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 sd(5)                                                                 sd(5)
                           Hewlett-Packard Company

 NAME    [Toc]    [Back]
      sd - Software Distributor, commands to create, distribute, install,
      monitor, and manage software

 SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]
      sw<command> [XToolkit Options] [-r|-d] [-i] [-l] [-p] [-R] [-u] [-v]
           [-a attribute] [-c catalog] [-C session_file] [-D acl_entry]
           [-f software_file] [-F acl_file] [-J jobid] [-l level]
           [-M acl_entry] [-Q date] [-s source] [-S session_file]
           [-t target_file] [-x option=value] [-X option_file]
           [software_selections] [@ target_selections]

    Remarks    [Toc]    [Back]
           +  You can enable Software Distributor (SD) for software
              management on remote systems. See the Remote Operation section
              below for details.

           +  Type man 4 sd to view the sd(4) manual entry for descriptions
              of all SD objects, attributes and data formats.

           +  Type man 4 swpackage to view the swpackage(4) manual entry for
              description of the Product Specification File (PSF) used as
              input to the swpackage command.

 DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]
      See the Software Distributor Administration Guide, available at
      http://docs.hp.com for a complete description of SD.

      The SD command and related programs:

           +  sd - Lets you interactively create, schedule, and monitors
              software jobs and log files. Also lets you launch the install,
              copy, and remove commands.

           +  swacl - Modifies Access Control Lists (ACLs), which control SD

           +  swagentd - Daemon that serves local or remote SD software
              management tasks and starts the SD agent.

           +  swask - Runs scripts that request user responses to be used in
              software installation or configuration.

           +  swcluster - Configures diskless clients (HP-UX 10.X only).

           +  swconfig - Configures, unconfigures, or reconfigures installed

           +  swcopy - Copies software products into depots for subsequent
              installation or distribution.

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

           +  swinstall - Installs and configures software products.

           +  swjob - Creates and monitors software jobs and log files.

           +  swlist - Displays information about software products.

           +  swmodify - Modifies software product information in a target
              root or depot.

           +  swpackage - Packages software products into a distribution
              directory or serial-format depot.

           +  swreg - Registers or unregisters software depots or roots.

           +  swremove - Removes and unconfigures software products.

           +  swverify - Verifies software products.

           +  install-sd - Retrieves and installs the SD product (and any
              related patches) from new media.

      The following sections highlight the features that these commands

    Remote Operation    [Toc]    [Back]
      You can enable Software Distributor (SD) to manage software on remote
      systems. To let the root user from a central SD controller (also
      called the central management server or manager node) perform
      operations on a remote target (also called the host or agent):

      1)  Install a special HP ServiceControl Manager fileset on the remote
          systems.  This permits root access from the controller system by
          automatically setting up the root, host, and template Access
          Control Lists (ACLs) on the remote machines.  To install the
          fileset, run this command on each remote system:

          swinstall -s controller:/var/opt/mx/depot11 AgentConfig.SD-CONFIG


          +  controller is the name of the central management server.

          +  If the target is running HP-UX 10.20, use the same command but
             substitute depot10 for depot11.

          +  Targets previously set up by SD/OV to be managed by this
             controller do not need this step.

          +  SD does not require any other ServiceControl Manager filesets.

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

      2)  (Optional) Enable the GUI interfaces for remote operations by
          creating the .sdkey file on the controller. Use this command:

          touch /var/adm/sw/.sdkey

          (This step is not required when you use SD from within the HP
          ServiceControl Manager.)

      NOTE: You can also set up remote access by using the swacl(1M) command
      directly on the remote machines to grant root or non-root access to
      users from the controller system.

    Interactive Operation    [Toc]    [Back]
      By default, all SD commands except sd and swask operate in a noninteractive
 mode. The swcopy, swinstall, swlist, and swremove commands
      also support a graphical user interface (GUI). (If your terminal or
      display cannot support the GUI, these commands also provide a terminal
      user interface, in which screen navigation is done with the keyboard
      and no mouse.)

