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  man pages->HP-UX 11i man pages -> swacl (1m)              


 swacl(1M)                                                         swacl(1M)

 NAME    [Toc]    [Back]
      swacl - view or modify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) which protect
      software products

 SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]
      swacl -l level [-D acl_entry| -F acl_file| -M acl_entry]
           [-f software_file] [-t target_file] [-x option=value]
           [-X option_file] [software_selections] [@ target_selections]

    Remarks    [Toc]    [Back]
           +  This command supports operations on remote systems. See the
              Remote Operation section below for details.

           +  Type man 5 sd to display sd(5) for an overview of all SD

 DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]
      The swacl command displays or modifies the Access Control Lists (ACLs)

           +  Protect the specified target_selections (hosts, software
              depots or root filesystems).

           +  Protect the specified software_selections on each of the
              specified target_selections (software depots only).

      All root filesystems, software depots, and products in software depots
      are protected by ACLs.  The SD commands permit or prevent specific
      operations based on whether the ACLs on these objects permit the
      operation.  The swacl command is used to view, edit, and manage these
      ACLs.  The ACL must exist and the user must have the appropriate
      permission (granted by the ACL itself) in order to modify it.

      ACLs offer a greater degree of selectivity than standard file
      permissions.  ACLs allow an object's owner (i.e. the user who created
      the object) or the local superuser to define specific read, write, or
      modify permissions to a specific list of users, groups, or
      combinations thereof.

      Some operations allowed by ACLs are run as local superuser. Because
      files are loaded and scripts are run as superuser, granting a user
      write permission on a root filesystem or insert permission on a host
      effectively gives that user superuser privileges.

    Protected Objects    [Toc]    [Back]
      The following objects are protected by ACLs:

           +  Each host system on which software is being managed by SD,

           +  Each root filesystem on a host (including alternate roots),

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           +  Each software depot on a host,

           +  Each software product contained within a depot.

    Remote Operation    [Toc]    [Back]
      You can enable SD to manage software on remote systems. To let the
      root user from a central SD controller (also called the central
      management server or manager node) perform operations on a remote
      target (also called the host or agent):

      1) Install a special HP ServiceControl Manager fileset on the remote
         systems.  This enables remote operations by automatically setting
         up the root, host, and template Access Control Lists (ACLs) on the
         remote machines and permitting root access from the controller
         system.  To install the fileset, run the following command on each
         remote system:

         swinstall -s controller:/var/opt/mx/depot11 AgentConfig.SD-CONFIG


         +  controller is the name of the central management server.

         +  If the target is running HP-UX 10.20, use the same command but
            substitute depot10 for depot11.

         +  Targets previously set up by SD/OV to be managed by this
            controller do not need this step.

         +  SD does not require any other ServiceControl Manager filesets.

      2) (Optional) swinstall, swcopy, and swremove have enhanced GUI
         interfaces for remote operations. Enable the enhanced GUIs by
         creating the .sdkey file on the controller. Use this command:

         touch /var/adm/sw/.sdkey


         +  This step is not required when you use SD from within the HP
            ServiceControl Manager.

         +  See sd(5), swinstall(1M), swcopy(1M), swjob(1M), swlist(1M) or
            swremove(1M) for more information on interactive operations.

      NOTE: You can also set up remote access by using swacl directly on the
      remote machines to grant root or non-root access to users from the
      controller system.

    Options    [Toc]    [Back]
      If the -D, -F, or -M option is not specified, swacl prints the

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      requested ACL(s) to the standard output.

      The swacl command supports the following options:

           -D acl_entry   Deletes an existing entry from the ACL associated
                          with the specified object(s).  For this option,
                          the permission field of the ACL entry is not
                          required.  You can specify multiple -D options.
                          See the ACL Entries heading for more information.

           -f software_file
                          Read the list of software_selections from
                          software_file instead of (or in addition to) the
                          command line.

           -F acl_file    Assigns the ACL contained in acl_file to the
                          object.  All existing entries are removed and
                          replaced by the entries in the file.  Only the
                          ACL's entries are replaced; none of the
                          information contained in the comment portion
                          (lines with the prefix ``#'') of an ACL listing is
                          modified with this option.  The acl_file is
                          usually the edited output of a swacl list

                          If the replacement ACL contains no syntax errors
                          and the user has control permission on the ACL (or
                          is the local superuser), the replacement succeeds.

