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NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

       cedit - Invokes the UDC Manager utility

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

       cedit [-h] [-c old_db] [-r ref_db] [cur_db]

OPTIONS    [Toc]    [Back]

       Displays  the usage message.  Copies and converts old format
 font file or character attribute database to  the  new
       format  used  by  cedit.   Sets  the  reference  attribute
       database rather than using the system default.

OPERANDS    [Toc]    [Back]

       Specifies the UDC attribute database  to  be  edited.   If
       this  parameter is not given, the default user database is
       used or, if user databases are  not  enabled,  the  system
       database  is  used.   The location of the default user and
       system databases are determined by the entry for  the  udc
       service in the cp_dirs file (see cp_dirs(4)).  The default
       pathnames are /var/i18n/udc for the  system  database  and
       ~/.udc for the user database. When the user pathname field
       in the udc entry contains a hyphen (-), user databases are
       disabled for the system.

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

       The  cedit  command invokes the UDC Manager utility, which
       manages the attributes of user-defined characters  (UDCs).
       You can run UDC Manager to create or edit a font glyph for
       the character and to manipulate  the  following  character
       attributes:  Symbolic name Bitmap font size (16x18, 24x24,
       32x32, 40x40) and  style  Codeset  value  Collating  value
       Input  key sequences for some of the supported input methods
 Character classes

       The actual number and type of  character  attributes  that
       you can manipulate for each language depends on the corresponding
 character configuration files.

       The utility has two modes  of  operation,  menu  mode  and
       font-editing  mode.   When you start the utility, it is in
       menu mode. In menu mode, the  screen  is  divided  into  3
       parts.  The upper half of the screen is the work space for
       the menu system. Below that is the status area for showing
       the  current  codeset  and language.  The bottom two lines
       form the user input and message display area.

       In menu mode, you manipulate character attributes  through
       menu  selections; however, you cannot create or change the
       font glyph. To edit the glyph, you must  select  the  Font
       item  in the Edit menu. This selection changes the utility
       to font-editing mode, where  you  use  single  and  double
       keystroke commands for editing. For more information about
       changing character attributes and editing font glyphs, see
       the  Menu Mode and Font-Editing Mode sections in this reference

       The UDC attribute database is not used directly by  system
       utilities.  Information in this database must be processed
       by the cgen command to create data files that are used  by
       system  utilities.  Refer to cgen(1) for information about
       processing information in the UDC attribute database.

   Menu Mode    [Toc]    [Back]
       The UDC Manager provides a menu navigation system for command
 selection and activation.  In the menu mode, there is
       a horizontal main menu bar at the top of the screen.  This
       menu  bar  has  several  different  menu  items for you to
       select and activate.

       A menu item can be in one of the following  states:  inactive
 active selected activated

       An  inactive  menu  item  does  not have a highlighted and
       underlined letter and cannot be selected.

       An active menu item has a highlighted and underlined  letter
 and can be selected.  The highlighted letter specifies
       the hot key for fast selection and activation of this menu

       A  selected  menu  item  appears  in inverse video.  It is
       ready for subsequent activation.

       An activated menu item is the one whose submenu has popped
       up on the screen or one whose function has started.

       You can use one of two methods to navigate within the menu
       system. You can use the four arrow keys to move the  location
 cursor to various parts of the menu, or you can press
       the hot key for fast  selection  and  activation  of  menu

       For  the horizontal main menu bar, you can press the Downarrow,
 Space, or Return key to activate a selected item. A
       pull-down  submenu  appears  for  the activated menu item.
       Pressing the Left-arrow or  Right-arrow  key  selects  and
       activates  the  corresponding  menu  item on the main menu
       bar.  To activate a selected item in a pull-down menu, you
       can use either the Return or the Space key.

       When  >>  characters  follow  a menu item, activating that
       item causes a submenu to pop up. To  return  to  a  higher
       menu  level  without  activating  an  item  on the current
       level, press Ctrl/X.