      To invoke the GUI, enter the command without any command-line options
      or add the -i option with other command-line options when you invoke
      the command. You must specify the -i option to invoke the swlist GUI.

      The swconfig and the command-line version of swinstall work
      interactively when the ask option is set to true.  This option
      executes an interactive request script.

      The sd command is an interactive interface for monitoring and
      scheduling software jobs. It provides the same functionality as the
      swjob command. You can also use sd to invoke the swinstall, copy, and
      swremove GUIs.

      If you have enabled SD's remote operations features, swinstall,
      swcopy, and swremove provide enhanced GUIs to support operations on
      remote targets.  See Remote Operation above for details about enabling
      remote operations and the enhanced GUIs.

    Distributed Operation    [Toc]    [Back]
      All SD commands except swask, swpackage, and swmodify use a
      distributed model of operation.  The commands act as the controller
      for distributed operations, managing the specific software management
      tasks. For each target_selection, an SD agent process performs the

           +  swagent - perform software management tasks as the agent of an
              SD command.

      Communication between the command and each agent, plus other target
      host activities are facilitated by an SD daemon process:

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

           +  swagentd - serve local or remote software management tasks.

    Software Job Management    [Toc]    [Back]
      The swinstall, copy, and remove commands create job information that
      records the job definition (in a session file), status, and log
      information for the job.  You can execute jobs immediately, or
      schedule them for later execution.  You can browse the scheduled,
      active, and completed jobs using either the swjob command or the sd
      interactive interface.

    Secure Operation    [Toc]    [Back]
      SD uses Access Control Lists (ACLs) to authorize users attempting to
      create, modify, or read software products in a depot or installed to a
      root file system.  The superuser can grant specific local and remote
      users specific access permissions to a target host, a target depot,
      and/or a target root file system. (Note that SD does not use ACLs for
      tasks invoked by a local root user.)

      Because files are loaded and scripts are run as superuser, granting
      write permission (to install software) on a root file system or insert
      permission (to create a new root) on a host, effectively gives the
      user superuser privileges.

      SD uses a method based on credentials and passwords to authenticate
      the user and the SD command performing a given operation.

      SD also has a nonprivileged mode that replaces ACL authorizations with
      user file permissions. See the run_as_superuser default option and the
      Software Distributor Administration Guide for more information.

    Flexible Policy Control    [Toc]    [Back]
      You can control many policies and behaviors for the SD commands by
      using the command default options. You can define these options in
      system-wide or user-specific SD defaults files, specify them on the
      command-line when you invoke a command, or specify selected options in
      the GUI. See the Default Options heading below for more information.

    Preview, Diagnostics and Logging
      All commands except swlist and swjob log major events on the
      controller host and detailed events on the target hosts.

      If both source and target machine are running HP-UX version 11.00 or
      later, the system administrator at the source depot machine can track
      which user pulls which software from a depot on the source machine and
      when the software is pulled. Refer to the swagent(1M)
      source_depot_audit option for more information.

      You can use the SD interactive interface (invoked using the sd
      command) and the swjob command line interface to monitor job progress
      and to view controller and target log files.

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

      The swconfig, swcopy, swinstall, swmodify, swpackage, and swremove
      commands support a preview mode, where the commands will proceed
      through the analysis phase, then exit.

    Software Products    [Toc]    [Back]
      Software products are organized in a multi-level hierarchy: bundles,
      products, subproducts, and filesets.  The actual files that make up a
      product are packaged into filesets.  The software_selections for an SD
      command can specify bundles, products, individual subproducts, and/or
      individual filesets.

    Compatible Software    [Toc]    [Back]
      Software products specify what machine types and operating systems
      they support (i.e. are compatible with).  The swconfig, swinstall, and
      swverify commands can detect and/or enforce the use of compatible

    Vendor-Defined Attributes    [Toc]    [Back]
      You can create your own software attributes when packaging software.
      Keywords in a product specification file that are not recognized by SD
      are preserved, along with their associated values, by being
      transferred to the resulting INDEX or INFO files created by
      swpackageor swcopy.  (Refer to swpackage(4) for more information on
      INDEX and  INFO files.)

