poly(3G) poly(3G)
poly, polyi, polys, poly2, poly2i, poly2s - outlines a polygon
void poly(n, parray)
long n;
Coord parray[][3];
void polyi(n, parray)
long n;
Icoord parray[][3];
void polys(n, parray)
long n;
Scoord parray[][3];
void poly2(n, parray)
long n;
Coord parray[][2];
void poly2i(n, parray)
long n;
Icoord parray[][2];
void poly2s(n, parray)
long n;
Scoord parray[][2];
All of the above routines are functionally the same. They differ only in
the type declarations of their parameters and in whether they assume a
two- or three-dimensional space.
n expects the number of vertices in the polygon.
parray expects the array containing the vertices of the polygon.
poly outlines a polygon. A polygon is represented as an array of
vertices. The first and last vertices connect automatically to close the
polygon. The vertices can be expressed as integers, shorts, or real
numbers, in 2-D or 3-D coordinates. 2-D polygons are drawn with z=0.
Because the polygon is drawn as a sequence of line segments, it inherits
all properties that affect the drawing of lines. These include the
current color, writemask, line width, stipple pattern, shade model, line
antialiasing mode, and subpixel mode. The stipple pattern is initialized
to bit zero of the current linestyle before the polygon is drawn, then
shifted continuously through the segments of the polygon.
Page 1
poly(3G) poly(3G)
bgnclosedline, linewidth, linesmooth, lsrepeat, polf, scrsubdivide,
setlinestyle, shademodel, subpixel
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