           -l level       Defines which level of SD ACLs to view/modify.

                          The supported levels of depot, host, root, and
                          product objects that can be protected are:

                          depot       View/modify the ACL protecting the
                                      software depot(s) identified by the

                          host        View/modify the ACL protecting the
                                      host system(s) identified by the

                          root        View/modify the ACL protecting the
                                      root filesystem(s) identified by the

                          product     View/modify the ACL protecting the
                                      software product identified by the
                                      software_selection.  Applies only to
                                      products in depots, not installed
                                      products in roots.

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                          The supported levels of templates are:

                                      View/modify the template ACL used to
                                      initialize the ACL(s) of future
                                      software depot(s) or root
                                      filesystem(s) added to the host(s)
                                      identified by the target_selections.
                                      Additionally, swacl can create
                                      templates that you can re-use to
                                      create new ACLs.

                                      View/modify the template ACL used to
                                      initialize the product_template ACL(s)
                                      of future software depot(s) added to
                                      the host(s) identified by the

                                      View/modify the template ACL used to
                                      initialize the ACL(s) of future
                                      product(s) added to the software
                                      depot(s) identified by the

           -M acl_entry   Adds a new ACL entry or changes the permissions of
                          an existing entry.  You can specify multiple -M
                          options.  See the ACL Entries heading for more

           -t target_file Read the list of target_selections from file
                          instead of (or in addition to) the command line.

           -x option=value
                          Set the session option to value and override the
                          default value (or a value in an alternate
                          option_file specified with the -X option).  You
                          can specify multiple -x options.

           -X option_file Read the session options and behaviors from

      You can specify only one of the -D, -F, or -M options at each
      invocation of swacl.

    Operands    [Toc]    [Back]
      Most SD commands support two types of operands: software selections
      followed by target selections.  These operands are separated by the
      "@" (at) character. This syntax implies that the command operates on
      "software selections at targets".

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    Software Selections    [Toc]    [Back]
      The swacl command supports the following syntax for each


           +  The = (equals) relational operator lets you specify selections
              with the following shell wildcard and pattern-matching

                   [ ], *, ?

           +  The \* software specification selects all products in the
              depot when used with -l product.

      The version component usually has the following form:

           [,r <op> revision][,a <op> arch][,v <op> vendor]
           [,c <op> category]

           +  The <op> (relational operator) component can take the form:

                   =, ==, >=, <=, <, >, or !=

              which performs individual comparisons on dot-separated fields.

              For example, r>=B.10.00 chooses all revisions greater than or
              equal to B.10.00.  The system compares each dot-separated
              field to find matches. Shell patterns are not allowed with
              these operators.

           +  The = (equals) relational operator lets you specify selections
              with the shell wildcard and pattern-matching notations:

                   [ ], *, ?, !

              For example, the expression r=1[01].* returns any revision in
              version 10 or version 11.

           +  All version components are repeatable within a single
              specification (e.g.  r>=A.12, r<A.20).  If multiple components
              are used, the selection must match all components.

           +  Fully qualified software specs include the r=, a=, and v=
              version components even if they contain empty strings.

           +  No space or tab characters are allowed in a software

           +  The software instance_id can take the place of the version
              component. It has the form:

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              within the context of an exported catalog, where instance_id
              is an integer that distinguishes versions of products and
              bundles with the same tag.

    Target Selections    [Toc]    [Back]
      The SD commands support this syntax for each target_selection.


      The : (colon) is required if both a host and directory are specified.

    Default Options
      In addition to the standard options, you can change SD behaviors and
      policy options by editing the default values found in:

           /var/adm/sw/defaults          the system-wide default values,

           $HOME/.swdefaults             the user-specific default values.

      You must use the following syntax to specify values in the defaults


      The optional command_name prefix denotes one of the SD commands. Using
      the prefix limits the change in the default value to that command. If
      you leave the prefix off, the change applies to all commands.

      You can also override default values from the command line with the -x
      or -X options:

           command -x option=value

           command -X option_file

      The following section lists all of the keywords supported by the swacl
      command. If a default value exists, it is listed after the "=".

           admin_directory=/var/adm/sw (for normal mode)
           admin_directory=/var/home/LOGNAME/sw (for nonprivileged mode)
                     The location for SD logfiles and the default parent
                     directory for the installed software catalog. The
                     default value is /var/adm/sw for normal SD operations.
                     When SD operates in nonprivileged mode (that is, when
                     the run_as_superuser default option is set to true):

                     +  The default value is forced to /var/home/LOGNAME/sw

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                     +  The path element LOGNAME is replaced with the name
                        of the invoking user, which SD reads from the system
                        password file.