      Vendor-defined attributes are noted during packaging or when modified
      with swmodify.  These attributes can be listed with swlist.

    Dependencies Between Software    [Toc]    [Back]
      The swask, swconfig, swcopy, swinstall, swremove, and swverify
      commands support dependencies, which is software that must be present
      or absent before or during the installation of another piece of
      software.  Dependencies apply between filesets and other filesets and
      products. SD supports three types of dependencies: prerequisites that
      must be installed and configured before the dependent fileset is
      installed and configured (respectively); corequisites that must be
      installed and configured before the dependent is usable.  exrequisites
      that prevent a dependent fileset from being installed or configured
      when they are present.

      If a software_selection specifies a dependency on other filesets
      and/or products, the commands will automatically select that software.
      An exception is swremove, which can automatically select dependent
      software (filesets and/or products that depend on the

      By default, all dependencies must be resolved before a command will

      Note that if you specify a dependency for a fileset and the fileset is
      superseded by another fileset as part of a patch, SD still recognizes

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

      the dependency.

    Product Location and Multiple Versions    [Toc]    [Back]
      The swinstall command can install a software product to an alternate
      product location instead of the default product directory specified by
      the vendor.  (This directory location is the root directory of all the
      product's files.)

      The swinstall command can also install multiple versions of a software
      product to a single target system, each in a unique product location.

      The software management commands, swconfig, swlist, swremove, and
      swverify let you select a specific product from the multiple installed
      versions by specifying the product location as part of the

    Alternate Root Directory and Depot Directory    [Toc]    [Back]
      By default, the swinstall, swlist, swmodify, swremove, and swverify
      commands operate on the primary root file system of a target host,
      (/). These commands let you specify an alternate root directory using
      the @ target_selection syntax and the -r command-line option. (This
      option is not required and is maintained primarily for backward


           +  Alternate root directories are root file systems other than
              the default primary root (/).  (The alternate root directory
              will eventually become the root of a target host.)

           +  Operations on alternate root directories do not include
              compatibility filtering.

           +  Configure, unconfigure, and verify scripts are not run for
              operations on alternate root directories.

           +  You cannot use this option to relocate software during
              installation. You must use the l=location syntax in the
              software selection component.

           +  Alternate root operations are not the equivalent of a chroot

      Alternate roots provide advantages for some test environments (such as
      building a test system by mounting its root file system). You can also
      use them to quickly get files from a depot onto your system for
      viewing or other purposes.

      When operating on a depot, the swcopy, swpackage, swlist, swverify,
      swremove, and swverify commands by default use the depot located at
      /var/spool/sw.  You can also specify an alternate depot directory to

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

      these commands.

    Disk Space Analysis    [Toc]    [Back]
      The swcopy, swinstall, and swpackage commands perform a disk space
      analysis on the target_selections to ensure that enough free disk
      space is available to perform the task.

      When packaging software, you can define space files for filesets to
      define additional space needed. (Space files are accounted for in disk
      space analysis.)

      Before performing any disk space analysis, swcopy, swinstall, and
      swpackage (also swverify and swremove) execute the mount(1M) command
      to mount all file systems listed in each target's file system table
      (/etc/fstab or equivalent). This ensures that files are not loaded
      into a directory below a future mount point. You can override this
      mounting policy using the mount_all_filesystems option.

    Control Scripts    [Toc]    [Back]
      The swask, swconfig, swinstall, swremove, and swverify commands can
      execute vendor-defined control scripts to perform checks or other
      tasks beyond those usually performed by the commands.

      In general, SD uses scripts with product or fileset objects. Scripts
      usually do not accompany software that HP manufactures onto new
      systems in the factory.

