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 swpackage(4)                                                   swpackage(4)
                           Hewlett-Packard Company

 NAME    [Toc]    [Back]
      swpackage - product specification file (PSF) format

 DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]
      The swpackage command packages software into:

           +    a distribution directory (which can be accessed directly or
                copied onto a CD-ROM),

           +    a distribution tape, such as DDS, nine-track or cartridge

      Both directory and tape distributions use the same format. SD can read
      both tar and cpio tape depots. See sd(4) for details on tape format.

      The software is organized into a four-level hierarchy of software
      objects: bundles, products, subproducts, and filesets.  Bundles and
      subproducts are recursive: a bundle can contain other bundles, and a
      subproduct can contain other subproducts. The files that make up a
      software package are contained in filesets.  Filesets are contained in
      subproducts and/or products. Currently, HP does not support customer
      creation of software bundles to contain the entire application. The
      attribute tables that follow show the attributes of each level of the
      software packaging hierarchy.

      A Product Specification File (PSF) defines how a product is structured
      and the attributes that apply to it.  This manual page describes the
      syntax and semantics of a PSF.

    Layout Version    [Toc]    [Back]
      SD object and attribute syntax conforms to the layout_version 1.0
      specification of the IEEE POSIX 1387.2 Software Administration
      standard. The previous SD layout_version 0.8 is also supported.  SD
      for HP-UX version 10.10 and later can read or write either layout
      version.  SD commands still accept the keyword names associated with
      the older layout version, but you should use layout_version 0.8 only
      to create distributions readable by older versions of SD.

      What layout_version the SD commands write is controlled by the
      layout_version option for swpackage, swmodify, swcopy, and swlist.

      The version used by swpackage can be also controlled by specifying the
      layout_version attribute in the PSF.  However, if the layout_version
      attribute in the PSF is 1.0, the is_locatable attribute defaults to
      true in all cases, and must be explicitly set to false.

      For a full description of the swpackage command, see the swpackage(1M)
      manual page.

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

      Layout version 1.0 adds significant functionality not recognized by
      systems supporting only 0.8, including:

           +    Category class objects (formerly the category and
                category_title attributes within the bundle or product

           +    Patch-handling attributes, including applied_patches,
                is_patch, and patch_state.

           +    The fileset architecture attribute, which permits you to
                specify the architecture of the target system on which the
                product will run.

      In addition to adding new attributes and objects, layout_version 1.0
      changes the following preexisting 0.8 objects and attributes as

           +    Replaces the depot media_sequence_number with the media
                object with a sequence_number attribute.

           +    Replaces the vendor definition within products and bundles
                with a vendor_tag attribute and a corresponding vendor
                object defined outside the product or bundle.

           +    Pluralizes the corequisite and prerequisite fileset
                attributes (to corequisites and prerequisites).

           +    Changes the timestamp attribute to mod_time.

      A PSF is structured as follows:

           [<distribution specification>]

                [<vendor specification>]

                [<category specification>]

                [<bundle specification>]


                <product specification>

                     [<control script specifications>]

                     [<subproduct specifications>]

                     <fileset specification>

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

                          [<control script specifications>]

                          <file specifications>

                     [<fileset specification>]


                [<vendor specification>]

                [<product specification>]


      In summary, the swpackage user can:

           +    Specify one or more products.

           +    For each product, specify one or more filesets.

           +    For each fileset, specify one or more files.

           +    (optional) Specify attributes for the target depot or tape.

           +    (optional) Specify one or more bundles, defining the bundle

           +    (optional) Specify vendor information to be used with
                subsequent products and bundles.

           +    (optional) For each product, specify one or more
                subproducts, defining the subproduct contents.

           +    (optional) For each product or fileset, specify one or more
                control scripts.

      Each software object has user-defined attributes. Most attributes are
      optional. All objects and attributes are defined using a

           keyword value

      syntax.  The keyword is an identifier for the attribute.

      Some attributes allow multiple values. You can specify values with a
      keyword/list syntax:

           keyword  value1 value2 value3 ...

