defaultPrivileges - default system administration privileges
/var/sysadm/defaultPrivileges is a directory containing a file for each
default system administration privilege on the system. To determine
whether or not a privilege name priv is a default privilege,
look for the file
/var/sysadm/defaultPrivileges/priv. If the first line of this file is
the string "on", with no other characters on that line, then all users on
the system have priv. Otherwise, privileges are determined by the other
factors described in runpriv(4).
The files in /var/sysadm/defaultPrivileges should not be edited directly.
Use the addpriv(1M) and rmpriv(1M) commands to administer default
sysmgr(1M), privilege(4), privilegedUsers(4), runpriv(1M), checkpriv(1M),
addpriv(1M), rmpriv(1M), adddefpriv(1M), rmdefpriv(1M), addprivuser(1M),
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