      SD supports these types of scripts:

           +    Checkinstall - (Applies to swinstall.) A check script that
                analyses each target_selection (target host) for an
                installation to determine if the installation and
                configuration can take place.

           +    Preinstall - (Applies to swinstall.) A script executed
                immediately before installation of software files to perform
                additional file install operations (such as removing
                obsolete files).

           +    Unpreinstall - (Applies to swinstall.) An "undo" preinstall
                script in case SD must initiate recovery during the install

           +    Postinstall - (Applies to swremove.) A script executed
                immediately after a fileset or product has been installed to
                perform additional remove operations (such as resetting
                default files).

           +    Unpostinstall - (Applies to swremove.) An "undo" postinstall
                script in case SD must initiate recovery during the
                installation process.

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

           +    Configure - (Applies to swconfig, swinstall, and swremove.)
                A script that configures installed filesets or products.

           +    Unconfigure - (Applies to swconfig and swremove.) A script
                to "undo" configurations performed by configure scripts.

           +    Verify - (Applies to swverify.) A script that verifies the
                configuration of filesets or products.  (The script performs
                these checks in addition to the standard swverify checks for
                file consistency with SD database entries.)

           +    Checkremove - (Applies to swinstall.) A check script that
                analyses each target_selection (target host) before removal
                to determine if the removal and unconfiguration can take

           +    Preremove - (Applies to swremove.) A script executed
                immediately before removal of software files to perform
                additional file operations (such as removing files created
                by a preinstall script).

           +    Postremove - (Applies to swremove.) A script executed
                immediately after a fileset or product has been removed to
                perform additional remove operations (such as restoring
                "rollback" files).

           +    Request - (Applies to swask, swconfig, and swinstall.) An
                interactive script that requests a response from the user as
                part of the installation or configuration process.

           +    Other scripts - You can include other specialized scripts as
                subscripts to standard SD control scripts.

      See the Software Distributor Administration Guide for more information
      on using control scripts.

    Software States    [Toc]    [Back]
      The SD commands transition products and filesets through a number of

      During installation, software is transitioned through the following
           +    non-existent
           +    TRANSIENT
           +    INSTALLED
           +    CONFIGURED

      During removal, software is transitioned through these states:
           +    CONFIGURED
           +    INSTALLED

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

           +    TRANSIENT
           +    non-existent

      When packaging or copying software into a depot, the software is
      transitioned through the following states:
           +    non-existent
           +    TRANSIENT
           +    AVAILABLE

      When removing software from a depot, the software is transitioned
      through these states:
           +    AVAILABLE
           +    TRANSIENT
           +    non-existent

      If a task fails during any TRANSIENT state, the state is set to

    Options    [Toc]    [Back]
      The following options are supported by one or more of the SD commands.
      Refer to the manual pages for each command for the options specific to
      that command.

           XToolKit Options
                     The interactive commands support a subset of the
                     standard X Toolkit options to control the appearance of
                     the GUI.  The supported options are: -bg, -background,
                     -fg, -foreground, -display, -name, -xrm.  and
                     -synchronous.  See the X(1) manual page for a
                     definition of these options.

           -d        Causes the command to operate on target_selections
                     which are software depots rather than root directories.

           -r        Causes SD commands to operate on alternate root
                     directories, which must be specified the @
                     target_selections option. (This option is not required
                     for alternate root operations but is maintained for
                     backward compatibility.  See the Alternate Root
                     Directory and Depot Directory heading above for more

           -i        Runs the command in interactive mode (Graphical User
                     Interface).  See the Interactive Operation and Remote
                     Operation headings above for additional details.

           -l        (HP-UX 10.X only) Runs the command in linkinstall mode,
                     which makes software installed under a server's shared
                     root available to a diskless client's private root.

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

                     When run in linkinstall mode, swinstall:

                     +  Creates NFS mounts to the software to make it
                        accessible from the target.  This may involve
                        delayed mounting for alternate roots.

