chunksize(3G) chunksize(3G)
chunksize - specifies minimum object size in memory
void chunksize(chunk)
long chunk;
chunk Expects the minimum memory size to allocate for an object. As
you add objects to a display list, chunk is the unit size (in
bytes) by which the memory allocated to the display list grows.
chunksize specifies the minimum object memory size. You can call it only
once after graphics initialization and before the first makeobj.
If you do not use this function, the system assumes a chunk size of 1020
bytes. This is usually more than large enough. Therefore, you generally
need to use chunksize only if your application is running up against the
memory limits, and you know that 1020 bytes per object is too much.
But be careful, if chunksize is set too small, complex objects (e.g.,
multi-sided polygons) will not display. Each object in a display list
must fit entirely into a single chunk. Some experimentation may be
necessary to determine the optimal chunksize for an application.
compactify, makeobj
This routine is available only in immediate mode.
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