      You can also use a list following the keyword:

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company


      Specific rules for each keyword are:

           +    All keywords require one or more values, except as noted.
                If the value is missing an error is given.

           +    Comments must be preceded by #.  A comment can appear on a
                line by itself or following the keyword-value syntax within
                the PSF.

           +    Use double quotes (") to define values that span multiple

                "This is an example of a
                  two-line value."

           +    Double quotes (") are optional when defining a value that
                contains embedded whitespace.

    Attribute Table    [Toc]    [Back]
      The following tables summarize the objects and attributes which can be
      defined in a PSF. These objects and attributes can appear in any order
      when defining a distribution, vendor, category, product, or bundle,
      except that the layout_version attribute must be first. Each object
      and attribute is identified by a keyword.  Object keywords do not have
      associated values. Attribute keywords have one or more values.

           +    Attributes marked with a * determine the uniqueness of a
                product, bundle, or fileset.  Their values may also be of
                the type version_component when used in a version component
                of a software specification.

           +    control_files can be defined within products or filesets or

           +    You can define your own attributes. See the section on
                Vendor-Defined Attributes for more information.

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

   |Keyword           |  Type               |  Size   |  Example              |
   |distribution      |                     |         |                       |
   |  layout_version  |  revision_string    |  64     |  1.0                  |
   |  tag             |  tag_string         |  64     |  EXAMPLE_DEPOT        |
   |  copyright       |  multi_line_string  |  8192   |  < data/copyr.depot   |
   |  description     |  multi_line_string  |  8192   |  < data/descr.depot   |
   |  number          |  one_line_string    |  64     |  B2358-13601          |
   |  title           |  one_line_string    |  256    |  Example packages     |
   |end               |                     |         |                       |
   |vendor            |                     |         |                       |
   |  tag             |  tag_string         |  64     |  HP                   |
   |  description     |  multi_line_string  |  8192   |  < data/descr.hp      |
   |  title           |  one_line_string    |  256    |  Hewlett-Packard Co.  |
   |end               |                     |         |                       |
   |category          |                     |         |                       |
   |  tag             |  tag_string         |  64     |  patch_normal         |
   |  description     |  multi_line_string  |  8192   |  For normal problems  |
   |  revision        |  revision_string    |  64     |  0.0                  |
   |  title           |  one_line_string    |  256    |  Category of Patches  |
   |end               |                     |         |                       |
   |bundle            |                     |         |                       |
   |* tag             |  tag_string         |  64     |  SD                   |
   |* architecture    |  one_line_string    |  64     |  HP-UX_B.11.22_IA/PA  |
   |  category_tag    |  one_line_string    |  64     |  OrderedApps          |
   |  contents        |  repeatable list    |  8192   |  pr.fs.r=1.0,a=,v=    |
   |  copyright       |  multi_line_string  |  8192   |  <data/copyr.sd       |
   |  description     |  multi_line_string  |  8192   |  <data/descr.sd       |
   |  layout_version  |  revision_string    |  64     |  1.0                  |
   |  machine_type    |  uname_string       |  64     |  ia64*                |
   |  number          |  one_line_string    |  64     |  B2001A               |
   |  os_name         |  uname_string       |  64     |  HP-UX                |
   |  os_release      |  uname_string       |  64     |  ?.11.*               |
   |  os_version      |  uname_string       |  64     |  *                    |
   |  revision        |  revision_string    |  64     |  A.01.00              |
   |  title           |  one_line_string    |  256    |  Software Distributor |
   |  vendor_tag      |  tag_string         |  64     |  HP                   |
   |end               |                     |         |                       |