                     +  If you set the value of this option to HOME/path, SD
                        replaces HOME with the invoking user's home
                        directory (from the system password file) and
                        resolves path relative to that directory. For
                        example, HOME/my_admin resolves to the my_admin
                        directory in your home directory.

                     +  If you set the value of the
                        installed_software_catalog default option to a
                        relative path, that path is resolved relative to the
                        value of this option.

                     SD's nonprivileged mode is intended only for managing
                     applications that are specially designed and packaged.
                     You cannot use this mode to manage the HP-UX operating
                     system or patches to it.  For a full explanation of
                     nonprivileged SD, see the Software Distributor
                     Administration Guide, available at the
                     http://docs.hp.com web site.

                     See also the installed_software_catalog and
                     run_as_superuser options.

                     Defines the default location of the target depot.

                     Defines the directory path where the Installed Products
                     Database (IPD) is stored. This information describes
                     installed software. When set to an absolute path, this
                     option defines the location of the IPD. When this
                     option contains a relative path, the SD controller
                     appends the value to the value specified by the
                     admin_directory option to determine the path to the
                     IPD.  For alternate roots, this path is resolved
                     relative to the location of the alternate root.  This
                     option does not affect where software is installed,
                     only the IPD location.

                     This option permits the simultaneous installation and
                     removal of multiple software applications by multiple
                     users or multiple processes, with each application or
                     group of applications using a different IPD.

                     Caution: use a specific installed_software_catalog to
                     manage a specific application.  SD does not support
                     multiple descriptions of the same application in

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                     multiple IPDs.

                     See also the admin_directory and run_as_superuser
                     options, which control SD's nonprivileged mode.  (This
                     mode is intended only for managing applications that
                     are specially designed and packaged.  You cannot use
                     this mode to manage the HP-UX operating system or
                     patches to it. For a full explanation of nonprivileged
                     SD, see the Software Distributor Administration Guide,
                     available at the http://docs.hp.com web site.)

           level=    Defines the level of SD ACLS to view/modify.  The
                     supported levels are: host, depot, root, product,
                     product_template, global_soc_template, or

                     See the discussion of the -l option above for more

           rpc_binding_info=ncacn_ip_tcp:[2121] ncadg_ip_udp:[2121]
                     Defines the protocol sequence(s) and endpoint(s) on
                     which the daemon listens and which the other commands
                     use to contact the daemon.  If the connection fails for
                     one protocol sequence, the next is attempted.  SD
                     supports both the tcp (ncacn_ip_tcp:[2121]) and udp
                     (ncadg_ip_udp:[2121]) protocol sequence on most

                     Relative length of the communications timeout.  This is
                     a value in the range from 0 to 9 and is interpreted by
                     the DCE RPC.  Higher values mean longer times; you may
                     need a higher value for a slow or busy network.  Lower
                     values will give faster recognition on attempts to
                     contact hosts that are not up, or are not running
                     swagentd.  Each value is approximately twice as long as
                     the preceding value.  A value of 5 is about 30 seconds
                     for the ncadg_ip_udp protocol sequence.  This option
                     may not have any noticeable impact when using the
                     ncacn_ip_tcp protocol sequence.

                     This option controls SD's nonprivileged mode.  This
                     option is ignored (treated as true) when the invoking
                     user is super-user.

                     When set to the default value of true, SD operations
                     are performed normally, with permissions for operations
                     either granted to a local super-user or set by SD ACLs.
                     (See swacl (1m) for details on ACLs.)

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                     When set to false and the invoking user is local and is
                     not super-user, nonprivileged mode is invoked:

                     +  Permissions for operations are based on the user's
                        file system permissions.

                     +  SD ACLs are ignored.

                     +  Files created by SD have the uid and gid of the
                        invoking user, and the mode of created files is set
                        according to the invoking user's umask.

                     SD's nonprivileged mode is intended only for managing
                     applications that are specially designed and packaged.
                     You cannot use this mode to manage the HP-UX operating
                     system or patches to it. For a full explanation of
                     nonprivileged SD, see the Software Distributor
                     Administration Guide, available at the
                     http://docs.hp.com web site.