                     +  Modifies the target's fstab file.

                     +  Modifies the source's exports file to add mount
                        permission for the target.

                     Mounts are created by examining the share_link product
                     attribute.  Not all products support linkinstall.  Some
                     products may be visible without creating a new mount if
                     they reside under an existing one.

           -p        Previews the task by executing the session through the
                     analysis phase and exiting before the command begins to
                     perform the actual task.

           -R        For swlist, recursively includes all objects to the
                     fileset level.
                     For swjob: recursively includes all objects to the
                     end_target level.

           -u        Undo variation of the operation, unconfiguring software
                     using swconfig, unregistering the specified objects
                     using swreg, or removing the specified jobs using the
                     swjob command.

           -v        Turns on verbose output to stdout.  (The command log
                     file is not affected by this option.)  By default,
                     verbose output is enabled for all the SD commands.

           -V        List the supported data model revisions.

           -a attribute
                     Specifies particular attributes to display or modify
                     using swlist, swmodify, or the swjob command.

           -c catalog
                     Specifies the pathname of the directory containing an
                     exported catalog.  For swask, this catalog stores
                     copies of the response files created by request
                     scripts. For swlist and swmodify, this catalog stores
                     output or input for these commands.

           -C session_file
                     Saves the current options and operands to session_file.
                     (You can recall a session file with the -S session_file
                     option.) See the Session File heading in this manpage

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

                     for more information.

           -D acl_entry
                     Deletes an existing entry from the ACL associated with
                     the specified objects using swacl.

           -f software_file
                     Read the list of selections from software_file instead
                     of (or in addition to) the command line operands.

           -F acl_file
                     Assigns the ACL contained in acl_file to the specified
                     object using swacl.

           -J job_id Executes the previously scheduled job.  This option is
                     used by the swagentd to initiate scheduled jobs.

           -l level  List all objects at the specified level when using
                     swlist, or define the level of the objects when using
                     swacl, or swreg.

           -M acl_entry
                     Adds a new ACL entry or changes the permissions of an
                     existing entry using swacl.

           -Q date   Schedules the command for the specified date and time.

           -s source Specifies source depot, PSF file, or tape from which
                     software will be installed, copied, listed, or
                     packaged. (SD can read both tar and cpio tape depots.)

           -S session_file
                     Executes the command based on the options and operands
                     saved from a previous session in session_file.  (You
                     can save session information to a file with the -C
                     session_file option.) See the Session File heading in
                     this manpage for more information.

           -t target_file
                     Read the list of target_selections from target_file
                     instead of (or in addition to) the command line

           -x option=value
                     Set the session option to value and override the
                     default value (or a value in an alternate option_file
                     specified with the -X option).  Multiple -x options can
                     be specified.

           -X option_file
                     Read the session options and behaviors from

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

                     option_file.  These values defined in this file
                     override the default values.

    Operands    [Toc]    [Back]
      Most SD commands support two types of operands: software selections
      followed by target selections.  These operands are separated by the "@
      " (at) character. This syntax implies that the command operates on
      "selections at targets".

    Software Selections    [Toc]    [Back]
      The selections operands consist of software_selections for most SD
      commands.  For the swjob and swreg commands, the selections can be
      job_ids and roots_or_depots respectively.

      The SD commands support the following syntax for each



           +    The = (equals) relational operator lets you specify
                selections with the following shell wildcard and patternmatching

                     [ ], *, ?

                For example, the following expression installs all bundles
                and products with tags that end with "man":

                     swinstall -s sw_server *man

           +    Bundles and subproducts are recursive.  Bundles can contain
                other bundles and subproducts can contain other subproducts.
                For example:

                     swinstall bun1.bun2.prod.sub1.sub2.fset,r=1.0

                or (using expressions):

                     swinstall bun[12].bun?.prod.sub*,a=HP-UX

           +    The \* software specification selects all products. Use this
                specification with caution.

