mvMapBetweenTracks(3dm) mvMapBetweenTracks(3dm)
mvMapBetweenTracks - convert frame numbers between tracks
#include <dmedia/moviefile.h>
DMstatus mvMapBetweenTracks( MVid fromTrack, MVid toTrack,
MVframe fromFrameIndex, MVframe* toFrameIndex )
Different tracks in a movie have different rates of presentation. Frame
number 10 of an image track may be presented at the same time as frame
number 220500 in an audio track. This function is used to find
corresponding frame numbers in different tracks.
The tracks are named by fromTrack and toTrack. The frame number of track
fromTrack in fromFrameIndex is converted to a frame number for track
toTrack and placed in toFrameIndex.
The starting times for frames in different tracks may not coincide
exactly if the rate of one is not an exact multiple of the other. The
frame in toTrack that starts at or before and ends after the starting
time of fromFrameIndex in fromTrack is the one that is returned.
mvMapBetweenTracks returns DM_SUCCESS if there is a corresponding frame
and DM_FAILURE if there is not.
mvIntro(3dm), mvAddTrack(3dm), mvFindTrack(3dm), mvGetErrno(3dm).
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