       To display help for each menu item, press the Help key.

       The main menu bar has the following pull-down menus:  File
       Edit Delete Show Commands Options Help

       The  File  menu allows you to exit or quit the UDC Manager
       as  well  as  change  the  reference  character  attribute
       database.   This  menu  also lets you save changes made to
       the current character or cancel all the  changes  made  to
       that character.

       The  Edit  menu allows you to select the current character
       and edit each  individual  attribute  of  that  character.
       Activation  of  the  Font  item changes the UDC Manager to
       font-editing mode.

       The Delete menu allows you to  delete  previously  defined
       attributes of the current character.

       The  Show menu allows you to show the status and values of
       character attributes already defined. (However, you cannot
       view the font glyph through this menu.)

       The  Commands menu lets you scale a number of font records
       of a certain font size, list all the characters  available
       in  the  current database for the current codeset and language,
 and copy a number of  character  records  from  the
       reference  character  attribute  database  to  the current

       The Options menu allows you to change the current  codeset
       and language.  These options do not change the language of
       the utility's user interface.  Your options for  the  user
       interface language are limited to English and the language
       determined by the locale setting at utility startup  time.

       The  Help menu provides online information about the utility.

       For some menu items, a selection list pops up that  allows
       you to choose one or more of the character attributes.  To
       choose or mark a character attribute, press the space  bar
       or the Return key.

   Font Editing Mode    [Toc]    [Back]
       The  UDC  Manager  provides  a full screen font editor for
       creating and modifying character font patterns.  The  following
  paragraphs give a brief introduction to the screen
       layout and features available to the user.

       On the top left corner of the font editor, there are three
       small  windows  under  the  heading "Reference".  They are
       used by the Refer mechanism to display other font patterns
       in  their real size so that users can use these fonts as a
       reference when designing new fonts.

       The Display window under the three Refer  windows  is  for
       displaying,  in  its  real  size, the font currently being
       edited.  The main window on the right side of  the  editor
       is  the  Edit  window  on which users can create or modify
       fonts using cursor movements and editing  functions.  Each
       dot  inside the window represents one pixel.  The patterns
       in the Display and Edit windows may not  match.   To  make
       them match, press the DISPLAY key (KP.).

       There  are four Edit modes (Cursor, Paste, Type, and Wrap)
       that you can set to control  the  characteristics  of  the
       editing functions.  The Cursor mode can be ON, OFF, ON/OFF
       or MOVE and controls whether cursor movement turns  on  or
       off  the  pixel  under  the cursor.  The Paste mode can be
       OVERLAY or OVERWRITE and controls  the  outcome  of  paste
       operation.  The Type mode can be BODY or LETTER and specifies
 whether a boundary is kept around the character.  The
       Wrap  mode  can be ON or OFF to enable or disable wrapping
       of the cursor.

       There are three buffers in the Font Editor (EDIT, USE, and
       CUT and PASTE) that are the areas where bitmaps are saved.
       The EDIT buffer is the main buffer where you edit the font
       glyph.  This  is  the  buffer that normally appears in the
       Edit window. The USE buffer is the buffer that appears  in
       the Edit window when the USE function is invoked.  The CUT
       and PASTE buffer content is not visible, but users can cut
       a  pattern  from the EDIT or USE buffers to this buffer or
       paste its contents into the EDIT buffer.

       Most of the editing functions are invoked  by  pressing  a
       single  key  on  the  keypad  of  the  keyboard.  But some
       functions are invoked by pressing  PF1,  called  the  GOLD
       key,  and  another  key.  The GOLD key changes the editing
       function that is mapped by default to the second key.

       The Font Editor also provides a small pop-up menu for  the
       SCALE,  USE  and REFER functions.  The USE and REFER functions
 can also be invoked by keystroke; the SCALE function
       can only be invoked by menu.

       The  SCALE function allows users to scale the current font
       to other sizes supported by the system.

