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sysmgr(1M)							    sysmgr(1M)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     sysmgr - System Manager - Access to Desktop System	Administration

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]


DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The sysmgr	command	is available from the Desktop Toolchest	and allows the
     user to access Desktop System Administration Managers and Active Guides.
     This document provides an overview	of the Desktop System Administration
     model and describes how to	use the	System Manager.

     IRIX 6.5.14 updates the System Manager appearance to adhere to modern SGI
     branding guidelines (layout, colors, and font), but System	Manager
     functionality is the same.

   Graphical Components    [Toc]    [Back]
     Desktop System Administration is made up of several graphical components:

     Manager    [Toc]    [Back]
	  Displays the icons for a set of similar objects on the system.  For
	  example, the Disk Manager displays one icon for each disk on the
	  system.  These icons may be dragged onto the Desktop for future
	  access.  Each	Manager	also provides access to	the common tasks that
	  can be performed on the icons	it displays.  For example, from	the
	  User Manager the user	can add	a new user account, change an account
	  password, or delete a	user account. These tasks appear in the	row of
	  buttons below	the item icons as well as in the Task menu of the

     Active Guide    [Toc]    [Back]
	  A graphical interface	that steps the user through a specific System
	  Administration task.	For example, the Add a Modem Guide assists the
	  user in setting up the system	to recognize and use a modem that has
	  been attached	to this	system.	 No changes will be made to the	system
	  until	the user has filled in all of the required information and
	  pressed the "OK" button.  All	changes	to the system made through
	  Desktop System Administration	software will be logged	to
	  /var/sysadm/salog and	can be viewed by the System Administration Log
	  Viewer viewlog(1M).  See below for information about privileges and
	  system security.

     Status Panel    [Toc]    [Back]
	  Displays detailed information	about a	specific object	on this
	  system. For example, if the user selects a disk icon in the Disk
	  Manager and press the	"Get Info..." button, a	Status Panel will be
	  displayed that provides additional information about the disk. (The
	  user can also	select an icon on the Desktop and select "Get Info"
	  from the right-mouse-button menu to display the Status Panel). Each
	  Status Panel also provides access to common tasks that can be
	  performed on the selected item.

									Page 1

sysmgr(1M)							    sysmgr(1M)

   Privileges    [Toc]    [Back]
     The Privileges mechanism gives the	system administrator fine-grain
     control over which	users can access the System Administration tasks. root
     is	the Administrator account of the system. root has the ability to grant
     specific privileges to users so that they can perform a limited set of
     System Administration tasks, or root can designate	a user as privileged
     which allows that user to perform any System Administration task.	If
     there is no root password on the system, all users	are considered to be
     privileged	users.

     When a user attempts to launch a Manager or Active	Guide which requires
     privileges	and the	user has been granted that specific privilege or is a
     privileged	user, the item is launched.  If	the user is not	privileged, a
     dialog will appear.  The user must	enter the root password	to proceed,
     and has the option	of permanently gaining privileges for this item	(if
     the root password entered is correct).

     The graphical components of the Desktop System Administration software do
     not administer the	system directly.  Instead, they	use runpriv(1M)	to
     execute the desired commands.  This eliminates the	need for the graphical
     components	to be setuid root and thus eliminates a	class of possible
     attacks on	the system.

     The following setuid root programs	implement the privilege	mechanism.

	  Runs privileged operations on	behalf of a non-root privileged	user.

	  Checks the privileged	database to see	if a non-root user has a
	  particular privilege.	 This needs to bet setuid root because it
	  needs	to be able to determine	whether	there is a root	password on
	  the system, and on systems this means	consulting /etc/shadow which
	  is typically not readable by non-root	users.

     The following setuid root programs	maintain the privilege database.  They
     are setuid	root so	they can do their work when a non-root user runs them
     and supplies the root password.  This allows a non-root user to use the
     graphical user interface PrivilegeManager(1M) to add and remove
     privileges	if that	user can supply	the root password.  The	ability	to
     change the	privilege database is not a privilege; root cannot assign
     privilege database	capabilities to	non-root users.

	  Adds privileges to a user.

	  Removes privileges from a user.

	  Makes	a user fully privileged.  A fully privileged user has all
	  system administration	privileges.

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sysmgr(1M)							    sysmgr(1M)

	  Removes a user's fully privileged status.

	  Makes	a privilege a default privilege, which means that any user can
	  use it.  The system comes configured with several default privileges
	  which	enable non-root	users to find out information such as what
	  filesystems are on what disks.  See PrivilegeManager(1M) for the
	  list of default privileges on	the system.

	  Remove a privilege's default privilege status.

     For example, if the administrator wishes to allow user "pat" to add and
     remove modems on the system, the administrator could use the command:
     '/usr/sysadm/bin/addpriv pat addmodem deletemodem'.  The administrator
     could also	use the	PrivilegeManager(1M) graphical interface.  See the
     above referenced man pages	for more details.