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    Attribute Table (continued)    [Toc]    [Back]
   |Keyword           |  Type               |  Size   |  Example               |
   |product           |                     |         |                        |
   |* tag             |  tag_string         |  64     |  SD                    |
   |* architecture    |  one_line_string    |  64     |  HP-UX_B.11.22_IA/PA   |
   |  category_tag    |  one_line_string    |  64     |  OrderedApps           |
   |  contents        |  repeatable list    |  8192   |  pr.fs.r=1.0,a=,v=     |
   |  copyright       |  multi_line_string  |  8192   |  <data/copyr.sd        |
   |  description     |  multi_line_string  |  8192   |  <data/descr.sd        |
   |  directory       |  path_string        |  1024   |  /                     |
   |  is_locatable    |  boolean            |  9      |  false                 |
   |  is_patch        |  boolean            |  9      |  false                 |
   |  layout_version  |  revision_string    |  64     |  1.0                   |
   |  machine_type    |  uname_string       |  64     |  ia64*                 |
   |  number          |  one_line_string    |  64     |  B2001A                |
   |  os_name         |  uname_string       |  64     |  HP-UX                 |
   |  os_release      |  uname_string       |  64     |  ?.11.*                |
   |  os_version      |  uname_string       |  64     |  *                     |
   |  postkernel      |  path_string        |  255    |  /usr/bin/kernel_build |
   |  readme          |  multi_line_string  |  1024   |  <data/README.sd       |
   |  revision        |  revision_string    |  64     |  A.01.00               |
   |  title           |  one_line_string    |  256    |  Software Distributor  |
   |* vendor_tag      |  tag_string         |  64     |  HP                    |
   |  control_files   |                     |         |                        |
   |end               |                     |         |                        |
   |subproduct        |                     |         |                        |
   |  tag             |  tag_string         |  64     |  Manager               |
   |  contents        |  one-line list of   |         |  commands agent data   |
   |                  |  tag_string values  |         |  data man              |
   |  description     |  multi_line_string  |  8192   |  < data/desc.mgr       |
   |  title           |  one_line_string    |  256    |  Management Utilities  |
   |end               |                     |         |                        |

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

    Attribute Table (continued)    [Toc]    [Back]
  |Keyword          |  Type                |  Size   |  Example                |
  |fileset          |                      |         |                         |
  |* tag            |  tag_string          |  64     |  commands               |
  |  ancestor       |  repeatable list     |         |  product.oldfileset     |
  |                 |  of product.fileset  |         |  oldproduct.fileset     |
  |  architecture   |  one_line_string     |  80     |  HP-UX_B.11.22_IA/PA    |
  |  category_tag   |  tag_string          |  64     |  patch_normal           |
  |  corequisites   |  software_spec       |         |  SD.man,r>=2.0          |
  |  description    |  multi_line_string   |  8192   |  < data/descr.cmd       |
  |  dynamic_module |  one_line_string     |  256    |  ipf pfil               |
  |  exrequisite    |  software_spec       |         |  SD.man,r>=2.0          |
  |  is_kernel      |  boolean             |  9      |  false                  |
  |  is_locatable   |  boolean             |  9      |  false                  |
  |  is_patch       |  boolean             |  9      |  false                  |
  |  is_reboot      |  boolean             |  9      |  false                  |
  |  is_sparse      |  boolean             |  9      |  false                  |
  |  machine_type   |  uname_string        |  64     |  ia64*                  |
  |  os_name        |  uname_string        |  64     |  HP-UX                  |
  |  os_release     |  uname_string        |  64     |  ?.11.*                 |
  |  os_version     |  uname_string        |  64     |  ?                      |
  |  prerequisites  |  software_spec       |         |  SD.agent,r>=2.0        |
  |* revision       |  revision_string     |  64     |  2.42                   |
  |  supersedes     |  software_spec       |  8192   |  product.fileset,       |
  |                 |                      |         |  fr=revision            |
  |  title          |  one_line_string     |  256    |  SD Commands            |
  |  control_files  |                      |         |                         |
  |  directory      |  path_mapping_string |         |  ./commands = /usr/sbin |
  |  file_permis_   |  permission_string   |         |  -u 0222 -o root -g sys |
  |    sions        |  permission_string   |         |  -u 0222 -o root -g sys |
  |  file           |  file specification  |         |  -m 04555 bin/swinstall |
  |                 |                      |         |  (or) *                 |
  |end              |                      |         |                         |

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

    Control File Attributes    [Toc]    [Back]
      Control files can be defined within filesets and/or products.