      The version component has the form:
           [,r <op> revision][,a <op> arch][,v <op> vendor]
           [,c <op> category][,q=qualifier][,l=location]
           [,fr <op> revision][,fa <op> arch]

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

           +    location applies only to installed software and refers to
                software installed to a location other than the default
                product directory.

           +    fr and fa apply only to filesets.

           +    The <op> (relational operator) component can be of the form:

                     =, ==, >=, <=, <, >, or !=

                which performs individual comparisons on dot-separated

                For example, r>=B.11.00 chooses all revisions greater than
                or equal to B.11.00.  The system compares each dot-separated
                field to find matches. Shell patterns are not allowed with
                these operators.

           +    The = (equals) relational operator lets you specify
                selections with the following shell wildcard and patternmatching

                     [ ], *, ?, !

                For example, the expression r=1[01].* returns any revision
                in version 10 or version 11.

           +    All version components are repeatable within a single
                specification (e.g.  r>=A.12, r<A.20).  If multiple
                components are used, the selection must match all

           +    Fully qualified software specs include the r=, a=, and v=
                version components even if they contain empty strings.  For
                installed software, l= is also included.

           +    No space or tab characters are allowed in a software

           +    The software instance_id can take the place of the version
                component. It has the form:


                within the context of an exported catalog, where instance_id
                is an integer that distinguishes versions of products and
                bundles with the same tag.

    Target Selections    [Toc]    [Back]
      The SD commands support this syntax for each target_selection.

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      The : (colon) is required if both a host and directory are specified.

    Default Options
      In addition to the standard options, several SD behaviors and policy
      options can be changed by editing the default values found in:

           /var/adm/sw/defaults          the system-wide default values.

           $HOME/.swdefaults             the user-specific default values.

      Values must be specified in the defaults file using this syntax:


      The optional command_name prefix denotes one of the SD commands. Using
      the prefix limits the change in the default value to that command. If
      you leave the prefix off, the change applies to all commands.

      You can also override default values from the command line with the -x
      or -X options:

           command -x option=value

           command -X option_file

      The following section lists all of the keywords supported by the SD
      commands.  The keywords that are supported for individual commands are
      also listed in each command's manual page.  If a default value exists,
      it is listed after the "=". The commands that this option applies to
      are also specified.

           admin_directory=/var/adm/sw (for normal mode)
           admin_directory=/var/home/LOGNAME/sw (for nonprivileged mode)
                     The location for SD logfiles and the default parent
                     directory for the installed software catalog.  The
                     default value is /var/adm/sw for normal SD operations.
                     When SD operates in nonprivileged mode (that is, when
                     the run_as_superuser default option is set to true):

                     +  The default value is forced to /var/home/LOGNAME/sw.

                     +  The path element LOGNAME is replaced with the name
                        of the invoking user, which SD reads from the system
                        password file.

                     +  If you set the value of this option to HOME/path, SD
                        replaces HOME with the invoking user's home
                        directory (from the system password file) and

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                        resolves path relative to that directory.  For
                        example, HOME/my_admin resolves to the my_admin
                        directory in your home directory.

                     +  If you set the value of the
                        installed_software_catalog default option to a
                        relative path, that path is resolved relative to the
                        value of this option.

                     SD's nonprivileged mode is intended only for managing
                     applications that are specially designed and packaged.
                     This mode cannot be used to manage the HP-UX operating
                     system or patches to it.  For a full explanation of
                     nonprivileged SD, see the Software Distributor
                     Administration Guide, available at the
                     http://docs.hp.com web site.

                     See also the installed_software_catalog and
                     run_as_superuser options.

                     Applies to all SD commands except swagent, swagentd,
                     and install-sd.

                     The location of the agent program invoked by the

                     Applies to swagentd.

                     Causes the target agent to automatically exit after
                     Execute phase, or after a failed Analysis phase.  This
                     is forced to false when the controller is using an
                     interactive UI, or when -p (preview) is used.  This
                     enhances network reliability and performance.  The
                     default value of true means the target agent
                     automatically exits when appropriate. When set to
                     false, the target agent will not exit until the
                     controller ends the session.

