prefposition(3G) prefposition(3G)
prefposition - specifies the preferred location and size of a graphics
void prefposition(long x1, long x2, long y1, long y2)
x1 expects the x coordinate position (in pixels) of the point at which
one corner of the window is to be.
x2 expects the x coordinate position (in pixels) of the point at which
the opposite corner of the window is to be.
y1 expects the y coordinate position (in pixels) of the point at which
one corner of the window is to be.
y2 expects the y coordinate position (in pixels) of the point at which
the opposite corner of the window is to be.
prefposition specifies the preferred location and size of the next
graphics window opened by winopen. You specify the location in pixels
(x1, x2, y1, y2). Calling winopen activates the condtions specified by
After a window has been opened, its size and position can be changed by
calling prefposition followed by winconstraints. (Alternatively,
winposition may be used in order to change the size and position of an
already opened window.)
Note that although prefposition causes the resulting window to be fixed
in size (not resizable), it will still be possible to move the window.
To open a window with a given size and position, but which will be
resizable, use the following:
The winconstraints following the winopen will remove the size contraint.
winconstraints, winopen, winposition
This routine is available only in immediate mode.
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