                     See also the admin_directory and
                     installed_software_catalog options.

                     If no target_selections are specified, select the
                     default target_directory of the local host as the
                     target_selection for the command.

           software= Defines the default software_selections.  There is no
                     supplied default.  If there is more than one software
                     selection, they must be separated by spaces.

           targets=  Defines the default target_selections.  There is no
                     supplied default (see select_local above).  If there is
                     more than one target selection, they must be separated
                     by spaces.

           verbose=1 Controls the verbosity of the output (stdout). A value
                     0   disables output to stdout.  (Error and warning
                         messages are always written to stderr).
                     1   enables verbose messaging to stdout.

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    Environment Variables    [Toc]    [Back]
      SD programs are affected by external environment variables, set
      environment variables for use by the control scripts, and use other
      environment variables that affect command behavior.

      The external environment variable that affects the swacl command is:

           LANG      Determines the language in which messages are
                     displayed.  If LANG is not specified or is set to the
                     empty string, a default value of C is used.  See the
                     lang(5) man page by typing man 5 lang for more

                     Note: The language in which the SD agent and daemon log
                     messages are displayed is set by the system
                     configuration variable script, /etc/rc.config.d/LANG.
                     For example, /etc/rc.config.d/LANG, must be set to
                     LANG=ja_JP.SJIS or LANG=ja_JP.eucJP to make the agent
                     and daemon log messages display in Japanese.

           LC_ALL    Determines the locale used to override any values for
                     locale categories specified by the settings of LANG or
                     any environment variables beginning with LC_.

           LC_CTYPE  Determines the interpretation of sequences of bytes of
                     text data as characters (e.g., single-versus multibyte
                     characters in values for vendor-defined attributes).

           LC_MESSAGES    [Toc]    [Back]
                     Determines the language in which messages are written.

           LC_TIME   Determines the format of dates (create_date and
                     mod_date) when displayed by swlist.  Used by all
                     utilities when displaying dates and times in stdout,
                     stderr, and logging.

           TZ        Determines the time zone for use when displaying dates
                     and times.

 OPERATION    [Toc]    [Back]
    ACL Entries
      Each entry in an ACL has the following form:


           For example: user:steve@newdist:crwit

      An ACL can contain multiple entries. See the Entry Types and
      Permissions headings below for more information.

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    Entry Types    [Toc]    [Back]
      The following entry_types are supported:

           any_other      Permissions for all other users and hosts that do
                          not match a more specific entry in the ACL.
                          (Example: any_other:-r--t.)

           group          Permissions for a named group.  This type of ACL
                          entry must include a key that identifies that
                          group.  The format can be:
                          group:group_name:permissions or
                          group:group_name@hostname:permissions.  (Example:

           host           Permissions for an SD agent from the specified
                          host system.  SD agents require product level read
                          access via either a host, other, or any_other
                          entry type in order to copy or install products
                          from depots.  This type of ACL entry must include
                          a key containing a hostname or number (in Internet
                          dot notation) of a system or the asterisk
                          character (*) to denote all systems.  (Example:
                          host:[email protected]:-r--t.)

           object_owner   Permissions for the object's owner, whose identity
                          is listed in the comment header.  (Example:

           object_group   Permissions for members of the object's group,
                          whose identity is listed in the comment header.
                          (Example: object_group:crwit.)

           other          Permissions for others who are not otherwise named
                          by a more specific entry type.  The format for
                          other can be: other:permissions for others on the
                          local host (only one such entry allowed) or
                          other:@hostname:permissions for others at remote
                          hosts (Only one such entry per remote host
                          allowed).  (Example: other:@newdist:-r--t.)

           user           Permissions for a named user.  This type of ACL
                          entry must include a key that identifies that
                          user.  The format for user can be:
                          user:user_name:permissions or
                          user:user_name@hostname:permissions.  (Example:

    Permissions    [Toc]    [Back]
      Permissions are represented as the single character abbreviations
      indicated below.  Some permissions either apply only to, or have
      different meaning for, certain types of objects, as detailed below.

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      The following permissions may be granted:

           r ead       Grants permission to read the object.  On host,
                       depot, or root objects, read permission allows swlist
                       operations.  On products within depots, read
                       permission allows product files to be installed or
                       copied with swinstall or swcopy.

           w rite      Grants permission to modify the object itself.

                       +  On a root object (e.g. installed root filesystem),
                          this also grants permission to modify the products
                          installed (contained) within it.