                     Applies to swconfig, swcopy, swinstall, swremove,

                     Causes a target agent to exit if it has been inactive
                     for the specified time.  This can be used to make
                     target agents more quickly detect lost network
                     connections since RPC can take as long as 130 minutes
                     to detect a lost connection. The recommended value is
                     the longest period of inactivity expected in your
                     environment. For command line invocation, a value

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 sd(5)                                                                 sd(5)
                           Hewlett-Packard Company

                     between 10 minutes and 60 minutes is suitable. A value
                     of 60 minutes or more is recommended when the GUI will
                     be used. The default of 10000 is slightly less than 7

                     Applies to swcopy, swinstall, swjob, swlist, swremove,

                     Prevents the installation of an older revision of
                     fileset that already exists at the targets.  (Many
                     software products do not support "downdating".)  If set
                     to true, the older revision can be installed.

                     Applies to swinstall.

                     Requires that the software products which are being
                     installed be "compatible" with the target selections.
                     (All of the target selections must match the list of
                     supported systems defined for each selected product.)
                     If set to true, target compatibility is not enforced.

                     Applies to swconfig, swinstall, and swverify.

                     Prevents the installation or configuration of another,
                     independent version of a product when a version already
                     is already installed or configured at the target.

                     If set to true, another version of an existing product
                     can be installed into a new location, or can be
                     configured in its new location.  Multiple versions can
                     only be installed if a product is locatable.  Multiple
                     configured versions will not work unless the product
                     supports it.

                     Applies to swconfig, swinstall, and swverify.

                     Permits the use of single patch filesets without
                     "sibling" filesets.  In the default state of false,
                     installation, copy, or removal of a single fileset from
                     a multi-fileset patch automatically includes any other
                     fileset that are part of the patch, based on the
                     ancestor filesets of the target fileset. (This behavior
                     applies to filesets selected directly by the user and
                     to filesets automatically selected by SD to resolve
                     software dependencies.)

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 sd(5)                                                                 sd(5)
                           Hewlett-Packard Company

                     When set to true, SD allows a single patch fileset to
                     be installed, copied, or removed without including the
                     sibling filesets. This allows a target to contain a
                     patch that has been "split" into its component
                     filesets.  WARNING: Splitting a patch can create a
                     situation in which one fileset in a sibling group would
                     be updated or removed by a patch, while the other
                     filesets would remain at an earlier release or fail to
                     be removed.

                     Applies to swinstall, swcopy, and swremove.

                     Defines the alternate source which the agent will use
                     when the use_alternate_source option is set to true.
                     The alternate source is specified using the syntax:


                     If the host portion is not specified, then the local
                     host is used.  If the path portion is not specified,
                     then the path sent by the command is used.  The
                     protocol sequence and endpoint given by the option
                     swagent.rpc_binding_info are used when the agent
                     attempts to contact an alternate source depot.

                     Applies to swagent.

           ask=true (swask only)
           ask=false (swconfig and swinstall)
                     Executes a request script, which asks for a user
                     response. If ask=as_needed, swinstall executes the
                     request script only if a response file does not already
                     exist in the control directory. See swask(1M) for more
                     information on request scripts.

                     Applies to swask, swconfig, and swinstall.

                     Normally set to true.  Specifies whether the removal of
                     a kernel fileset should rebuild the kernel or not. If
                     the kernel rebuild succeeds, the system automatically
                     reboots.  If set to false, the system continues to run
                     the current kernel.

                     If the auto_kernel_build option is set to true, the
                     autoreboot option must also be set to true.  If the
                     auto_kernel_build option is set to false, the value of
                     the autoreboot option does not matter.

 Hewlett-Packard Company           - 17 -    HP-UX 11i Version 1.6: Jul 2002

 sd(5)                                                                 sd(5)
                           Hewlett-Packard Company

                     Applies to swremove only.