     |Keyword          |  Type          |  Size   |  Example                 |
     |  checkinstall   |  path_string   |  1024   |  ./scripts/checkinstall  |
     |  checkremove    |  path_string   |  1024   |  ./scripts/checkremove   |
     |  configure      |  path_string   |  1024   |  ./scripts/configure     |
     |  control_file   |  path_string   |  1024   |  ./scripts/subscripts    |
     |  postinstall    |  path_string   |  1024   |  ./scripts/postinstall   |
     |  postremove     |  path_string   |  1024   |  ./scripts/postremove    |
     |  preinstall     |  path_string   |  1024   |  ./scripts/preinstall    |
     |  preremove      |  path_string   |  1024   |  ./scripts/preremove     |
     |  request        |  path_string   |  1024   |  ./scripts/request       |
     |  unconfigure    |  path_string   |  1024   |  ./scripts/unconfigure   |
     |  unpreinstall   |  path_string   |  1024   |  ./scripts/unpreinstall  |
     |  unpostinstall  |  path_string   |  1024   |  ./scripts/unpostinstall |
     |  verify         |  path_string   |  1024   |  ./scripts/verify        |

    Vendor-Defined Attributes    [Toc]    [Back]
      You can create your own software attributes when packaging software.
      Keywords in a product specification file that are not recognized by SD
      are preserved, along with their associated values, by being
      transferred to the resulting INDEX or INFO files created by
      swpackageor swcopy.  (Refer to swpackage(4) for more information on
      INDEX and INFO files.)

      The keyword is a filename character string. The value associated with
      a keyword is processed as an attribute_value.  It can be continued
      across multiple input lines or can reference a file containing the
      value for the keyword.

      Vendor-defined attributes are noted during packaging or when modified
      with swmodify.  These attributes can be listed with swlist.

      As always, use caution in constructing your Product Specification
      File. If you misspell a standard keyword, SD may mistake the keyword
      for a vendor-defined attribute.

 VALUE TYPES    [Toc]    [Back]
      The value for each attribute must be of a specific type.  The types

                     Maximum length: 64 bytes
                     Examples: HP, SD

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

                     Tag strings support a subset of isascii() characters
                     Requires one or more characters from: "A-Z", "a-z",
                     "0-9", including the first character.
                     The isspace() characters are not allowed.
                     SDU metacharacters not allowed:  . , : =
                     Shell metacharacters not allowed: # ; & ( ) { } | < >
                     Shell quoting characters not allowed: " ` '\
                     Directory path character not allowed: /

                     Maximum length: 256 bytes
                     Examples: Hewlett-Packard Company

                     One-line strings support a subset of isascii()
                     characters only:

                     No isspace() characters, except for space and tab, are

                     Maximum length: 8192 bytes (1Mb for readme)

                     Multi-line strings support all isascii() characters.
                     They represent one or more paragraphs of text.  They
                     can be specified in-line, surrounded by double-quotes.
                     They can also be stored in a file, and specified using
                     the ``< filename'' format.

                     Maximum length: 64 bytes
                     Examples: 2.0, B.11.11

                     Revision strings contain zero or more dot-separated
                     one_line_strings (above).

           boolean   Maximum length: 8 bytes
                     Examples: true, false

                     One of the values "true" or "false".

                     Maximum length: 255 bytes for tapes, 1024 bytes for
                     Examples: /usr, /mfg/sd/scripts/configure

                     An absolute or relative path to a file.  Many
                     attributes of this type are restricted to 255 bytes in
                     length.  This restriction is due to the tar(1) command,
                     which requires a file's basename(1) be <= 100 bytes,
                     and a file's dirname(1) to be <= 155 bytes.  (Some

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

                     implementations of tar enforce < and not <=.)

                     Maximum length: 64 bytes
                     Examples: 9000/7*, 9000/8*, ia64*, HP-UX, ?.11.*

                     Uname strings containing a subset of isascii()
                     characters only.
                     No isspace() characters are allowed.
                     Shell pattern matching notation allowed: [ ] * ? !
                     Patterns can be "ORed" together using the separator: |

                     Maximum length: none
                     Examples: /mfg/sd/files/usr = /usr

                     A value of the form: ``source[=destination]'' where the
                     source defines the directory in which subsequently
                     defined files are located.  The optional destination
                     maps the source to a destination directory in which the
                     files will actually be installed.