     There is also a chkconfig(1M) option that controls	whether	privileges are
     enabled.  If root runs chkconfig privileges off, non-root users will not
     be	able to	perform	system adminstration tasks unless they can provide the
     root password.  If	the administrator wishes to disable that functionality
     as	well, the setuid bits can be removed from the six programs described
     above and the privilege mechanism will be completely disabled.

     addpriv and rmpriv	support	the -chkconfig option for running chkconfig to
     turn privileges on	or off.

   Using System	Manager
     sysmgr displays a window divided into two vertical	columns.  The column
     on	the left is the	Table of Contents, listing the categories of System
     Administration Managers and Active	Guides available to the	user.  To
     display a category	in the right-hand column, click	on the hypertext name
     of	the category.

     The right-hand column of System Manager displays the current category.
     It	contains a brief description of	the category, and lists	each Manager
     and Active	Guide.	To launch a Manager or Active Guide, use the mouse to
     click on the hypertext title or icon of the item.	You may	also drag the
     icon for the item onto the	Desktop	for future use.

     sysmgr uses runcatalog(1M)	to launch Managers and runtask(1M) to launch
     Active Guides.  The items are launched in the background as separate
     processes,	so it is possible to interact with System Manager while	a
     Manager or	Active Guide is	up and running.	 Only one copy of a particular
     Manager or	Active Guide will run on the system at any given time.	If you
     attempt to	launch an item that is already running,	it will	be opened and
     raised to the top of the window hierarchy.

									Page 3

sysmgr(1M)							    sysmgr(1M)

     sysmgr comprises several categories:

     Overview    [Toc]    [Back]
	  The Overview describes the set of categories available in System

     About This	System
	  The document for this	category is generated by the system at the
	  time the user	requests it.  The document is generated	by the cgi-bin
	  script /var/www/cgi-bin/ghinv/ghinvMain, which enhances and adds to
	  the output from the hinv(1) command.

     Search    [Toc]    [Back]
	  This section allows the user to do a keyword search on the Managers
	  and Active Guides that can be	launched via System Manager.  The
	  search looks at a pre-defined	set of keywords	that has been defined
	  for each Manager or Active Guide rather than looking at the text in
	  System Manager.  If a	match is found,	the title of the System
	  Manager page where the item resides is displayed along with the item
	  icon and title so that the item can be launched directly from	the
	  search results.

     Software    [Toc]    [Back]
	  This category	displays the set of Managers and Active	Guides that
	  allow	the user to install software and obtain	software licenses.
	  For more information,	see swmgr(1M) and LicenseManager(1M).

     Hardware and Devices    [Toc]    [Back]
	  This category	displays the set of Managers and Active	Guides that
	  allow	the user to add	or remove devices on this system.  Devices
	  include modems, MIDI devices,	printers, mouse	pointers, and tablets.
	  For more information,	see printers(1M), SerialDeviceManager(1M),
	  addSerialDevice(1M), deleteSerialDevice(1M), addModem(1M),
	  deleteModem(1M), DiskManager(1M), initDisk(1M), mountfs(1M),
	  umountfs(1M),	verifyDisk(1M),	xlvCreateLV(1M), xlvExtend(1M),
	  xlvDelete(1M), xlvShow(1M), mkfsXfs(1M), getDiskInfo(1M),
	  RemovableMediaManager(1M), formatRMedia(1M),
	  shareRemovableMedia(1M), unshareRemovableMedia(1M),
	  monitorRemovableMedia(1M), unmonitorRemovableMedia(1M)

     Security and Access Control    [Toc]    [Back]
	  This category	displays the set of Managers and Active	Guides that
	  allow	the user to add	and remove user	accounts and set the level of
	  security on this system.  For	more information, see
	  SecureSystem(1M), UserManager(1M), addUserAccount(1M),
	  checkPassword(1M), deleteUserAccount(1M), modifyUserAccount(1M),
	  configAutoLogin(1M), updateclogin(1M), permissions(1M),
	  modifyPermissionsAndOwnership(1M), sharemgr(1M), sharefs(1M),
	  unsharefs(1M), shareRemovableMedia(1M), unshareRemovableMedia(1M),
	  sharePrinters(1M), unsharePrinters(1M), PrivilegeManager(1M),
	  addpriv(1M), addprivuser(1M),	rmpriv(1M), rmprivuser(1M)

									Page 4

sysmgr(1M)							    sysmgr(1M)

