rmdefpriv - remove a default system administration privilege from the
/usr/sysadm/bin/rmdefpriv [ -auth auth-scheme ] privilege
rmdefpriv removes an entry from the defaultPrivileges(4) database. After
running rmdefpriv, privilege will no longer be a default privilege (see
In order to run rmdefpriv, you must either be running as root or you must
provide the -auth auth-scheme arguments and pass the authentication test.
If auth-scheme is unix, then must you type the root password when
prompted in order to pass.
The ability to run rmdefpriv is not itself a privilege. root cannot give
other users the ability to add or remove privileges.
/var/sysadm/defaultPrivileges/* Default privilege database
sysmgr(1M), runpriv(1M), checkpriv(1M), addpriv(1M), rmpriv(1M),
adddefpriv(1m), addprivuser(1M), rmprivuser(1M), defaultPrivileges(4),
privilegedUsers(4), privilege(4).
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