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ts.config(4)							  ts.config(4)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     ts.config - tape support configuration file

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]


DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The tape support configuration file is ts.config.	This file defines the
     location of the personality-daemon	binaries and the options available for
     executing the tsdaemon(1M)	command.

     The tape support configuration file consists of statements	and comments
     (optional).  A comment begins with	the # symbol and continues to the end
     of	line.  A statement consists of a name followed by a list of keyword
     parameters.  The following	statements are supported:

     o	  PERSONALITY statements (one per personality daemon)

     o	  OPTIONS statement (one per system)

   Statement Syntax Rules    [Toc]    [Back]
     The following syntax rules	apply to ts.config statements:

     o	  The statement	name and its parameters	are separated by one or	more
	  white	spaces (blank, tab, or newline characters).

     o	  Adjacent parameters are separated by a comma.

     o	  The end of the parameter list	is indicated by	the absence of a

     o	  Adjacent statements are separated by one or more white spaces.

     The following is a	list of	keyword	parameter syntax rules:

     o	  The keyword is separated from	its value by the = symbol.

     o	  The value of a keyword may consist of	keywords, numbers, character
	  strings, and lists of	keywords, numbers, and character strings.

     o	  If the value of a keyword is a list, the list	is enclosed within
	  left and right parentheses.  Adjacent	elements of a list are
	  separated by a comma.	 If the	list consists of one element, you do
	  not have to enclose it in parentheses.  The elements of a list may
	  be lists.

     o	  Numbers may be specified in decimal, octal, and hexadecimal formats.
	  These	formats	are the	same as	those used in the C programming

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ts.config(4)							  ts.config(4)

	  Decimal	First digit is not 0 (1372)
	  Octal		First digit is 0 (0563)
	  Hexadecimal	First 2	characters are either 0x or 0X (0xf2)

     o	  Character strings are	series of characters.  If any one of the
	  special characters (white space, ", #, =, {, }, (, ),	', \) is
	  needed in the	string,	you must enclose the string in a pair of
	  double quotation marks (").  Within a	pair of	double quotation
	  marks, the sequence of characters \x is replaced by x; x is any
	  character.  This is the only way you can specify a " and a \ in a
	  quoted string.

     o	  Comments may appear between any symbols described previously.

     You can code the names of statements and keywords in a mixture of
     uppercase and lowercase letters.  The values specified by the user	are
     case sensitive.  The following values specify the same thing:

	  Name = A
	  name = A

     The following are different:

	  name = A
	  name = a

     The following are descriptions of the tape-support	configuration
     statements.  You must specify a value for each parameter unless a default
     is	specified or the parameter is described	as optional.

   PERSONALITY Statement    [Toc]    [Back]
     The PERSONALITY statement identifies the location of the personalitydaemon
 binary that	supports devices having	the specified vendor or
     product identifier.

     The PERSONALITY statement has the following format:

	  PERSONALITY parameter_list

     A description of the parameters follows:

     vendor = vendor
	  Specifies the	vendor identifier of a device that the personality
	  daemon supports.  Use	only the number	of characters you wish to
	  compare with the vendor identifier returned by the device.

	  You must specify either product or vendor or both keyword

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     product = product
	  Specifies the	product	identifier of a	device that the	personality
	  daemon supports.  Use	only the number	of characters you wish to
	  compare with the product identifier returned by the device.

	  You must specify either product or vendor or both keyword

     binary = binary
	  Specifies the	pathname of the	personality-daemon binary that
	  provides support for the device having the specified vendor or
	  product identifier.

	  This parameter is mandatory.

   OPTIONS Statement    [Toc]    [Back]
     The OPTIONS statement specifies the tsdaemon options.  It has the
     following format:

     OPTIONS parameter_list

     A description of the optional parameters follows:

     trace_file_group_id = id
	  Specifies the	group identifier of the	tsdaemon trace files.
	  Default: 3

     trace_file_mode = mode
	  Specifies the	file mode of the tsdaemon trace	files.	Default: 0640

     trace_file_owner =	id
	  Specifies the	owner identifier of the	tsdaemon trace files.
	  Default: 0

     trace_directory = value
	  Specifies the	tsdaemon trace directory.  Default:

     trace_state = value
	  Specifies whether tsdaemon tracing is	enabled.  value	is one of the

	  ON   Turns tracing on.

	  OFF  Turns tracing off.  Default: OFF

	  For more information on tracing, see the tsdaemon(1M)	man page.

     trace_save_directory = value
	  Specifies where tsdaemon traces should be saved.  Default:

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     trace_file_size = size
	  Specifies the	size (in bytes)	of the tsdaemon	trace file.  This
	  parameter only applies to CIRCULAR trace files.  For more
	  information, see the trace_type parameter.  Default: 409600

     trace_type	= type
	  Specifies the	tsdaemon trace type.  type is one of the following:

	  CIRCULAR	 Specifies overwriting existing	trace information once
			 the limit set in the trace_file_size parameter	is
			 reached.  Trace information is	then output to the
			 beginning of the file and the existing	trace
			 information is	overwritten.

	  LINEAR	 Specifies writing trace information to	the end	of the
			 file as there is no limit set on the file size.
			 Default: CIRCULAR

EXAMPLE    [Toc]    [Back]

     This example shows	the sample tape	support	configuration file that	is
     shipped as	/etc/config/ts.config.

	  #  Copyright (C) 2000	Silicon	Graphics, Inc.
	  #  These coded instructions, statements, and computer	programs contain
	  #  unpublished proprietary information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and
	  #  are protected by Federal copyright	law. They may not be disclosed
	  #  to	third parties or copied	or duplicated in any form, in whole or
	  #  in	part, without the prior	written	consent	of Silicon Graphics, Inc.


		vendor = STK ,
		product	= SD-3 ,
		binary = /usr/etc/ts/tssd3

		vendor = STK ,
		product	= 9490 ,
		binary = /usr/etc/ts/ts9490

	  #	/usr/etc/ts/ts9840 supports both 9840 and 9940.
		vendor = STK ,
		product	= 9840 ,

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		binary = /usr/etc/ts/ts9840

		vendor = STK ,
		product	= T9940A ,
		binary = /usr/etc/ts/ts9840

		vendor = IBM ,
		product	= 03590B1A ,
		binary = /usr/etc/ts/ts3590

	  # /usr/etc/ts/tsdlt7000 supports both	DLT7000	and DLT8000
		product	= DLT7000 ,
		binary = /usr/etc/ts/tsdlt7000

		product	= DLT8000 ,
		binary = /usr/etc/ts/tsdlt7000

	  trace_file_group_id= 3 ,
	  trace_file_mode = 0640 ,
	  trace_file_owner= 0 ,
	  trace_directory= /var/spool/ts/trace ,
	  trace_state= ON ,
	  trace_save_directory=	/var/spool/ts/trace- ,
	  trace_file_size = 409600 , trace_type= CIRCULAR

FILES    [Toc]    [Back]

     /etc/config/ts.config		tape support configuration file

     /var/spool/ts/trace		trace directory

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     tsarchive(1M), tsdaemon(1M), tserrpt(1M), tsset(1M), tsstop(1M), ts(7).

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 5555
[ Back ]
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