volencap(8) -- Encapsulates disks, disk partitions,
The /usr/sbin/volencap command encapsulates one or more disks or disk partitions, including storage in an AdvFS domain. On a single system, this includes the root file system partitions /, /usr, and /... |
volevac(8) -- Evacuates all volumes from a disk
The volevac script moves subdisks off the specified Logical Storage Manager disk (medianame) to the specified destination disks (new_medianame ...). Note that only those subdisks that are associated w... |
volinfo(8) -- Print accessibility and usability of volumes
The volinfo utility reports a usage-type-dependent condition on one or more volumes in a disk group. A report for each volume specified by the volume operand is written to the standard output. If no v... |
volinstall(8) -- Sets up Logical Storage Manager (LSM) environment after LSM installation
The volinstall script sets up LSM special device files, and add the following lines to the /etc/inittab file: lsmr:s:sysinit:/sbin/lsmbstartup -b /dev/console 2>&1 lsm:23:wait:/sbin/lsm... |
volintro(8) -- Introduction to Logical Storage Manager (LSM) terms and commands
The following LSM commands provide a shell-level interface used by the system administrator and higher-level applications and scripts to query and manipulate LSM objects: volassist, volclonedg, vold, ... |
voliod(8) -- Starts, stops, and reports on Logical Storage Manager kernel I/O daemons
The voliod utility starts, stops, or reports on Logical Storage Manager kernel I/O daemons. When invoked with no arguments, voliod prints the current number of volume I/O daemons on the standard outpu... |
vollogcnvt(8) -- Logical Storage Manager BCL-to-DRL logging conversion utility
The vollogcnvt utility is a migration tool for Logical Storage Manager (LSM) administrators who are using the Block-Change Logging (BCL) feature. In the Version 5.0 release of Tru64 UNIX, the BCL feat... |
volmake(8) -- Create Logical Storage Manager objects
The volmake utility creates subdisk, plex, and volume records for the Logical Storage Manager. Records can be created entirely from parameters specified on the command line, or they can be created usi... |
volmend(8) -- Mends simple problems in configuration records
The volmend utility performs various Logical Storage Manager usage-type-specific operations on subdisk, plex, and volume records. The first operand is a keyword that determines the specific operation ... |
volmigrate(8) -- Moves AdvFS domain storage from physical storage to LSM volumes (volmigrate) or from LSM volumes to ...
The volmigrate and volunmigrate commands are available on both standalone systems and clusters. The volmigrate command moves an AdvFS domain from physical storage to an LSM volume and leaves the origi... |
volmirror(8) -- Mirrors volumes on a disk or control default mirroring
The volmirror command provides a mechanism to mirror all the contents of a specified disk, to mirror all currently unmirrored volumes in the specified disk group, or to change or display the current d... |
volnotify(8) -- Displays Logical Storage Manager configuration events
The volnotify utility displays events related to disk and configuration changes managed by the Logical Storage Manager configuration daemon, vold. The volnotify utility displays requested event types ... |
volplex(8) -- Perform Logical Storage Manager operations on plexes
The volplex utility performs Logical Storage Manager operations on plexes and on volume-and-plex combinations. The first operand is a keyword that determines the specific operation to perform. The rem... |