last - Displays information about previous logins
/usr/bin/last [-n maxlines | -maxlines] [-f filename]
[name...] [tty...]
Reads information about previous logins from filename
instead of from the accounting file /var/adm/wtmp. Limits
the output to maxlines number of record lines. Limits the
output to maxlines number of record lines. Provides SVID
conformance, and is equivalent to -maxlines.
The last command displays, in reverse chronological order,
all previous logins and logouts entered in the currently
active /var/adm/wtmp file. The list of output records can
be restricted to maxlines number of record lines if the
-maxlines or the -n maxlines option is specified. The last
command also displays logins and logouts by the user specified
with the name parameter, and logins and logouts from
terminals specified with the tty parameter. The tty terminal
references can be fully named (for example, tty0) or
abbreviated (for example, 0). For each process, the following
information is displayed according to session, with
the most recent session listed first: Time session began
Duration of session The tty terminal on which session took
The following information is included when applicable:
Terminations when rebooting Continuing sessions
If the last command is interrupted, an indication of how
far the search has progressed in the /var/adm/wtmp file is
provided. If the command is interrupted by a quit signal,
an indication as to how far the search has progressed is
provided, but the search continues.
To obtain information about the mean time between reboots,
use the word shutdown as the name parameter.
The following example displays all recorded logins and
logouts for user root and all recorded logins and logouts
from the console terminal: last root console The following
example displays the time between system reboots: % last
shutdown shutdown ~ Fri Aug
28 17:59 shutdown ~ Mon Aug
17 09:07
wtmp begins Mon Aug 17 08:51
In the previous example, the shutdown pseudouser is
used to list the mean time between system reboots.
Specifies the command path Header file defining structures
used to organize login information The login/logout
database file
Commands: lastcomm(8)
Files: utmp(4), wtmp(4)
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