iconsize(3G) iconsize(3G)
iconsize - specifies the icon size of a window
void iconsize(x,y)
long x, y;
x expects the width (in pixels) for the icon.
y expects the height (in pixels) for the icon.
iconsize specifies the size (in pixels) of the window used to replace a
stowed window. If a window has an icon size, the window manager will reshape
the window to be that size and send a REDRAWICONIC token to the
graphics queue when the user stows that window. Your code can use an
event loop to test for this token and can call graphics library
subroutines to draw the icon for the stowed window. Windows without an
icon size are handled by the window manager with the locally appropriate
default behavior.
To assign a new window an icon size, call iconsize before you open the
window. To give an existing window an icon size, use iconsize with
qdevice, winconstraints, winopen
This routine is available only in immediate mode.
Any application using iconsize should also call qdevice to queue the
tokens WINFREEZE and WINTHAW after opening the window.
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