                     Maximum length: none
                     Examples: -m 04555 sbin/swinstall or * (to denote all
                     files and directories)

                     Explicitly specifies a file or directory to be
                     packaged, using the format:

                          [-m mode] [-o [owner[,]][uid]]
                          [-g [group[,]][gid]] [-v] [source] [destination]

                     The source and destination can be paths relative to
                     source and destination directories specified in the

                     You can also use * to include all files below the
                     source directory specified by a directory keyword.

                     Maximum length: none
                     Examples: -u 0222 -o root -g sys

                     A value of the form:

                          [-m mode|-u umask ] [-o [owner[,]][uid]]
                          [-g [group[,]][gid]]

                     where each component defines a default permissions
                     value for each file and directory defined in a fileset.

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

                     The default values can be overridden in each file's
                     specific definition.  The owner and group fields are of
                     type tag_string. The uid and gid fields are of type
                     unsigned integer.  The mode and umask are unsigned
                     integers, but only supports the octal character set:

                     Maximum length: none
                     Examples: SD.agent or SD,r=2.0,a=HP-UX_B.11.22_IA/PA

                     Software specifications are used to specify software in
                     dependencies, ancestors and other attributes, as well
                     as command line selections.  The SD commands and
                     attributes support the following syntax for each



                     +    The = (equals) relational operator lets you
                          specify selections with the following shell
                          wildcard and pattern-matching notations:

                               [ ], *, ?

                          For example, *man selects all bundles and products
                          with tags that end with "man".

                     +    Bundles and subproducts are recursive.  Bundles
                          can contain other bundles and subproducts can
                          contain other subproducts, for example:


                          or (using expressions):


                     +    The \* software specification selects all
                          products. Use this specification with caution.

                     The version component has the form:
                          [,r <op> revision][,a <op> arch][,v <op> vendor]
                          [,c <op> category][,q=qualifier][,l=location]
                          [,fr <op> revision][,fa <op> arch]

                     +    location applies only to installed software and
                          refers to software installed to a location other
                          than the default product directory.

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

                     +    fr and fa apply only to filesets.

                     +    The <op> (relational operator) component can be of
                          the form:

                               ==, >=, <=, <, >, or !=

                          which performs individual comparisons on dotseparated

                          For example, r>=B.10.00 chooses all revisions
                          greater than or equal to B.10.00.  The system
                          compares each dot-separated field to find matches.
                          Shell patterns are not allowed with these

                     +    The = (equals) relational operator lets you
                          specify selections with the shell wildcard and
                          pattern-matching notations:

                               [ ], *, ?, !

                          For example, the expression r=1[01].* returns any
                          revision in version 10 or version 11.

                     +    All version components are repeatable within a
                          single specification (e.g.  r>=B.12, r<B.20).  If
                          multiple components are used, the selection must
                          match all components.

                     +    Fully qualified software specs include the r=, a=,
                          and v= version components even if they contain
                          empty strings. For installed software, l= is also

                     +    No space or tab characters are allowed in a
                          software selection.

                     +    The software instance_id can take the place of the
                          version component. It has the form:


                          within the context of an exported catalog, where
                          instance_id is an integer that distinguishes
                          versions of products and bundles with the same

      The following sections describe the attributes which can be defined.

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

    Distribution (Depot) Specification    [Toc]    [Back]
      The following is an example of a distribution specification:

           distribution or depot

              layout_version        1.0
              tag                   APPLICATIONS_CD
              copyright             < data/copyright.cd
              description           < data/description.cd
              number                B2358-13601
              title                 HP-UX Applications Software Disc

                  [<vendor specification>]

                  [<bundle specification>]


                   <product specification>

                  [<product specification>]



      distribution or depot
           Keyword that begins the distribution specification.  Each keyword
           defines an attribute of the distribution depot or tape itself.
           All keywords are optional, even if a distribution specification
           is included in a PSF.