                     Prevents the installation or removal of software
                     requiring a reboot from the non-interactive interface.
                     If set to true, then software can be installed or
                     removed, after which the target system(s) will
                     automatically reboot.

                     An interactive session always asks for confirmation
                     before software requiring a reboot is installed or

                     If the auto_kernel_build option is set to true, the
                     autoreboot option must also be set to true.  If the
                     auto_kernel_build option is set to false, the value of
                     the autoreboot option does not matter.

                     Applies to swinstall and swremove.

                     This option permits automatic recovery of original
                     filesets if an installation error occurs. The cost is a
                     temporary increase in disk space and slower
                     performance. The default value of false causes
                     swinstall to remove the original files as a fileset is
                     updated.  If an error occurs during the installation
                     (e.g. network failure), then the original files are
                     lost, and you must reinstall the fileset.

                     If set to true, all files are saved as backup copies
                     until the current fileset finishes loading. If an error
                     occurs during installation, the fileset's original
                     files are replaced, and swinstall continues to the next
                     fileset in the product or the product postinstall

                     When set to true, this option also affects scripts. For
                     example, if a preinstall script fails, this option
                     causes the corresponding unpreinstall script to
                     execute. See the Software Distributor Administration
                     Guide for complete information.

                     Applies only to swinstall.

                     This option permits automatic recovery of original
                     product files if an installation error occurs. The cost
                     is a temporary increase in disk space and slower
                     performance. The default value of false causes
                     swinstall to remove any existing product files as a

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 sd(5)                                                                 sd(5)
                           Hewlett-Packard Company

                     product is updated.  If an error occurs during
                     installation (e.g. network failure), then the original
                     files are lost, and you must reinstall the product.

                     If set to true, all files for a product are saved as
                     backup copies until the entire product finishes
                     loading. Then the files are removed.  If an error
                     occurs during installation, the original product files
                     are replaced, and swinstall exits.

                     When set to true, this option also affects scripts. For
                     example, if a preinstall script fails, this option
                     causes the corresponding unpreinstall script to
                     execute. See Software Distributor Administration Guide
                     for complete information.

                     Applies only to swinstall.

                     Controls automatic job removal of completed jobs.  If
                     the job is automatically removed, job information (job
                     status or target log files) cannot be queried with

                     Controls the automatic selection of prerequisite,
                     corequisite, and exrequisite software that SD
                     automatically selects.  When set to true, the requisite
                     software is automatically selected for configuration.
                     When set to false, requisite software which is not
                     explicitly selected is not automatically selected for
                     configuration.  When set to as_needed, autoselected
                     dependencies are operated only if the dependency is not
                     already met on the target.

                     Applies to swconfig, swcopy, swinstall, and swverify.

                     Controls whether or not SD automatically selects
                     dependent software.  A dependent fileset has
                     established either a prerequisite, corequisite, or
                     exrequisite on the selected fileset.  Specifying true
                     causes SD to automatically select dependent software.
                     The default value of false prevents SD from
                     automatically selecting dependent software.

                     Applies to swconfig and swremove.

                     Automatically selects the latest patches (based on
                     superseding and ancestor attributes) for a software

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 sd(5)                                                                 sd(5)
                           Hewlett-Packard Company

                     object that a user selects for a swinstall or swcopy
                     operation. When set to false, the patches corresponding
                     to the selected object will not be automatically

                     The patch_filter option can be used in conjunction with

                     Applies to swask, swinstall, and swcopy.

                     If true, bundles that are sticky will be automatically
                     installed, or copied, along with the software it is
                     made up of.  If false, the software can be installed,
                     or copied, without automatically including sticky
                     bundles that contain it.

                     For swremove, if set to true, any bundle with the
                     is_sticky attribute set to true is removed
                     automatically when the last of its contents is removed.
                     If set to false, the sticky bundles will not be
                     automatically removed.

                     Applies to swcopy

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