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FFTR/FTR(1)							   FFTR/FTR(1)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     fftr - IRIX Interactive Desktop optimized file-type rules compiler

     ftr  - IRIX Interactive Desktop optimized file-type rules compiler

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     fftr -o outputFile.otr [ ftrFile |	otrFile	] ...

     ftr -o outputFile.otr [ ftrFile | otrFile ] ...

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     fftr is a utility used to compile file-type rule (FTR) files.  It creates
     optimized type rule (OTR) files. The ftr command, a link to the fftr
     command, does not support the older compiled type rule (CTR) format files

     An	FTR file contains a list of file-type rules.  Each rule	describes how
     a file of a particular type will appear within the	IRIX Interactive
     Desktop and defines what functions	the user can perform on	the file by
     double-clicking on	it or choosing menu items that manipulate it.  (A menu
     becomes active when an icon is selected; this menu	is accessible to the
     user from both the	Selected toolchest and the right mouse button.)	 A
     file-type rule also defines the method by which a file is given a type
     and how files of a	particular type	are to be printed.

     Arguments whose names end with `.ftr' are assumed to be FTR files.
     Arguments whose names end with `.otr' are assumed to be OTR files.
     Arguments whose names end with `.ctr' are assumed to be CTR files,	which
     are no longer supported in	IRIX 6.3 and later releases. The FTR files are
     compiled and combined with	the pre-compiled OTR files.  The resulting OTR
     file is left in the file whose name is given with the -o option.

     The fftr and ftr commands can compile and combine up to 200 files.	 There
     may be only one output file and it	must have the suffix `.otr'.  The
     output file must not be also an input file.

     IRIX 6.5 reintroduces support for personal	icons.	Users can create FTR
     files under their $HOME/.desktop-<hostname>/filetype/ directory (where
     <hostname>	is the result of running the hostname(1) command), copy	the
     /usr/lib/filetype/Makefile.personal file to that directory	as Makefile,
     and type "make" to	create personal	icons.	For details, users can view
     the contents of the Makefile.personal file.

     For more information about	the entire IRIX	Interactive Desktop
     environment, see the IID(1) man page.

FTR FILE FORMAT    [Toc]    [Back]

     FTR files are made	up of lists of TYPE declarations and CONVERT
     declarations.  A TYPE declaration looks like this,	where each of the
     items between triangle brackets <>	should be replaced appropriately:

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FFTR/FTR(1)							   FFTR/FTR(1)

	 TYPE <filetype	name>
	     MAP	 <name space> <value>
	     MATCH	 <match	rule>;
	     LEGEND	 <human-readable description of	the file type>
	     SUPERTYPE	 <filetype name>
	     DROPIF	 <drop type(s)>
	     CMD OPEN	 <open shell script>
	     CMD ALTOPEN <altopen shell	script>
	     CMD DROP	 <drop shell script>
	     CMD PRINT	 <print	shell script>
	     MENUCMD	 "<menu	string>" <menu shell script>
	     SETVAR	 <variable name> <variable value>
	     ICON	 <icon program>;

     The TYPE declaration must come first.  The	<filetype name>	declares the
     name of the file type and is a one-word ASCII string.  Legal type names
     can be any	legal C-language variable name.

     Example TYPE declaration:

	 TYPE Directory

     All rules that follow a TYPE declaration apply to that type, until	the
     next TYPE declaration or CONVERT declaration is encountered in the	FTR
     file.  Each TYPE declaration should have a	unique name.  The remaining
     rules (MAP, MATCH,	LEGEND,	SPECIALFILE, etc.) may appear in any order
     after the TYPE rule.

     The MAP rules specify a list of all mappings from the desktop name	space
     to	a non-desktop name space.  Desktop name	space is defined by the	TYPE
     names.  One can use the MAP rule to translate from	a desktop TYPE to
     another name space, such as ICCCM.	The following keywords are currently
     defined to	indicate various mappings:

     ICCCM name	space:
     MAP  SelectionTarget     <ICCCM selection target type>

     MIME name space:
     MAP  MimeType	 <Mime type>

     Macintosh name space:
     MAP  MacTypeInfo	 <mac type: 4 chars> <mac creator: 4 chars>

     ICCCM Example:

	 TYPE AIFFSoundFile
	     MAP  SelectionTarget AIFF_FILE

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     The MATCH rule is a logical expression that determines whether a
     particular	file is	of the declared	TYPE.  A MATCH rule consists of	a Cstyle
 logical expression made up of functions and expressions.  The
     following C language operators may	be used	in a MATCH expression:

	  + - *	/ & | ^	! % ( )

     The following C-language conditional operators may	be used	in a MATCH

	  &&  ||  ==  !=  <  >	<=  >=

     The == operator works for string comparisons as well as for numerical

     The following constants may be used in a MATCH expression:

	  true	false

     True evaluates to the number 1 and	false evaluates	to the number 0.

