glFlushRasterSGIX(3G) OpenGL Reference glFlushRasterSGIX(3G)
glFlushRasterSGIX - complete rasterization of previous GL commands
void glFlushRasterSGIX( void )
Different GL implementations buffer commands in several different
locations, including network buffers and the graphics accelerator itself.
glFlushRasterSGIX causes all GL commands that preceed glFlushRasterSGIX
to complete rasterization before the GL commands that follow begin
rasterization. This is essential for some types of performance
measurement; see glInstrumentsBufferSGIX.
The point in the GL machine that defines the start of rasterization is
implementation dependent.
glFlushRasterSGIX is part of the GL_SGIX_flush_raster extension, not part
of the core GL command set. See glIntro for information about using
glFlushRasterSGIX probably will not block since it must get to the
rasterization point of the GL machine before it causes any flushing.
GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glFlushRasterSGIX is executed
between the execution of glBegin and the corresponding execution of
The SGIX_flush_raster extension is supported only on InfiniteReality
glFinish, glFlush
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