extattr_get_fd(2) -- system calls to manipulate VFS extended attributes
Named extended attributes are meta-data associated with vnodes representing files and directories. They exist as "name=value" pairs within a set of namespaces. The extattr_get_file() system call ret... |
extattr_get_file(2) -- system calls to manipulate VFS extended attributes
Named extended attributes are meta-data associated with vnodes representing files and directories. They exist as "name=value" pairs within a set of namespaces. The extattr_get_file() system call ret... |
extattr_set_fd(2) -- system calls to manipulate VFS extended attributes
Named extended attributes are meta-data associated with vnodes representing files and directories. They exist as "name=value" pairs within a set of namespaces. The extattr_get_file() system call ret... |
extattr_set_file(2) -- system calls to manipulate VFS extended attributes
Named extended attributes are meta-data associated with vnodes representing files and directories. They exist as "name=value" pairs within a set of namespaces. The extattr_get_file() system call ret... |
fchdir(2) -- change current working directory
The path argument points to the pathname of a directory. The chdir() system call causes the named directory to become the current working directory, that is, the starting point for path searches of pa... |
fchflags(2) -- set file flags
The file whose name is given by path or referenced by the descriptor fd has its flags changed to flags. The lchflags() system call is like chflags() except in the case where the named file is a symbol... |
fchmod(2) -- change mode of file
The file permission bits of the file named specified by path or referenced by the file descriptor fd are changed to mode. The chmod() system call verifies that the process owner (user) either owns the... |
fchown(2) -- change owner and group of a file
The owner ID and group ID of the file named by path or referenced by fd is changed as specified by the arguments owner and group. The owner of a file may change the group to a group of which he or she... |
fcntl(2) -- file control
The fcntl() system call provides for control over descriptors. The argument fd is a descriptor to be operated on by cmd as described below. Depending on the value of cmd, fcntl() can take an additiona... |
fhopen(2) -- access file via file handle
These system calls provide a means to access a file given the file handle fhp. As this method bypasses directory access restrictions, these calls are restricted to the superuser. The fhopen() system c... |
fhstat(2) -- access file via file handle
These system calls provide a means to access a file given the file handle fhp. As this method bypasses directory access restrictions, these calls are restricted to the superuser. The fhopen() system c... |
fhstatfs(2) -- access file via file handle
These system calls provide a means to access a file given the file handle fhp. As this method bypasses directory access restrictions, these calls are restricted to the superuser. The fhopen() system c... |
flock(2) -- apply or remove an advisory lock on an open file
The flock() system call applies or removes an advisory lock on the file associated with the file descriptor fd. A lock is applied by specifying an operation argument that is one of LOCK_SH or LOCK_EX ... |