     Numbers in	a match	expression may be expressed in decimal,	octal, or
     hexadecimal notation.  Octal numbers are expressed	with a leading zero,
     such as 0732.  Hexadecimal	numbers	are expressed with a leading `0x' such
     as	0xf03C.	 Decimal number	are expressed normally,	but may	not have a
     leading zero.

     The following expression functions	are available:

     ascii     Returns true if the first 512 bytes of the file are all
	       printable ASCII characters.

     char(n)   Returns the nth byte of the file, as a signed character;	range
	       -128 to 127.

	       Returns true if the file	is a directory and contains the	file
	       named by	string.

	       Returns true if the file's name matches string; allows the
	       following expansions in string for pattern matching: { }	[ ] *
	       ? and backslash (see sh(1) filename expansion).

     linkcount Returns the number of hard links	to the file.

     long(n)   Returns the signed long integer located at the nth byte of the
	       file; range -2^31 to 2^31-1.

     mode      Returns the mode	bits of	the file (see chmod(1)).

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FFTR/FTR(1)							   FFTR/FTR(1)

     print(expr	or string)
	       Prints the value	of the expression expr or string to stdout
	       each time the function is evaluated; used for debugging MATCH
	       rules.  Always returns true.

     short(n)  Returns the signed short	integer	located	at the nth byte	of the
	       file; range -32768 to 32767.

     size      Returns the size	of the file in bytes.

	       Returns a string	from the file that is m	bytes (characters)
	       long, beginning at the nth byte of the file.

     uchar(n)  Returns the nth byte of the file	as an unsigned character;
	       range 0 to 255.

     tag       Returns the specific IRIX Interactive Desktop application tag
	       injected	into a MIPS executable or shell	script by the tag
	       injection tool (see tag(1)).  Returns 65535 if the file is not
	       a tagged	file.

     mactype   Returns the mac type attribute. It returns a four character
	       long string on success, representing the	mac type, and "????"
	       on failure or error.

	       Returns the mac creator attribute. It returns a four character
	       long string on success, representing the	mac creator, and
	       "????" on failure or error.

     ushort(n) Returns the unsigned short integer located at the nth byte of
	       the file; range 0 to 65535.

     ulong(n)  Returns the unsigned long integer located at the	nth byte of
	       the file; range 0 to 2^32-1.

     Example MATCH rule:

	 MATCH dircontains(".dumpster");

     A common mistake with MATCH expressions is	to forget the semicolon	at the
     end of the	expression.  It	is required; the ftr compiler will produce a
     syntax error if it	is missing.

     The LEGEND	rule is	a human-readable description of	the file type. Example
     LEGEND rule:

	 LEGEND	C program source file

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     Legends that are longer than 25 characters	may be truncated in some
     circumstances.  Be	aware that legends will	be presented to	users who may
     not understand computer jargon.

     The SUPERTYPE rule	tells the IRIX Interactive Desktop to treat the	file
     as	a subtype of another type.  This can be	accessed through the isSuper
     command in	the OPEN, ALTOPEN, DROP, and MENUCMD rules.  A common use of
     the SUPERTYPE rule	is to check isSuper(Ascii) in an OPEN rule to
     determine if a file can be	used by	a simple text editor.  The IRIX
     Interactive Desktop uses SUPERTYPE	and isSuper(Directory) to determine if
     a file is a subtype of the	Directory type,	in order to handle certain
     filesystem	manipulations correctly.

     Example SUPERTYPE rule:

	 SUPERTYPE Executable

     The DROPIF	rule tells the IRIX Interactive	Desktop	to allow only those
     files to be dropped whose type matches the	type names specified in	this
     rule. If they do not match	then the drop rule will	not get	executed.

     Example DROPIF rule:

	 DROPIF	MailFile MailFolder

     The SPECIALFILE rule declares that	a file type is not a plain file.
     Block and char device nodes, named	pipes, directories, and	UNIX domain
     sockets are special files.	 Special files are not opened by the MATCH
     rule (described below).  The presence of this rule	suffices to mark the
     file type as not a	plain file.

