complib/BANDV(3) -- EISPACK routine. This subroutine finds those eigenvectors of a REAL SYMMETRIC BAND matrix corresponding to spe
On INPUT NM must be set to the row dimension of two-dimensional array parameters as declared in the calling program dimension statement. N is the order of the matrix. MBW is the number of columns of the array A used to store the band matrix. If the matrix is symmetric, MBW is its (half) band width, denoted MB and defined as the number of adjacent diagonals, including the principal diagonal, required to specify the non-zero portion of the lower triangle of the matrix. If the subroutine is being u... |
barrier(3p) -- barrier functions
These routines provide a simple rendezvous mechanism for shared address processes. new_barrier takes a usptr_t as an argument to indicate the shared arena from which to allocate the barrier. The usptr_t is a previously allocated handle obtained through a call to usinit(3P). The barrier function takes a pointer to a previously allocated and initialized barrier structure (as returned by new_barrier) and the number of processes/sub-tasks to wait for. As each process enters the barrier, it spins (bu... |
perl5/base(3) -- Establish IS-A relationship with base class at compile time
Roughly similar in effect to BEGIN { require Foo; require Bar; push @ISA, qw(Foo Bar); } This module was introduced with Perl 5.004_04. |
basename(3g) -- return the last element of a pathname
Given a pointer to a null-terminated character string that contains a pathname, basename returns a pointer to the last element of path. Trailing ``/'' characters are deleted. If path or *path is zero, pointer to a static constant ``.'' is returned. |
standard/bbox2(3) -- culls and prunes to bounding box and minimum pixel radius
xmin expects the width, in pixels, of the smallest displayable feature. ymin expects the height, in pixels, of the smallest displayable feature. x1 expects the x coordinate of a corner of the bounding box. y1 expects the y coordinate of a corner of the bounding box. x2 expects the x coordinate of a corner of the bounding box. The corner referenced by this parameter must be diagonally opposite the corner referenced by the x1 and y1 parameters. y2 expects the y coordinate of a corner of the boundi... |
Tk/bell(3) -- Ring a display's bell
This command rings the bell on the display for window and returns an empty string. If the -displayof option is omitted, the display of the application's main window is used by default. The command uses the current bell-related settings for the display, which may be modified with programs such as xset. This command also resets the screen saver for the screen. Some screen savers will ignore this, but others will reset so that the screen becomes visible again.... |
perl5/Benchmark(3) -- benchmark running times of code timethis - run a chunk of code several times timethese - run several chunks of
The Benchmark module encapsulates a number of routines to help you figure out how long it takes to execute some code. |
standard/bessel(3) -- bessel functions
j0 and j1 return Bessel functions of x of the first kind of orders zero and one, respectively. jn returns the Bessel function of x of the first kind of order n. j0l, j1l, and jnl are the long double versions of these functions. y0 and y1 return Bessel functions of x of the second kind of orders zero and one, respectively. yn returns the Bessel function of x of the second kind of order n. The value of x must be positive. y0l, y1l, and ynl are the long double versions of these functions.... |
bgets(3g) -- read stream up to next delimiter
bgets reads characters from stream into buffer until either count is exhausted or one of the characters in breakstring is encountered in the stream. The read data is terminated with a null byte ('\0') and a pointer to the trailing null is returned. If a breakstring character is encountered, the last non-null is the delimiter character that terminated the scan. Note that, except for the fact that the returned value points to the end of the read string rather than ... |
standard/bgnclosedline(3) -- delimit the vertices of a closed line
none |
standard/bgncurve(3) -- delimit a NURBS curve definition
none |
standard/bgnline(3) -- delimit the vertices of a line
none |
standard/bgnpoint(3) -- delimit the interpretation of vertex routines as points
none |
standard/bgnpolygon(3) -- delimit the vertices of a polygon
none |
standard/bgnqstrip(3) -- delimit the vertices of a quadrilateral strip
Vertices specified between bgnqstrip and endqstrip are used to define a strip of quadrilaterals. The graphics pipe maintains three vertex registers. The first, second, and third vertices are loaded into the registers, but no quadrilateral is drawn until the system executes the fourth vertex routine. Upon executing the fourth vertex routine, the system draws a quadrilateral through the vertices, then replaces the two oldest vertices with the third and fourth vertices. For each new pair of vertex ... |