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 accept(2) -- accept a connection on a socket
    The argument s is a socket that has been created with socket(2), bound to an address with bind(2), and is listening for connections after a listen(2). The accept() system call extracts the first conne...
 access(2) -- check accessibility of a file
    The access() and eaccess() system calls check the accessibility of the file named by the path argument for the access permissions indicated by the mode argument. The value of mode is either the bitwis...
 acct(2) -- enable or disable process accounting
    The acct() system call enables or disables the collection of system accounting records. If the argument file is a nil pointer, accounting is disabled. If file is an existing pathname (null-terminated)...
 adjtime(2) -- correct the time to allow synchronization of the system clock
    The adjtime() system call makes small adjustments to the system time, as returned by gettimeofday(2), advancing or retarding it by the time specified by the timeval delta. If delta is negative, the cl...
 aio_cancel(2) -- cancel an outstanding asynchronous I/O operation (REALTIME)
    The aio_cancel() system call cancels the outstanding asynchronous I/O request for the file descriptor specified in fildes. If iocb is specified, only that specific asynchronous I/O request is cancelle...
 aio_error(2) -- retrieve error status of asynchronous I/O operation (REALTIME)
    The aio_error() system call returns the error status of the asynchronous I/O request associated with the structure pointed to by iocb.
 aio_read(2) -- asynchronous read from a file (REALTIME)
    The aio_read() system call allows the calling process to read iocb->aio_nbytes from the descriptor iocb->aio_fildes beginning at the offset iocb->aio_offset into the buffer pointed to by iocb->aio_buf...
 aio_return(2) -- retrieve return status of asynchronous I/O operation (REALTIME)
    The aio_return() system call returns the final status of the asynchronous I/O request associated with the structure pointed to by iocb. The aio_return() system call should only be called once, to obta...
 aio_suspend(2) -- suspend until asynchronous I/O operations or timeout complete (REALTIME)
    The aio_suspend() system call suspends the calling process until at least one of the specified asynchronous I/O requests have completed, a signal is delivered, or the timeout has passed. The iocbs arg...
 aio_waitcomplete(2) -- wait for the next completion of an aio request
    The aio_waitcomplete() system call waits for completion of an asynchronous I/O request. Upon completion, aio_waitcomplete() returns the result of the function and sets iocbp to point to the structure ...
 aio_write(2) -- asynchronous write to a file (REALTIME)
    The aio_write() system call allows the calling process to write iocb->aio_nbytes from the buffer pointed to by iocb->aio_buf to the descriptor iocb->aio_fildes. The call returns immediately after the ...
 bind(2) -- assign a local protocol address to a socket
    The bind() system call assigns the local protocol address to a socket. When a socket is created with socket(2) it exists in an address family space but has no protocol address assigned. The bind() sys...
 brk(2) -- change data segment size
    The brk() and sbrk() functions are legacy interfaces from before the advent of modern virtual memory management. The brk() and sbrk() functions are used to change the amount of memory allocated in a p...
 chdir(2) -- change current working directory
    The path argument points to the pathname of a directory. The chdir() system call causes the named directory to become the current working directory, that is, the starting point for path searches of pa...
 chflags(2) -- set file flags
    The file whose name is given by path or referenced by the descriptor fd has its flags changed to flags. The lchflags() system call is like chflags() except in the case where the named file is a symbol...
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