     Example SPECIALFILE rule:


     The CMD OPEN, CMD ALTOPEN,	CMD DROP, and CMD PRINT	rules determine	how an
     icon behaves when a user interacts	with it, whether it is by doubleclicking,
 double-clicking with the	Alt key	depressed, dragging and
     dropping another icon on it, or printing it with the menu Print command.
     The CMD rules consist of a	Bourne shell expression	which is executed when
     the user performs the appropriate interaction (double-clicking, dragdropping,
 etc.) on	the file.

     Example CMD OPEN rule:


     Example CMD ALTOPEN rule:


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     Example CMD DROP rule:


     Example CMD PRINT rule:


     The SETVAR	rule is	used to	define a variable specific to the type.	It
     takes two arguments, <variable name>, the name of the variable, and
     <variable value>, the value of the	variable.  Legal variable names	can be
     any legal C-language variable names.  These variables can be used by
     either the	desktop	or some	other application.  Currently, two variables
     are defined and recognized	this way by the	desktop.  The noLaunchEffect
     variable, when set	to True, turns off the visual launch effect for	that
     icon type.	 The noLaunchSound variable, when set to True, turns off the
     launch sound for the specified type.

     Example SETVAR rule:

	 SETVAR	noLaunchEffect True

     disables the visual launch	effect.	 In the	desktop, these variables are
     used to turn off the visual launch	effect for all device icon types, and
     to	turn off the launch sound for all sound	icon types.

     The MENUCMD rule is used to put entries on	the icon's menu.  It takes as
     argument a	string which is	inserted as a menu entry and a Bourne shell
     expression	which is executed if the menu item is selected.	 For
     localization, the quoted <menu string> is often prepended with a line
     number indexing into the /usr/lib/locale/$LANG/MSGFILES/sgidesktop.str
     file.  Based on the current LANG environment variable setting, the	string
     on	the specified line in the appropriate translated sgidesktop.str	file
     will appear on the	Selected menu.	See locale(1) for more information.

     Several FTR variables are expanded	before the shell expressions in	CMD
     and MENUCMD rules are executed.  They are described in EXPANDED
     VARIABLES,	below.

     Example MENUCMD rule:


     The ICON rule is used to specify how an icon is drawn.  Icons are
     described by an icon description program written in a C- and GL-like
     language.	Normally icon geometry is stored separately from the FTR file
     and incorporated using the	include	command.  (This	enables	the icon's
     picture and file-type rules to be edited separately.)

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     The syntax	for including icon geometry files into file-type rules is the
     where "relativePath" is a literal string such as "iconlib/MyApp.fti" or
     "../iconlib/generic.exec.open.fti".  Icon geometry	files (`.fti' files)
     can be created and	edited with the	graphical drawing program

     The following C-language operators	may be used in an ICON description:

	  + - *	/ & | ^	! % ( )	{ }

     The following C-language conditional operators may	be used	in an icon

	  &&  ||  ==  !=  <  >	<=  >=

     The following constants may be used in an icon description:

	  true	false

     The following icon	color constants	may be used in an icon description

	  iconcolor  outlinecolor  shadowcolor

     These three standard colors change	value automatically when the icon is
     selected, opened, passed over by the mouse	pointer	(located), or
     otherwise manipulated.  For example, iconcolor usually appears white
     onscreen.	However, when the user selects an icon containing iconcolor,
     its iconcolor parts change	from white to yellow.  When some icon is
     dropped on	an icon	containing iconcolor, its iconcolor parts change from
     white to royal blue.  Similarly, outlinecolor usually appears black and
     shadowcolor usually appears dark gray, but	these colors can change	in
     response to the user's mouse events.

     The following icon	status variables are set by IRIX Interactive Desktop,
     and may be	used in	an icon	description routine:

	  current  disabled  opened  located  selected

     Each of these variables has a value of either true	or false.  They	can be
     used in a conditional statement to	alter the icon picture when the	icon
     has been manipulated in various ways from the desktop.

