port expects an ALport structure. This structure is the returned value of an ALopenport(3dm) call. fillpoint expects a long value, the fillpoint, in samples.
port expects an ALport structure. This structure is the returned value of an alOpenPort(3dm) call. fillpoint expects a integer value, the fillpoint, in sample frames.
config expects an ALconfig structure, the returned value of a call to ALnewconfig(3dm) or ALgetconfig(3dm). maximum_value expects an IEEE double precision floating point value which defines the range of the floating point data for the ALreadsamps(3dm) or ALwritesamps(3dm) functions.
config expects an ALconfig structure, the returned value of a call to alNewConfig(3dm) or alGetConfig(3dm). maximum_value expects an IEEE double precision floating point value which defines the range of the floating point data for the alReadFrames(3dm) or alWriteFrames(3dm) functions.