       The USE function allows users to retrieve a font from  the
       character attribute databases or from one of the Reference
       windows for a cut and paste operation.

       The REFER function allows users to save either the current
       edited  font  or a font from the one of the databases into
       one of the three reference windows in a round-robin  fashion.

       For  more  information about each individual function, you
       can invoke the HELP function within the Font Editor.   The
       following  table  specifies  the terminal key bindings for
       all the editing functions:

       Editing Function   Key Binding   Description
       HELP               Help,PF2      Provides  help  on  various  edit
       GOLD               PF1           Toggles GOLD state
       CURSOR-MODE        PF3           Toggles Cursor mode
       PASTE-MODE         PF4           Toggles Paste mode
       TYPE-MODE          KP-           Toggles Type mode
       WRAP-MODE          KP,           Toggles Wrap mode
       U&L                KP7           Depending  on  Cursor mode, moves
                                        up & left
       UP                 KP8           Depending on Cursor  mode,  moves
       U&R                KP9           Depending  on  Cursor mode, moves
                                        up & right
       LEFT               KP4           Depending on Cursor  mode,  moves
       RIGHT              KP6           Depending  on  Cursor mode, moves
       D&L                KP1           Depending on Cursor  mode,  moves
                                        down & left
       DOWN               KP2           Depending  on  Cursor mode, moves
       D&R                KP3           Depending on Cursor  mode,  moves
                                        down & right
       USE                KP0           Displays   font  pattern  in  USE
       DISPLAY            KP.           Displays  font  pattern  in  real
       TOGGLE             KP5           Toggles  ON/OFF  state  of  pixel
                                        under cursor
       EXIT               Enter         Saves changes and exit editor
       QUIT               GOLD Enter    Quits   editor   without   saving
       CLEAR              GOLD KP,      Clears  font pattern on Edit window

       REFER              GOLD KP.      Displays font  pattern  in  Refer

       RETUSE             GOLD KP0      Returns  to  EDIT buffer from USE
       ULCORNER           GOLD KP7      Jumps to upper left corner
       TOP                GOLD KP8      Jumps to top
       URCORNER           GOLD KP9      Jumps to upper right corner
       LSIDE              GOLD KP4      Jumps to left side
       CENTER             GOLD KP5      Jumps to center
       RSIDE              GOLD KP6      Jumps to right side
       LLCORNER           GOLD KP1      Jumps to lower left corner
       BOTTOM             GOLD KP2      Jumps to bottom
       LRCORNER           GOLD KP3      Jumps to lower right corner
       SELECT             SELECT        Toggles   start/cancel   selected
       PASTE              INSERT        Inserts content of paste buffer
       CUT                REMOVE        Cuts   selected   area  to  paste
       COPY               GOLD REMOVE   Copies  selected  area  to  paste
       UP-ARROW           Up            Moves up
       DOWN-ARROW         Down          Moves down
       LEFT-ARROW         Left          Moves up
       RIGHT-ARROW        Right         Moves down
       SHIFT-UP           GOLD Up       Shifts up by one line
       SHIFT-DOWN         GOLD Down     Shifts down by one line
       SHIFT-LEFT         GOLD Left     Shifts left by one column
       SHIFT-RIGHT        GOLD Right    Shifts right by one column
       LINE               l,L           Draws    line    connecting   two
                                        selected points
       CIRCLE             c,C           Draws  circle  with   center   at
                                        selected point
       O-RECTANGLE        r             Draws   an   open   rectangle  in
                                        selected area
       S-RECTANGLE        R             Draws  an  solid   rectangle   in
                                        selected area
       O-ELLIPSE          e             Draws an open ellipse in selected
       S-ELLIPSE          E             Draws   an   solid   ellipse   in
                                        selected area
       MIRROR-X           x,X           Mirrors pattern along X-axis
       MIRROR-Y           y,Y           Mirrors pattern along Y-axis
       MIRROR-45          /             Mirrors   pattern   along  45-deg
       MIRROR-135         \             Mirrors  pattern  along   135-deg
       FILL               f,F           Depending  on  Cursor mode, fills
       INVERT             t,T           Inverts the pixel  state  of  all
       UNDO               u,U           Undoes the previous function
       REDRAW             Ctrl/L        Redraws the screen
       SUSPEND            Ctrl/Z        Suspends the program
       MENU               Do            Invokes the menu subsystem

