minsize(3G) minsize(3G)
minsize - specifies the minimum size of a graphics window
void minsize(x, y)
long x, y;
x expects the minimum width of a graphics window. The width is
measured in pixels. The lowest legal value for this parameter is 1.
y expects the minimum height of a graphics window. The height is
measured in pixels. The lowest legal value for this parameter is 1.
minsize specifies the minimum size (in pixels) of a graphics window.
Call it at the beginning of a graphics program. It takes effect when
winopen is called. You can also call minsize with winconstraints to
modify the enforced minimum size after the window has been created. The
default minimum size is 40 pixels wide and 30 pixels high. You can
reshape the window, but the window manager does not allow it to become
smaller than the specified minimum size.
maxsize, winopen
This routine is available only in immediate mode.
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