noodle - interactive 3d modeling program
noodle is an interactive program for creating a variety of 3d objects.
The concept is very similar to a pasta maker in which one chooses a
noodle cross-section and pushes the dough through, (hence the name).
noodle was written using the Inventor 3d Toolkit. It outputs Inventor
The noodle program has 5 main windows and a control panel. The five
windows are:
Each window can be used to view or edit the object (with the exception of
the top right window which only allows viewing). Use the right mouse
pop-up to switch from viewing mode to edit mode and back.
The lower left window is for drawing the noodle cross-section. You insert
and drag individual points by clicking with the left mouse button in this
view. You can delete a point on your cross-section by first selecting
the point (note the "+" highlighting) and then pressing the BACKSPACE
key. All four curve editing views use the same user interface for
editing. This is a 2d curve.
The top left window is for editing the taper along the noodle. The
default object will have no taper. If you edit this curve you will see
the results in the 3d view (top right) and quickly understand how to
create lathe-like effects. This is a 2d curve.
The lower middle window is for editing the spine of the noodle. This is
a 3d curve through space that the noodle follows. The default object
will have a straight, vertical spine. NOTE that this curve is the only
3d curve of the four curves.
The bottom right window is for editing the twist along the noodle. The
default object will have no twist. If you edit this curve you will see
how this curve twists the noodle about its spine axis. This curve makes
it easy to corkscrew-like effects. This is a 2d curve.
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Note that each of the four curve editing windows have a few buttons to
clear the curve and create a few special curves.
The top right window is for viewing your resulting object. You cannot
edit the object in this window; only viewing is allowed.
The top bar menu contains a variety of controls for affecting the
resulting noodle. Experiment with these controls to learn their effects.
You can save the resulting noodle in both noodle format (noodles are
stored as GeneralizedCylinder nodes) or standard, vanilla Inventor format
(can be imported into any Inventor program, even if the
GeneralizedCylinder DSO is not loaded on the host system).
Note that the source code to noodle comes with the Open Inventor 3d
/usr/share/src/Inventor/demos/noodle/* - Source to noodle
SceneViewer, drop, inventor, ivview, gview, maze, qmorf, revo, showcase,
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