kse_wakeup(2) -- kernel support for user threads
These system calls implement kernel support for multi-threaded processes. Overview [Toc] [Back] Traditionally, user threading has been implemented in one of two ways: either all threads are mana... |
ktrace(2) -- process tracing
The ktrace() system call enables or disables tracing of one or more processes. Users may only trace their own processes. Only the super-user can trace setuid or setgid programs. The tracefile argument... |
lchflags(2) -- set file flags
The file whose name is given by path or referenced by the descriptor fd has its flags changed to flags. The lchflags() system call is like chflags() except in the case where the named file is a symbol... |
lchmod(2) -- change mode of file
The file permission bits of the file named specified by path or referenced by the file descriptor fd are changed to mode. The chmod() system call verifies that the process owner (user) either owns the... |
lchown(2) -- change owner and group of a file
The owner ID and group ID of the file named by path or referenced by fd is changed as specified by the arguments owner and group. The owner of a file may change the group to a group of which he or she... |
link(2) -- make a hard file link
The link() system call atomically creates the specified directory entry (hard link) name2 with the attributes of the underlying object pointed at by name1. If the link is successful: the link count of... |
lio_listio(2) -- list directed I/O (REALTIME)
The lio_listio() function initiates a list of I/O requests with a single function call. The list argument is an array of pointers to aiocb structures describing each operation to perform, with nent el... |
listen(2) -- listen for connections on a socket
To accept connections, a socket is first created with socket(2), a willingness to accept incoming connections and a queue limit for incoming connections are specified with listen(), and then the conne... |
lseek(2) -- reposition read/write file offset
The lseek() system call repositions the offset of the file descriptor fildes to the argument offset according to the directive whence. The argument fildes must be an open file descriptor. The lseek() ... |
lstat(2) -- get file status
The stat() system call obtains information about the file pointed to by path. Read, write or execute permission of the named file is not required, but all directories listed in the path name leading t... |
lutimes(2) -- set file access and modification times
The access and modification times of the file named by path or referenced by fd are changed as specified by the argument times. If times is NULL, the access and modification times are set to the curre... |
madvise(2) -- give advice about use of memory
The madvise() system call allows a process that has knowledge of its memory behavior to describe it to the system. The posix_madvise() interface is identical and is provided for standards conformance.... |
mincore(2) -- determine residency of memory pages
The mincore() system call determines whether each of the pages in the region beginning at addr and continuing for len bytes is resident. The status is returned in the vec array, one character per page... |
minherit(2) -- control the inheritance of pages
The minherit() system call changes the specified pages to have the inheritance characteristic inherit. Not all implementations will guarantee that the inheritance characteristic can be set on a page b... |
mkdir(2) -- make a directory file
The directory path is created with the access permissions specified by mode and restricted by the umask(2) of the calling process. The directory's owner ID is set to the process's effective user ID.... |