       The following keypad diagrams show the key assignments for
       the cursor and application keypads. In these diagrams, the
       GOLD key functions are preceded by an asterisk.

       |         |          |  *Copy   ||           |           |
       |          |  |         |   Paste   |  Cut   ||  Gold    |
       Help        |       Curs       Mo.       |Paste       Mo.|
       |        |         |         ||*UL  Corner|   *Top    |*UR
       Corner|          |  |  Select  |          |         || U&L
       |       Up        |     U&R          |Type      Mo.      |
                |*Shift Up|        || *L Side   |  *Center  |  *R
       Side  |*Clear   |
                | Up      |        ||  Left    |  Toggle |  Right
       |                        Wrap                         Mo.|
       |*Shift L| *Shift D|*Shift  R||*LL  Corner|  *Bottom  |*LR
       Corner|          |  |  Left    |   Down    | Right  || D&L
       |      Down       |     D&R          |      *Quit        |
       Exit   |
                                    |  *Return from Use  | *Refer
       |         |
                                    |    Use              |  Display
 |         |

   Starting an Edit Session    [Toc]    [Back]
       An edit session is normally started by selecting the codeset
 value of the UDC character to be edited under the current
  locale.   When  you select a Character item from the
       Edit menu, you are prompted by a submenu with two possible
       choices:  edit a new character or edit an existing character.
  In either case, you must enter the character's codeset
  value  in hexadecimal.  An error message is displayed
       if you choose to edit a new character whose value  already
       exists in the database, or if you choose to edit an existing
 character when it doesn't exist in the database.

       Under the Japanese locales, automatic UDC code point  mapping
  is  performed.  This means that when you enter a new
       UDC's codeset value for the current locale, the  value  is
       also mapped, whenever possible, to corresponding values in
       codesets for other Japanese locales. If you  later  decide
       to  modify  the codeset value of a Japanese UDC character,
       you are prompted to determine if the  character  value  in
       other codesets should be changed accordingly.

       The  following  diagram  shows  the  mapping  between  UDC
       regions in the four supported Japanese codesets.

       |     deckanji/    |       eucJP       |       SJIS      |
       |    sdeckanji    |                   |                  |
       |  0xA121-0xAA7E  |   0xF5A1-0XFEFE   |  0xF040-0xF4FC   |
       |   0xAB21-0xB47E  | 0x8FF5A1-0x8FFEFE |  0xF540-0xF9FC  |
       |  0xB521-0xBA7E  | 0x8FEEA1-0x8FF3FE |  0xFA40-0xFCFC   |
       |   0xBB21-0xBB7E  | 0x8FF4A1-0x8FF4FE |      -----      |
       |  0xBC21-0xFE7E  |       -----       |      -----       |

       If  a  value  in  a particular codeset cannot be mapped to
       another codeset, the value is left unchanged  or  unspecified.

       After  specifying  the  codeset  value, you can proceed to
       add,  modify,   or   delete   other   editable   character
       attributes.   Not  all  the  character  attributes  can be
       edited under any locale.  For example, under the  Japanese
       locales,  the collating value and input key sequence for a
       UDC cannot be edited.

RESTRICTIONS    [Toc]    [Back]

       The dtterm terminal emulator does not support cedit  functions.
  If  you attempt to use cedit under dtterm, the UDC
       Manager utility may hang. Use the dxterm  terminal  emulator.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

       Commands: cgen(1)

       Files: cp_dirs(4)

       Others: i18n_intro(5), l10n_intro(5)

       Writing Software for the International Market

[ Back ]
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