                       +  On a depot object, it does not grant permission to
                          modify the products contained within it. Write
                          access on products is required to modify products
                          in a depot.

                       +  On a host container, write permission grants
                          permission to unregister depots.  It does not
                          grant permission to modify the depots or roots
                          contained within it.

           i nsert     On a host object, grants permission to create
                       (insert) a new software depot or root filesystem
                       object, and to register roots and depots.  On a depot
                       object, grants permission to create (insert) a new
                       product object into the depot.

           c ontrol    Grants permission to modify the ACL using swacl.

           t est       Grants permission to perform access checks and to
                       list the ACL.

           a ll        A wildcard which grants all of the above permissions.
                       It is expanded by swacl to crwit.

    List Output Format    [Toc]    [Back]
      The output of a list operation is in the following format:

                # swacl   Object_type     Access Control List
                # For     depot|host:[host]:[/directory]
                # Date:   date_stamp
                # Object Ownership:  User=  user_name
                #                    Group= group_name
                #                    Realm= host_name

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                # default_realm = host_name

      You can save this output into a file, modified it, then use it as
      input to a swacl modify operation (see the -F option above).

    Object Ownership    [Toc]    [Back]
      An owner is also associated with every SD object, as defined by the
      user name, group and hostname.  The owner is the user who created the
      object.  When using swacl to view an ACL, the owner is printed as a
      comment in the header.

    Default Realm    [Toc]    [Back]
      An ACL defines a default realm for an object.  The realm is currently
      defined as the name of the host system on which the object resides.
      When using swacl to view an ACL, the default realm is printed as a
      comment in the header.

    Keys    [Toc]    [Back]
      Expressions (patterns) are not permitted in keys.

      A key is required for user, group and host entry types.  A key is
      optional for other entry types, and specifies the hostname to which
      the entry applies.  Only one other entry type may exist without a key,
      and this entry applies to users at the default realm (host) of the

      A hostname in a key is listed in its Internet address format (dot
      notation) if swacl cannot resolve the address using the local lookup
      mechanism (DNS, NIS, or /etc/hosts).  A hostname within an ACL entry
      must be resolvable when used with the -D and -M options.  Unresolvable
      hostname values are accepted in files provided with the -F option.

 RETURN VALUE    [Toc]    [Back]
      The swacl command returns:

           0   The software_selections and/or target_selections were
               successfully displayed or modified.
           1   The display/modify operation failed on all target_selections.
           2   The modify/modify operation failed on some target_selections.

 DIAGNOSTICS    [Toc]    [Back]
      The swacl command writes to stdout, stderr, and to the daemon logfile.

    Standard Output    [Toc]    [Back]
      The swacl command prints ACL information to stdout when the user
      requests an ACL listing.

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    Standard Error    [Toc]    [Back]
      The swacl command writes messages for all WARNING and ERROR conditions
      to stderr.  A report that the software_selections do not exist is also
      given if the user has no access permissions to the object.

    Logging    [Toc]    [Back]
      The swacl command does not log summary events.  It logs events about
      each ACL which is modified to the swagentd logfile associated with
      each target_selection.

 EXAMPLES    [Toc]    [Back]
      To list the ACLs for the C and OPENVIEW products in depot

           swacl -l product C OPENVIEW  @ /var/spool/swtest

      The ACL listed to the standard output is similar to this example ACL:

                # swacl   Product Access Control Lists
                # For depot: newdist:/var/spool/swtest
                # Date:  Wed May 26 11:14:31 2000
                # For product:  OPENVIEW,r=3.2
                # Object Ownership:  User=  robason
                #                    Group= swadm
                #                    Realm= newdist.fc.hp.com
                # default_realm=newdist.fc.hp.com
                # For product:  C,r=9.4
                # Object Ownership:  User=  robason
                #                    Group= swadm
                #                    Realm= newdist.fc.hp.com
                # default_realm=newdist.fc.hp.com
                user:[email protected]:-r--t

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      To list the product template ACL on host newdist:

           swacl -l global_product_template  @ newdist

      To list the host ACL on the local system:

           swacl -l host

      To read, edit, then replace the ACL protecting the default depot

           swacl -l depot > new_acl_file
           vi new_acl_file
           swacl -l depot -F new_acl_file