     Network and Connectivity    [Toc]    [Back]
	  This category	displays the set of Managers and Active	Guides that
	  allow	the user to set	up connections to the local network and	to the
	  Internet.  For more information, see NetIfManager(1M),
	  configNetIf(1M), configec0state(1M), configdefaultRoute(1M),
	  configipforwardstate(1M), setNameServers(1M),	nisSetup(1M),
	  configResolver(1M), nfsSetup(1M), ypfiles(4),	filesystems(4),
	  sharefinder(1M), getExportList(1M), listPrinters(1M),
	  FilesystemManager(1M), listAllDiskFS(1M), mountfs(1M), umountfs(1M),
	  setFsNotifyLevel(1M),	xlvShow(1M), HostManager(1M), addHost(1M),
	  deleteHost(1M), ISDNManager(1M), execisdnconf(1M), execisdnstat(1M),
	  setisdnparm(1M), stopisdnd(1M), PPPManager(1M), addpppin(1M),
	  addpppout(1M), deleteppp(1M),	execppp(1M), getallpppinisdn(1M),
	  getallpppinmodem(1M),	getallpppoutisdn(1M), getallpppoutmodem(1M),
	  getpppin(1M),	getpppout(1M), removepppin(1M),	removepppout(1M),

     Files and Data    [Toc]    [Back]
	  This category	displays the set of Managers and Active	Guides that
	  allow	the user to backup and restore the data	on this	system.	 For
	  more information, see	FilesystemManager(1M), listAllDiskFS(1M),
	  mountfs(1M), umountfs(1M), setFsNotifyLevel(1M), xlvCreateLV(1M),
	  xlvDelete(1M), xlvShow(1M), BackupAndRestoreManager(1M), backup(1M),
	  restore(1M), unschedBackup(1M)

     System Performance    [Toc]    [Back]
	  This category	displays the set of Managers and Active	Guides that
	  allow	the user to monitor and	tune System Performance.  For more
	  information, see SwapManager(1M), addLocalFileSwap(1M),
	  addVirtualSwap(1M), removeSwap(1M), ProcessManager(1M),
	  listProc(1M),	gmemusage(1), gr_osview(1), gr_top(1), sysmon(1M), and

NOTES    [Toc]    [Back]

     The Restart System	and Shut Down System tasks are not available from
     System Manager but	instead	can be accessed	from the System	tile of	the
     Toolchest.	 For more information on these tasks, see dtshutdown(1M)

FILES    [Toc]    [Back]

	  Root directory for sysadmdesktop executables and dso's

	  Contains the set of dso's for	each admin class. An admin class
	  monitors and administers a set of system administration objects.
	  For example, SaUserAccountClass.so is	responsible for	monitoring,
	  creating, modifying, and removing user account objects on the

	  Contains the set of dso's used for each type of authentication.  At
	  this time, only UNIX authentication (in other	words, request root

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sysmgr(1M)							    sysmgr(1M)

	  password) is implemented.

	  Contains the set of commands that implement the sysadmdesktop
	  product.  These commands do not make changes to the target system,
	  but collectively allow the user to access the	tasks, managers,
	  status panels, and privileged	commands.  See the individual man
	  pages	for each command for more details.

	  Contains the set of privileged commands that make changes to the
	  target system.  The user must	be privileged (in other	words, be root
	  or be	assigned the designated	privilege) to run these	commands.  See
	  runpriv(1M), privileges(4), and the man pages	for each privileged
	  command for more details.

	  Contains the dso's for each manager in the sysadmdesktop product.
	  For example, SaUserAccountCatalog.so implements the User Manager.

	  Contains a descriptor	file for each manager in the sysadmdesktop
	  product.  The	descriptor file	defines	information about a manager,
	  including dso	name, manager name, and	keywords without requiring the
	  manager code itself to be loaded into	memory.	For example,
	  SaUserAccountCatalog.cdf contains information	about the User

	  Contains the dso's for each status panel in the sysadmdesktop
	  product.  A status panel shows detailed information about a specific
	  system object. For example, SaUserAccountPanel.so implements the
	  user account status panel and	will display information about a
	  specific user	account.  Status panels	do not have a corresponding
	  descriptor file.  The	information describing a status	panel is
	  included in the relevant manager descriptor file.  For example,
	  /usr/sysadm/catalogdf/SaUserAccountCatalog.cdf contains the path of
	  the user account status panel	dso.

	  Contains the dso's for each task in the sysadmdesktop	product.  For
	  example, SaAddUserTask.so implements the Add User Account task.

	  Contains a descriptor	file for each task in the sysadmdesktop
	  product.  The	descriptor file	defines	information about a task,
	  including dso	name, task name, and keywords without requiring	the
	  task code itself to be loaded	into memory.  For example,
	  SaAddUserTask.tdf contains information about the Add User Account

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sysmgr(1M)							    sysmgr(1M)

     /usr/sysadm/taskdf/*.edf, /usr/sysadm/catalogdf/*.edf
	  Contains a descriptor	file for generic executable programs.  The
	  descriptor file defines information about an executable, including
	  icon type, executable	name, and keywords without requiring the
	  executable code itself to be loaded into memory.  For	example,
	  SaViewCPUUsageTask.edf allows	sysadmdesktop components to launch
	  gr_top, which	is not part of the sysadmdesktop product.