           Defines the semantics to use when parsing the PSF.  To ensure
           IEEE Standard 1387.2 semantics, define a layout_version of 1.0,
           as the first attribute.

      tag  Defines the identifier (short name) for the distribution depot or

           Defines the copyright information for the distribution depot or
           tape; the value is either the text itself (within double-quotes)
           or a pointer to the filename containing the text.

           Defines the multi-paragraph description of the distribution depot
           or tape; the value is either the text itself (within doublequotes)
 or a pointer to the filename containing the text.

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                           Hewlett-Packard Company

           If a distribution specification is included in the PSF, swpackage
           requires only the keyword plus one or more contained product
           definitions.  The depot keyword can also be used in place of

           Defines the part or manufacturing number of the distribution
           depot (e.g. CD-ROM) or tape.

           Defines the full name (one-line description) of the distribution
           depot or tape.

      end  Ends the distribution  specification.  This keyword is optional.

    Vendor Specification    [Toc]    [Back]
      The layout_version defined for the PSF file determines how vendor
      specifications are associated with products and bundles.  If a
      layout_version is not defined or is defined as 1.0, vendor
      specifications will be associated with all subsequent products and
      bundles that define a matching vendor_tag attribute.

      If a layout_version of 0.8 is specified, all subsequent products and
      bundles will automatically be assigned a vendor_tag from the last
      vendor object defined at the distribution level, if any, or from a
      vendor object defined within a product or bundle, unless a vendor_tag
      is explicitly defined.

      Note that the vendor specification is not the same as vendor-defined
      attributes described in the "Vendor-Defined Attributes" section.

      The following is an example of a vendor specification:

                tag                   HP
                description           < data/description.hp
                title                 Hewlett-Packard Company

      Each keyword defines an attribute of a vendor object. If a vendor
      specification is included in the PSF, swpackage requires the vendor
      and tag keywords.

                Keyword that begins the vendor specification.

           tag  Defines the identifier (short name) for the vendor.

                Defines the full name (one-line description) for the vendor.

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                Defines the multi-paragraph description of the vendor; the
                value is either the text itself (within double-quotes) or a
                pointer to the filename containing the text.

           end  Ends the vendor specification.  This keyword is optional.

    Category Specification    [Toc]    [Back]
      The following is an example of a category specification.


                Keyword that begins the category specification.

           tag  Defines the identifier (short name) for the category.

                Defines the full name (one line description) for the

                A more detailed description of the category.

                Determines which category object definition to maintain in a
                depot when a definition being installed or copied does not
                match a definition already in the depot with the same

           end  Ends the category specification. This keyword is optional.

    Bundle Specifications    [Toc]    [Back]
      The following is an example of bundle specifications.

           tag                   SD
           architecture          HP-UX_B.11.22_IA/PA
           category_tag          Ordered Apps
           contents              prod.fs1.r=1.0,a=,v=
           copyright             <data/copyright.sd
           description           < data/description.sd
           layout_version        1.0
           machine_type          ia64*
           number                B2001A
           os_name               HP-UX

 Hewlett-Packard Company           - 15 -              HP-UX 11i Version 2.0

 swpackage(4)                                                   swpackage(4)
                           Hewlett-Packard Company

           os_release            ?.11.*
           os_version            *
           revision              A.01.00
           title                 Software Distributor
           vendor_tag            HP

    Product Specifications    [Toc]    [Back]
      The following is an example of a product specification.  Products are
      assumed to be locatable unless they explicitly define the is_locatable
      attribute to false.  Non-locatable products must define this

           tag                   SD
           architecture          HP-UX_B.11.22_IA/PA
           category_tag          Ordered Apps
           contents              prod.fs1.r=1.0,a=,v=
           copyright             <data/copyright.sd
           description           <data/description.sd
           directory             /
           is_locatable          false
           is_patch              false
           layout_version        1.0
           machine_type          ia64*
           number                B2001A
           os_name               HP-UX
           os_release            ?.11.*
           os_version            *
           postkernel            /usr/lbin/kernel_build
           readme                < data/README.sd
           revision              A.01.00
           title                 Software Distributor
           vendor_tag            HP

