bzfs(6) bzfs(6)
bzfs - bzflag game server
bzfs [-a velocity rotation] [-b] [-c] [+f flag-id] [-f flag-id] [-h] [-i
interface] [-j] [-mp {count|[red-count],[green-count],[blue-
count],[purple-count],[rogue-count]}] [-ms shots] [-p port] [-q] [+r]
[-r] [+s flag-count] [-s flag-count] [-sa] [-st time] [-sw count] [-t]
[-ttl ttl]
Bzfs is the server for bzflag, and it must be running to play. It can be
run on any system on the network (including a player's system or one
without graphics). Terminating the server terminates the game in
Options [Toc] [Back]
-a velocity rotation
Enables inertia and sets the maximum linear and
angular accelerations.
-b When -c is supplied, this option randomly rotates the
-c Enables the capture-the-flag style game. By default,
the shooting gallery style is used.
+f flag-id Forces the existance of the given flag. If specified
multiple times for the same flag-id, then that many
flags will appear.
-f flag-id Disallows random flags of the given type. Required
flags given by the +f option are still provided.
-h Buildings are given random heights.
-help Shows a help page and lists all the valid flag id's.
-i interface Server will listen for and respond to ``pings'' on
the given interface.
-j Allows jumping.
-mp {count|[rogue],[red],[green],[blue],[purple]}
Sets the maximum number of players, total or per
team. A single value sets the total number of
players allowed. Five comma separated values set the
maximum for each team. If a count is left blank then
no limit is set for that team, except for the limit
on the total number of players. Boths forms may be
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bzfs(6) bzfs(6)
-ms shots Allows up to shots simultaneous shots for each
player. This is 1 by default.
-p port Listen for game connections on port instead of the
default port.
-q If specified, the server will not listen for nor
respond to ``pings''. Bzflag sends out these pings
during startup to give the user a list of available
servers. This effectively makes the server private,
especially if the -p option is also used.
+r Makes most shots ricochet. Super bullets, shock
waves, and guided missiles do not.
-r Allows rogues to join the game. By default, no rogue
players are allowed.
+s num-flags The server will have an extra num-flags random super
flags available at all times. The -f option can be
used to restrict which types of flags will be added.
Required flags given by the +f option are not
included in the num-flags total.
-s num-flags The server will have up to num-flags random super
flags available at any time. The -f option can be
used to restrict which types of flags will be added.
Required flags given by the +f option are not
included in the num-flags total.
-sa Antidote flags are provided for players with bad
-st time Bad flags are automatically dropped after time
-sw count Bad flags are automatically dropped after count wins.
Capturing a team flag does not count as a win.
-t Adds teleporters to the game.
-ttl time-to-live
Sets the maximum number of hops a ``ping'' reply will
take. This effectively limits the range of the
server in the network. Clients more than time-to-
live hops away will not receive notification of the
server's existance.
-v Prints the version number of the executable.
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bzfs(6) bzfs(6)
NOTES [Toc] [Back]
The server uses very little CPU time, so it's not a burden on the system
to leave one running and it won't interfere with a player using the same
system. The server will continue to run until terminated. If a game is
in progress when the server goes down, all players will be kicked off and
the game will be aborted without warning. The server resets itself after
every player has quit.
The following game styles are recommended starting points.
-c [-b] Basic capture-the-flag game. It teaches teamwork and
dogfighting skills.
-h -r -s -t Shooting gallery with superflags and teleporters.
Rogues are allowed. Teaches players how to use
superflags and teleporters for maximum effect. You
may want to allow players to drop bad flags with any
of -sa, -st, and -sw.
Notice that the maximum number of shots for these styles is one. Having
only one shot greatly increases playability and learning speed. Multiple
shots decrease the required skill level and make it virtually impossible
for even a skilled player to avoid getting shot for any length of time,
taking much of the fun out of the game.
Chris Schoeneman, Winner of the Best Reality Engine Category for
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