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ufmGetExactOutline(3w)					ufmGetExactOutline(3w)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     ufmGetExactOutline	- get exact outlines for specified characters

C SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <ufm.h>

     int ufmGetExactOutline(unsigned int nTypefaceHandles,
	  unsigned int *typefaceHandles, int charCodeType,
	  unsigned int nCharCodes, void	*charCodes,
	  unsigned int *nOutlines, ufmExactOutline **outlines)

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     ufmGetExactOutline	gets exact outlines for	specified characters.  You can
     get a character outline only for those typefaces which have the flag
     scalableMetrics set to 1 in their ufmTypeface data	structures, that is,
     for those typefaces for which outline font	files were found.

     nTypefaceHandles specifies	the number of entries (typeface	handles) in
     the array typefaceHandles.

     typefaceHandles is	an array of handles for	open typefaces.	 That array
     must have nTypefaceHandles	entries.  Use the function ufmOpenTypeface to
     open a typeface, and get a	handle for that	typeface.

     If	you specify more than one typeface handle, ufmGetExactOutline will
     look for exact character outlines in the outline font files for specified
     typefaces.	 If it does not	find a requested character outline in the
     outline font file for the first specified typeface, it will look for that
     outline in	the next outline font file.  It	will stop looking as soon as
     it	finds the requested character outline.	If it cannot find that
     outline, it will return the outline for the default character.  If
     ufmGetExactOutline	cannot find the	outline	even for the default
     character,	it will	return an error	code.

     charCodeType specifies a 1-byte character code (UFM_BYTE1), a Unicode
     UCS-2 code	(UFM_UCS2), a Unicode UCS-4 code (UFM_UCS4), a 2-byte
     character code (UFM_BYTE2), or a 4-byte character code (UFM_BYTE4).

     nCharCodes	specifies the number of	elements in the	array charCodes.  Set
     nCharCodes	to 0 if	you want exact outlines	for all	characters in the
     outline font for a	specified typeface.  If	you want exact outlines	for
     only some characters, use the array charCodes to specify the codes	of
     those characters.

     Getting all character outlines from a large font, such as a Japanese,
     Chinese or	Korean font, may take a	long time.  You	may want to get	just
     the character outlines you	need from such fonts.

     ufmGetExactOutlines returns the number of character outlines it finds
     (nOutlines), and the address of the array in which	it stores those
     outlines (outlines).  That	array has nOutlines entries.

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ufmGetExactOutline(3w)					ufmGetExactOutline(3w)

     When you are finished with	the array (outlines), you can free it by
     calling ufmFreeExactOutline.

     A character outline is specified by specifying zero or more paths.	 A
     data structure of the type	ufmExactOutline	contains zero or more paths.
     For example, you get zero paths for the space character, and you get two
     paths for the character O in an outline Helvetica font.  One path is for
     the inner circle, and one for the outer circle.  The character O is drawn
     by	filling	with some color	the area between those two paths.  A path that
     is	to be filled must be specified in a counterclockwise direction.	 A
     path that is to be	left unfilled must be specified	in a clockwise

     Exact character paths consist of directed line segments (vectors) and
     curve segments.  Approximations of	character paths	consist	of only
     directed line segments.  Vector approximations of character paths are
     much easier and faster to draw on Silicon Graphics	machines than exact
     character paths, but exact	paths usually look better.  Use	the function
     ufmGetVectorOutline to get	vector approximations of character paths, and
     use the function ufmGetExactOutline to get	exact character	paths.

     Notice that the function ufmGetVectorOutline has an argument called
     tolerance,	but the	function ufmGetExactOutline does not have that
     argument.	That argument is used to specify how closely to	approximate
     the exact outlines	of a specified character.  The value of	that argument
     would always be 0.0 for exact outlines, so	that argument is not needed
     for the function ufmGetExactOutline.  The function	ufmGetVectorOutline
     does not accept those tolerance values which are less than	or equal to
     zero.  It accepts only tolerance values greater than zero.

     The field nPaths in a data	structure of type ufmExactOutline specifies
     the number	of paths in an outline.	 The field nPoints specifies the
     number of elements	in the array points for	each path.  The	field points
     contains the x and	y coordinates of points.  The field nOperators
     specifies the number of elements in the array operators for each path.

     The field operators contains integer codes	for the	following four
     operators:	1 (MOVE), 2 (LINE), 3 (CURVE) and 4 (CLOSE).

     The operator MOVE requires	one operand of the type	ufmPoint (the x	and y
     coordinates of the	new current point).  A new path	will be	started	at the
     new current point.	This operator does not add any segments	to a path.

     The operator LINE also requires one operand of the	type ufmPoint (the x
     and y coordinate of a point).  That operator appends a straight line
     segment to	the current path.  That	line segment extends from the current
     point to a	specified point.  When the line	segment	is appended, the
     specified point becomes the new current point.

     The operator CURVE	requires three operands	of the type ufmPoint (the
     coordinates x1, y1, x2, y2, x3 and	y3 of three points).  That operator
     appends a Bezier cubic section to the current path	between	the current

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ufmGetExactOutline(3w)					ufmGetExactOutline(3w)

     point at the coordinates [x0, y0] and the point at	the coordinates	[x3,
     y3], using	the points at the coordinates [x1, y1] and [x2,	y2] as the
     Bezier cubic control points.  When	the curve segment is appended, the new
     current point is at the coordinates [x3, y3].

     The operator CLOSE	does not require any operands.	It appends a straight
     line segment to the current path.	That line segment extends from the
     current point to the path's first point.

     ufmGetExactOutline	returns	unscaled character paths.  Values of operands
     (x	and y coordinates of points) are specified in ems.  Those values can
     then be scaled to an appropriate size in points by	using the formula:

	      scaled-value = scalable-value x point-size x resolution /	72.0

     or	to an appropriate size in pixels by using the formula:

	      scaled-value = scalable-value x pixel-size

     The value 72.0 is a frequently-used approximation for 72.27 in those
     calculations which	involve	point sizes.  A	point is defined as 1/72.27 of
     an	inch, so it would be more precise to divide by 72.27 than by 72.0 in
     the formula shown above.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     ufmFreeExactOutline(3w), ufmFreeVectorOutline(3w),
     ufmGetVectorOutline(3w), ufmOpenTypeface(3w).

DIAGNOSTICS    [Toc]    [Back]

     If	ufmGetExactOutline is not able to allocate the memory it needs,	it
     will return the value UFM_OUT_OF_MEMORY.  If the values of	one or more
     arguments are not valid, ufmGetExactOutline will return the value
     UFM_INVALID_VALUE.	 Else, it will return the value	UFM_NO_ERROR.
     header file <ufm.h>.

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 3333
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