	  Root directory for sysadmdesktop configuration files.

	  Contains a list of scheduled backups.	 These may be viewed with the
	  Backup and Restore Manager BackupAndRestoreManager(1M).

	  Read by clogin to determine which accounts to	show or	hide.  Values
	  are set by the Configure Clogin task.

     /var/sysadm/config/default.cshrc, /var/sysadm/config/default.login,
	  /var/sysadm/config/default.profile These are the default .cshrc,
	  .login, and .profile files that are copied into a new	home
	  directory, as	specified by /var/sysadm/config/newaccount.config and

	  Determines what actions are taken when a user	is deleted from	the
	  system by the	Remove User Account task.  As shipped, the only	action
	  is to	run the	script /var/sysadm/config/deleteaccount.script (as
	  root). See file comments for details.

	  Default script invoked by /var/sysadm/config/deleteaccount.config
	  when a user account is deleted from the system by the	Remove User
	  Account task.	 As shipped, this script takes no action.  Note	that
	  this script will be run as root.  See	file comments for details.

	  Lists	the system files that are considered "critical"	to system
	  functioning and which	are normally not available to sysadmdesktop
	  components.  For example, the	Permissions Manager will not change
	  the ownership	or permissions of files	listed here.

	  Lists	default	groups in /etc/group and controls how the
	  sysadmdesktop	product	will display them.  See	file comments for

	  Determines what actions are taken when a new user account is created
	  by the Add User Account task.	 As shipped, the files
	  /var/sysadm/config/default.*	are copied into	the new	home directory

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sysmgr(1M)							    sysmgr(1M)

	  (if they don't already exist)	and
	  /var/sysadm/config/newaccount.script is run (as root).  See file
	  comments for details.

	  Default script invoked by /var/sysadm/config/newaccount.config when
	  a new	user account is	added to the system by the Add User Account
	  task.	 This script is	shipped	with the default action	of creating
	  the new user's .lang file.  Note that	this script is run as root.
	  See file comments for	details.

	  Determines what actions are taken when a new home directory is
	  created for an existing user by the Modify User Account task.	 As
	  shipped, the files /var/sysadm/config/default.* are copied into the
	  new home directory and /var/sysadm/config/newhomedir.script is run
	  (as root).  See file comments	for details.

	  Performs actions on a	new home directory created for an existing
	  user by the Modify User Account task.	 As shipped, this script takes
	  no action.  Note that	this script is run as root.  See file comments
	  for details.

	  Lists	special	user accounts in /etc/passwd (as shipped) and controls
	  how they are displayed.  The sysadmdesktop product will not allow
	  these	accounts to be modified	or removed using the Modify User
	  Account or Remove User Account tasks.	 See file comments for

	  Contains one file for	each privilege that is automatically granted
	  to all users.	 For example, as shipped, all users may	list the
	  available printers using the default privilege listPrinters. See
	  defaultPrivileges(4) for details.

	  If this user-defined script exists, the Add User Account task	will
	  invoke it to generate	the next available UID for a new user.
	  Otherwise the	next UID will be chosen	at random.

	  List of allowed environment variables	when running a privileged
	  program using	runpriv(1m).  If a variable is listed with no value,
	  the value will be inherited from the current environment.  If	a
	  variable is not listed, it will not be available to the privileged

	  Home directory for all privileged programs.

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sysmgr(1M)							    sysmgr(1M)

	  Database containing a	list of	all privileges and a list of which
	  users	have been granted those	specific privileges.  This database
	  should only be modified with PrivilegeManager(1M).

	  The System Administration Log.  Privileged commands write
	  information about who	invoked	them, what args	were used, what
	  actions were taken, and what errors were enountered.	Use
	  viewlog(1M) to view this log.

	  System administration	log configuration details.  These values are
	  set using the	Set System Admin Log Options task.

	  Contains scripts and commands	that implement System Setup (EZSetup).

	  Contains programs that generate the "About this System" page for

	  The program that implements the sysmgr(1M) search feature.

	  Root directory for System Setup documents.

	  Root directory for localized HTML documents used by System Manager.

	  This file is used to make sure that the user is only warned once
	  about	the existence of the file /etc/inittab.O after an IRIX

	  If this file exists, sysadmdesktop will not warn the user that there
	  is no	root password on the system.  The file is created when the
	  user is notified that	there is no root password and requests that
	  this warning not be shown again.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     addpriv(1M), checkpriv(1M), runpriv(1M), runtask(1M), runcatalog(1M),
     chkconfig(1M), shadow(4).

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 9999
[ Back ]
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