cp_dirs - Database configuration file used by worldwide
support software
The cp_dirs configuration file determines the locations
for the following set of database or data files: The character
attribute database for user-defined characters (see
cedit(1) and cgen(1)) Font database files and preload font
database files for user-defined characters
Font database files are used by the On-Demand Loading
(ODL) mechanism. Preload font database files
are used with terminals that are designed specifically
for multibyte characters. Refer to odl(5) for
more information. BDF and PCF format font files
for user-defined characters
These files are used for graphical user interface
displays. Input key sequence databases used by
DECwindows and CDE input method servers and by terminals
that are designed specifically for multibyte
characters. Collating value database used for
sorting (see asort(1)) Phrase databases used with
both the software and the hardware phrase input
methods (see phrase(1) and sim(5)).
In the cp_dirs file, lines beginning with the # character
are treated as comments. Each line that is not a comment
constitutes an entry and adheres to the following format:
service-name std-path sys-path usr-path
In this format: Can be one of the following values: Specifies
the BDF format font files for GUI interfaces. Specifies
the collating value database. Specifies the input
key sequence databases. Specifies the ODL font databases.
Specifies PCF format font files for GUI interfaces. Specifies
the raw font files used to preload multibyte terminals.
Specifies the phrase input method database. Specifies
the character attribute database. Specifies the
location of the database files for standard character
sets. Specifies the location of the system-wide database
files for user-defined characters. Specifies the location
of private database files for user-defined characters.
The std-path, sys-path, and usr-path values must be one of
the following: An absolute pathname (that begins with /) A
pathname relative to the home directory (that begins with
~/) The hyphen (-) to indicate that the field does not
apply to the service that the entry describes
Database location configuration file
Commands: asort(1), cedit(1), cgen(1), phrase(1)
Others: odl(5), sim(5) delim off
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