     For example, the following	ICON rule will cause the icon to display the
     picture MyAppClosed.fti superimposed over the horizontal "carpet"
     generic.exec.closed.fti, until the	user double-clicks the icon, at	which
     time it will change to show the picture MyAppOpen.fti superimposed	over
     the vertical carpet generic.exec.open.fti:

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	 ICON  {
	     if	(opened) {
	     } else {

     The order of inclusion matters; each successive picture included will
     appear superimposed on top	of the previously included pictures.
     Throughout	the desktop, the horizontal carpet indicates that an icon is
     an	executable that	is not running,	while the vertical carpet indicates a
     running executable.  Icon pictures	are typically stored in	directories
     named iconlib (see	The IRIX Interactive Desktop Integration Guide for
     more details).

     Other legal C variables may be used in an icon description	routine
     without need of declaration; all variables	are represented	as type	float.

     The icon description functions comprise, for the most part, a very
     restricted	subset of the C-language version of the	IRIS Graphics Library,
     modified for 2-D drawing.	The valid icon description functions are:

	       Draw an arc starting at icon coordinates	x,y, radius r,
	       starting	at angle startang, ending at angle endang. Angle
	       measures	are in tenths of degrees.

	       Like arc, but filled with the current pen color.

	       Like pclos (see below) but uses color for the border (outline)
	       color of	the polygon.

	       Begin drawing a closed, unfilled	figure drawn in	the current
	       pen color.  Used	in conjunction with vertex and endclosedline.

     bgnline() Like bgnclosedline, except the figure is	not closed.  Used in
	       conjunction with	vertex and endline.

	       Begin drawing a polygon filled with the current pen color.  The
	       polygon is outlined with	a color	specified by
	       endoutlinepolygon. Also used in conjunction with	vertex.

	       Begin drawing a series of unconnected points defined using
	       calls to	vertex.	Used in	conjunction with vertex	and endpoint.

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	       Like bgnoutlinepolygon except the polygon is not	outlined.
	       Used in conjunction with	vertex and endpolygon.

     color(n)  Set the current pen color index to n.

     draw(x,y) Draw a line in the current color	from the current pen location
	       to x,y.

	       Finishes	a closed, unfilled figure started with bgnclosedline.

     endline() Finishes	an open, unfilled figure started with bgnline.

	       Finishes	a filled polygon started with bgnoutlinepolygon	and
	       outlines	it with	color.

	       Finishes	a series of points started with	bgnpoint.

	       Finishes	a filled, unoutlined polygon started with bgnpolygon.

	       Standard	C-language for-loop.

     if(expr) expr [ else expr ]
	       Standard	C-language if statement.

     move(x,y) Move the	current	pen location to	x,y.

     pclos()   Draw a line in the current pen color that closes	the current
	       polygon,	and fill the polygon with the current color.

     pdr(x,y)  Draw the	side of	a filled polygon in the	current	pen color,
	       from the	current	pen location to	x,y.

     pmv(x,y)  Begin a filled polygon at location x,y.

     print(expr	or string)
	       Print the value of the expression expr or string	to stdout.
	       Used for	debugging icon programs.

	       Specifies a coordinate used for drawing points, lines, and
	       polygons	by bgnpoint, bgnline, bgnpolygon, etc.

     The IRIX Interactive Desktop User Interface Guidelines contains detailed
     guidelines	for creating icons.  The following is a	brief list of
     suggested style conventions to maintain when drawing icons:

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	  Use the iconcolor, outlinecolor, and shadowcolor as icons' typical
	  colors.  Be sparing with the use of other accent colors.  This will
	  help preserve	the impact of color when it is needed.

	  Create icons that maintain the overall 3-D feel that the basic IRIX
	  Interactive Desktop icons have.  The IRIX Interactive	Desktop
	  Integration Guide describes how to use iconsmith(1G) to draw icons
	  in the proper	perspective.

	  The generic executable and generic data file icons, supplied in
	  /usr/lib/filetype/iconlib, establish extensible themes that icon
	  designers can	work from to make it easier for	users to recognize the
	  icons	quickly.  Use ICON rules from the standard system and default
	  FTR files as a background for	unique representations.

     A CONVERT declaration looks like this:

	 CONVERT <source type> <destination type>
	     COST	 <non-negative integer>
	     FILTER	 <filter expression>

     The CONVERT declaration must come first.  It declares a method for
     converting	one type of file to another.  For example,

	 CONVERT NroffFile PostScriptFile

     declares a	method of converting an	nroff file to a	PostScript file.

     All print-conversion rules	following a CONVERT rule apply to that
     conversion	until another CONVERT rule or a	TYPE rule is encountered.  The
     COST rule indicates the incremental cost of a conversion.	See
     Programming the IRIX Interactive Desktop for more details on the print
     conversion	pipeline.  If no COST rule is specified, the cost of the
     conversion	is taken to be zero.

