstids(3d) -- specify a list of instrument parameter chunk identifiers to be stored in an AFfilesetup structure.
    setup is an AFfilesetup structure, previously created by a call to afNewFileSetup(3dm). instids is an array of positive integer ID's which are used to reference instrument configurations in a file after it is created by afOpenFile(3dm). ninsts is the number of instrument configurations requested in setup. For AIFF-C (AIFF), this number should be either 0 or 1. The various other file formats supported by the Audio File Library have different support different numbers of instrument configurations...
 audiofile/AFinitloopids(3d) -- initialize a list of loop ID's for a given instrument in an AFfilesetup structure
    setup expects an AFfilesetup structure, previously created by a call to afNewFileSetup(3dm). inst is an integer which identifies an instrument configuration to be included in a new file when the file is created. Of the currently supported audio file formats, only AIFF-C (AIFF) files contain instrument configurations, with a maximum of one per file. For this reason, the value AF_DEFAULT_INST should always be used for this argument for now. loopids is an array of unique positive integer values to ...
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