              + [<control script specifications>]

              + [<subproduct specifications>]

              + <fileset specification>

              + [<fileset specification>]



      Each keyword defines an attribute of a product or bundle object. For
      each product specified, swpackage requires only the product and tag
      keywords, plus one or more contained fileset definitions. For each
      bundle specified, swpackage requires the bundle, tag, and contents

 Hewlett-Packard Company           - 16 -              HP-UX 11i Version 2.0

 swpackage(4)                                                   swpackage(4)
                           Hewlett-Packard Company


                Required keyword that begins the product specification.

           tag  Defines the identifier (short name) for the product or

                Describes the target system(s) on which the product or
                bundle will run.  Provides a human-readable summary of the
                four uname(1) attributes which define the exact target
                system(s) the product supports.

                Required keyword that begins the bundle specification.

                A repeatable tag-based attribute identifying a set of
                categories of which the software object is a member. This is
                used as a selection mechanism and can be used independent of
                patches. The default value is an empty list or patch if the
                is_patch attribute is set to true.

                Like vendor_tag, this attribute can be used as a pointer to
                a category object that contains additional information about
                the category (for example, a one-line title definition and a
                description of the category).

                Note that the category tag patch is reserved. When is_patch
                is set to true, a built-in category_tag attribute of value
                patch is automatically included.

                NOTE: You can only change the patch value by performing a
                swpackage operation or by using swmodify to change the value
                of the is_patch attribute.

                The list of fully qualified software_specs (all versiondistinguishing
 attributes included) for the bundle contents.
                The contents should also be at the fileset level and include
                all dependencies. More general software_specs are also
                supported, including bundles containing other bundles, but
                the bundle contents might vary between invocations.

                Defines the copyright information for the product or bundle;
                the value is either the text itself (within double-quotes)
                or a pointer to the filename containing the text.

 Hewlett-Packard Company           - 17 -              HP-UX 11i Version 2.0

 swpackage(4)                                                   swpackage(4)
                           Hewlett-Packard Company

                Defines the multi-paragraph description of the product or
                bundle; the value is either the text itself (within doublequotes)
 or a pointer to the filename containing the text.

                Defines the default, absolute pathname to the directory in
                which the product's files will be installed (i.e. the root
                directory of the product).  If this attribute is not
                specified, swpackage assigns a value of "/".

                Defines whether the product or bundle can be installed into
                any directory, or whether it must be installed into a
                specific directory.  If this attribute is not specified,
                swpackage assigns a value of "true".

                Identifies a software object as a patch.  The default value
                is false.  When set to true, a built-in category_tag
                attribute of value patch is automatically included.

                The version of the IEEE Standard 1387.2 to which the HPspecific
 data_model_revision conforms. Possible values are
                1.0 (the default value) or 0.8.

                Defines the machine(s) on which the product will run.  (If
                not specified, swpackage assigns a value of "*", meaning the
                product runs on all machines.)  If there are multiple
                machine platforms, use wildcards or use the '|' character to
                separate them.  This attribute should pattern match to the
                output of the model command on the supported target

                Defines the part or order number for the product.

                Defines the operating system(s) on which the product will
                run.  (If not specified, swpackage assigns a value of "*",
                meaning the product runs on all operating systems.)  If
                there are multiple operating systems, use wildcards or use
                the '|' character to separate them.  This attribute should
                pattern match to the value of

                     uname -s [: getconf KERNEL_BITS]

                on the supported target system(s).

 Hewlett-Packard Company           - 18 -              HP-UX 11i Version 2.0

 swpackage(4)                                                   swpackage(4)
                           Hewlett-Packard Company

                Defines the operating system release(s) on which the product
                will run.  (If not specified, swpackage assigns a value of
                "*", meaning the product runs on all releases.)  If there
                are multiple operating system releases, use wildcards or use
                the '|' character to separate them.  This attribute should
                pattern match to the value of uname -r on the supported
                target system(s).

                Defines the operating system version(s) on which the product
                will run.  (If not specified, swpackage assigns a value of
                "*", meaning the product runs on all versions.)  If there
                are multiple operating system versions, use wildcards or use
                the '|' character to separate them.  This attribute should
                pattern match to the value of uname -v on the supported
                target system(s).