     Example COST rule:

	 COST 50

     The FILTER	rule is	a Bourne shell expression that is executed to perform
     the conversion.  The file of type <source type> will be piped into	the
     <filter expression> shell expression and the output of the	conversion
     will be placed on the stdout of the expression.  The CURRENTPRINTER
     variable, described below,	is used	during execution of the	shell

     Example FILTER rule:

	 FILTER	/usr/sbin/gzcat

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     Before a CMD or MENUCMD shell script is given to the shell	for execution,
     the following FTR variables are expanded.	Note that these	variables are
     expanded in place rather than being set as	environment variables.

     $LEADER   If one or more icons are	currently selected from	the IRIX
	       Interactive Desktop, $LEADER is replaced	by the icon whose text
	       field is	highlighted.

     $REST     If more than one	icon is	currently selected from	the IRIX
	       Interactive Desktop, $REST is replaced by the list of names of
	       all selected icons except the highlighted icon (see LEADER
	       above).	Otherwise, it is replaced by "".

	       If one or more icons are	currently selected from	the IRIX
	       Interactive Desktop, $LEADERTYPE	is replaced by the TYPE	of the
	       icon whose text field is	highlighted.

     $RESTTYPE When more than one icon is currently selected from the IRIX
	       Interactive Desktop, $RESTTYPE is replaced by the TYPE for all
	       selected	icons except the highlighted icon, if the remainder of
	       the selected icons are all the same TYPE.  If they are not the
	       same TYPE, or only one icon is selected,	$RESTTYPE is replaced
	       by "".

	       Replaced	by the list of TYPEs corresponding to the arguments in
	       REST.  If only one icon is selected, $RESTTYPELIST is replaced
	       by "".

     $ARGC     Replaced	by the number of selected icons.  ARGC is always >= 1
	       (except when calling the	transfer manager with nothing

     $TARGET   Replaced	only for the CMD DROP rule, $TARGET is replaced	by the
	       name of the icon	being dropped upon.

	       Replaced	only for the CMD DROP rule, $TARGETTYPE	is replaced by
	       the TYPE	of the icon being dropped upon.

     $SELECTED Replaced	only for the CMD DROP rule, $SELECTED is replaced by
	       the names of the	icons being dropped on TARGET.	$SELECTED is
	       equivalent to ($REST $LEADER).

	       Replaced	only for the CMD DROP rule.  If	all the	icons named in
	       SELECTED	are of the same	TYPE, $SELECTEDTYPE is replaced	by
	       that TYPE, or ""	otherwise.

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	       Replaced	only for the CMD DROP rule.  Replaced by a list	of
	       TYPEs corresponding to the TYPEs	of the selected	icons named in
	       SELECTED.  If only one icon is selected,	it is replaced by "".

	       Replaced	by the name of the text	editor that should be invoked
	       if the shell expression needs an	editor.	 The default editor is
	       jot.  This variable can be set to any window-based editor in
	       the user's .cshrc or .profile, or if $EDITOR is set and
	       $WINEDITOR is not set, $WINEDITOR becomes
		`winterm -c $EDITOR'.

     $WINTERM  Replaced	by the name of the window terminal that	should be
	       invoked if the shell expression needs a window terminal.
	       Currently supported window terminals are	wsh and	xterm.	The
	       default window terminal is wsh.

	       Replaced	by routeprint for FILTER rules.	 It is replaced	by the
	       unique name of the currently selected printer.  The current
	       printer may be set by the user with the Print Manager, or by
	       the -s option to	routeprint.  See routeprint(1).

     The following variables are used by various system	administration tasks
     and their objects.	See sysmgr(1) for Desktop System Administration.
     These variables were used in the file devices.ftr under the
     /usr/lib/filetype/devices directory.

	       The selected device's unit number.

	       The selected device's controller	number.

	       The directory where the selected	device's filesystem is

	       The /dev	file associated	with the selected icon device.

     The following variable(s) are not supported anymore:


FILES    [Toc]    [Back]


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SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     IRIX Interactive Desktop User Interface Guidelines, IRIX Interactive
     Desktop Integration Guide,	fm(1), iconsmith(1), isSuper(1), tag(1),
     filetype(1), fileopen(1), filealtopen(1), winterm(1), IID(1)

								       PPPPaaaaggggeeee 11113333
[ Back ]
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