      To allow user allen to create, register, and manage all new depots and
      roots on the local system:

           swacl -l host -M user:allen:a
           swacl -l global_soc_template -M user:allen:a
           swacl -l global_product_template -M user:allen:a

      To allow user allen to fully manage my_depot, which already exists:

           swacl -l depot -M user:allen:a @ /my_depot
           swacl -l product_template -M user:allen:a @ /my_depot
           swacl -l product -M user:allen:a \* @ /my_depot

      To deny general access to a depot:

           swacl -l depot -M any_other:- @ /restricted_depot
           swacl -l product -M any_other:- \* @ /restricted_depot
           swacl -l product_template -M any_other:- @ /restricted_depot

      To allow user allen on host gemini access to restricted_depot and all
      products it currently contains:

           swacl -l depot -M host:*:rt @ /restricted_depot
           swacl -l depot -M user:allen@gemini:rt @ /restricted_depot
           swacl -l product -M user:allen@gemini:rt \* @ /restricted_depot

      To revoke previously granted ACL permission for user allen on host
      gemini to access the WDB product in the default depot on lehi:

           swacl -l product -D user:allen@gemini WDB @ lehi

      To deny access to the default depot on the local system from host

 Hewlett-Packard Company           - 15 -              HP-UX 11i Version 2.0

 swacl(1M)                                                         swacl(1M)

           swacl -l depot -M host:numenal:-

      To deny access to the OPENVIEW product in the default depot on host
      lehi to all users who do not have an explicit ACL entry:

           swacl -l product -M any_other:t OPENVIEW @ lehi

      To allow user george on host newdist access to the OPENVIEW product in
      the default depot on host lehi, you must specify both a user ACL for
      george and a host ACL for newdist:

           swacl -l product -M user:george@newdist:rt OPENVIEW @ lehi
           swacl -l product -M host:newdist:rt OPENVIEW @ lehi

      To revoke a user ACL for user allen on host gemini that allowed access
      to the OPENVIEW product in the default depot on host lehi:

           swacl -l product -D user:allen@gemini OPENVIEW @ lehi

      To revoke any previously issued access to the OPENVIEW product in the
      default depot on host lehi by users on host numenal:

           swacl -l product -D host:numenal OPENVIEW @ lehi

      To deny all access to the users steve and george for the depot
      /var/spool/sw at host newdist:

           swacl -l depot -M user:steve:- -M user:george:- \
                 @ newdist:/var/spool/sw

      To delete entries for local user rick from all products in the default
      local depot:

           swacl -l product -D user:rick \*

 WARNINGS    [Toc]    [Back]
      +    You can edit an ACL in such a way that it will leave a system
           inaccessible.  Do not remove all control permissions on an ACL.
           (Note, however, that the local super-user can always edit SD
           ACLs, regardless of permissions.)

      +    ACLs can grant the equivalent of local superuser permission. SD
           loads and runs files and scripts as superuser. Therefore, if an
           SD ACL gives a user write permission on a root filesystem or
           insert permission on a host, that user has the equivalent of
           superuser privileges.

      +    Note that swacl is not a general purpose ACL editor. It works
           only on ACLs protecting SD objects.

 Hewlett-Packard Company           - 16 -              HP-UX 11i Version 2.0

 swacl(1M)                                                         swacl(1M)

 FILES    [Toc]    [Back]
           Contains the user-specific default values for some or all SD

           Contains the master list of current SD options (with their
           default values).

           The directory which contains all of the configurable (and nonconfigurable)
 data for SD.  This directory is also the default
           location of logfiles.

           Contains the active system-wide default values for some or all SD

           The Installed Products Database (IPD), a catalog of all products
           installed on a system.

           The directory which contains ACLs for the system itself, template
           ACLS, and the secrets file used to authenticate remote requests.

           The default location of a source and target software depot.

 AUTHOR    [Toc]    [Back]
      swacl was developed by the Hewlett-Packard Company.

 SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]
      sd(5), sd(4), swpackage(4), swagentd(1M), swask(1M), swconfig(1M),
      swcopy(1M), swinstall(1M), swjob(1M), swlist(1M), swmodify(1M),
      swpackage(1M), swreg(1M), swremove(1M), swverify(1M), install-sd(1M).

      Software Distributor Administration Guide, available at

      SD customer web site at http://software.hp.com/SD_AT_HP/.

 Hewlett-Packard Company           - 17 -              HP-UX 11i Version 2.0
[ Back ]
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