                Defines a kernel build script to be executed when kernel
                filesets are loaded. (Kernel filesets have the is_kernel
                attribute set to true .) The default kernel script is
                /usr/sbin/mk_kernel.  (See mk_kernel(1M) for more
                information.) The default script executes when the
                postkernel attribute is not specified.  Only one kernel
                build script is allowed per product, and the script executes
                only once, even if defined for multiple filesets.

                Defines the README information for the product or bundle;
                the value must be a pointer to the filename containing the

                Defines the revision (release number, version number) of the
                product or bundle.

                Defines the full name (one-line description) of the product
                or bundle.

                Associates this product or bundle with the last defined
                vendor object, if that object has a matching tag attribute.

           end  Ends the product or bundle specification.  This keyword is

    Subproduct Specification    [Toc]    [Back]
      The following is an example of a subproduct specification:

 Hewlett-Packard Company           - 19 -              HP-UX 11i Version 2.0

 swpackage(4)                                                   swpackage(4)
                           Hewlett-Packard Company

               tag                   Manager
               contents              commands agent data man
               description           < data/description.manager
               title                 Management Utilities

      Each keyword defines an attribute of a subproduct object. If a
      subproduct is specified, swpackage requires the subproduct, tag, and
      contents keywords.

                Keyword that begins the subproduct specification.

           tag  Defines the identifier (short name) for the subproduct.

                Defines the filesets or subproducts that make up a
                subproduct.  (Subproducts can contain other subproducts.)
                The value is a whitespace separated list of fileset or
                subproduct tag values.  In the PSF, fileset definitions are
                not contained within subproduct definitions.  The contents
                keyword is used to assign filesets to subproducts.

                Defines the multi-paragraph description of the subproduct;
                the value is either the text itself (within double-quotes)
                or a pointer to the filename containing the text.

                Defines the full name (one-line description) of the

           end  Ends the subproduct specification.  This keyword is

    Fileset Specification    [Toc]    [Back]
      The following is an example of a fileset specification:

           tag                   commands
           ancestor              newprod.fs
           architecture          HP-UX_B.11.22_IA/PA
           category_tag          system_mgt
           description           < data/description.commands
           is_kernel             false
           is_locatable          false
           is_patch              false
           is_reboot             false
           is_sparse             false
           machine_type          ia64*

 Hewlett-Packard Company           - 20 -              HP-UX 11i Version 2.0

 swpackage(4)                                                   swpackage(4)
                           Hewlett-Packard Company

           os_name               HP-UX
           os_release            ?.11.*
           os_version            ?
           revision              2.15
           supersedes            product.fileset,fr=revision
           title                 Commands (management utilities)

           [<control file specifications>]

           [<dependency specifications>]

           [<file specifications>]

      Each keyword defines an attribute of a fileset object. For each
      fileset specified, swpackage requires the fileset and tag keywords,
      plus zero or more file specifications.

      You can define additional disk space requirements for the fileset
      using a space control_file. (See the "Control Script Specification"
      section for more information.)

                Keyword that begins fileset specification.

           tag  Defines the identifier (short name) for the fileset.

                Describes the target system(s) on which the fileset will run
                if filesets for multiple architecture are included in a
                single product. Provides a human-readable summary of the
                four uname(1) attributes which define the exact target
                system(s) the product supports. Many filesets do not include
                an architecture; only a product architecture need be

                A list of filesets that will match the current fileset when
                installed on a target system, if the match_target
                installation option is specified. Also determines the base
                to which a patch is applied.

                A repeatable tag-based attribute identifying a set of
                categories of which the software object is a member. This is
                used as a selection mechanism and can be used independent of
                patches. The default value is an empty list or patch if the
                is_patch attribute is set to true.

                Like vendor_tag, this attribute can be used as a pointer to
                a category object that contains additional information about

 Hewlett-Packard Company           - 21 -              HP-UX 11i Version 2.0

 swpackage(4)                                                   swpackage(4)

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