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NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     hunt - a multi-player multi-terminal game

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     hunt [-bcfmqSs] [-n name] [-t team] [-p port] [-w message] [host]

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The object of the game hunt is to kill off the other players.  There are
     no rooms, no treasures, and no monsters.  Instead, you wander around a
     maze, find grenades, trip mines, and shoot down walls and players.  The
     more players you kill before you die, the better your score is.  If the
     -m flag is given, you enter the game as a monitor (you can see the action
     but you cannot play).

     hunt normally looks for an active game on the local network; if none is
     found, it starts one up on the local host.  The location of the game may
     be specified by giving the host argument.  This presupposes that a hunt
     game is already running on that host, see huntd(6) for details on how to
     setup a game on a specific host.  If more than one game if found, you may
     pick which game to play in.

     If the -q flag is given, hunt queries the local network (or specific
     host) and reports on all active games found.  This is useful for shell
     startup scripts, e.g. csh(1)'s .login.

     The player name may be specified on the command line by using the -n

     The -c, -s, and -f options are for entering the game cloaked, scanning,
     or flying respectively.

     The -b option turns off beeping when you reach the typeahead limit.

     The -t option aids team playing by making everyone else on one's team
     appear as the team name.  A team name is a single digit to avoid conflicting
 with other characters used in the game.

     The -p port option allows the rendezvous port number to be set.  This is
     a useful way for people playing on dialup lines to avoid playing with
     people on 9600 baud terminals.

     The -w message option is the only way to send a message to everyone
     else's screen when you start up.  It is most often used to say ``eat
     slime death - NickD's coming in''.

     When you die and are asked if you wish to re-enter the game, there are
     other answers than just yes or no.  You can also reply with a w for write
     a message before continuing or o to change how you enter the game
     (cloaked, scanning, or flying).

     To be notified automatically when a hunt starts up, add your login to the
     hunt-players mailing list (see huntd(6)).

PLAYING HINTS    [Toc]    [Back]

     hunt only works on crt (vdt) terminals with at least 24 lines, 80
     columns, and cursor addressing.  The screen is divided in to 3 areas.  On
     the right hand side is the status area.  It shows damage sustained,
     charges remaining, who's in the game, who's scanning (the ``*'' in front
     of the name), who's cloaked (the ``+'' in front of the name), and other
     players' scores.  The rest of the screen is taken up by your map of the
     maze.  The 24th line is used for longer messages that don't fit in the
     status area.

     hunt uses the same keys to move as vi(1) does, i.e., h, j, k, and l for
     left, down, up, right respectively.  To change which direction you're
     facing in the maze, use the upper case version of the movement key (i.e.,
     HJKL).  You can only fire or throw things in the direction you're facing.
     Other commands are:

     f or 1   Fire a bullet (Takes 1 charge)

     g or 2   Throw grenade (Takes 9 charges)

     F or 3   Throw satchel charge (Takes 25 charges)

     G or 4   Throw bomb (Takes 49 charges)

     5        Throw big bomb (Takes 81 charges)

     6        Throw even bigger bomb (Takes 121 charges)

     7        Throw even more big bomb (Takes 169 charges)

     8        Throw even more bigger bomb (Takes 225 charges)

     9        Throw very big bomb (Takes 289 charges)

     0        Throw very, very big bomb (Takes 361 charges)

     @        Throw biggest bomb (Takes 441 charges)

     o        Throw small slime (Takes 15 charges)

     O        Throw big slime (Takes 30 charges)

     p        Throw bigger slime (Takes 45 charges)

     P        Throw biggest slime (Takes 60 charges)

     s        Scan (show where other players are) (Takes 1 charge)

     c        Cloak (hide from scanners) (Takes 1 charge)

     ^L       Redraw screen

     q        Quit

     The symbols on the screen are:
           -|+    walls
           /\     diagonal (deflecting) walls
           #      doors (dispersion walls)
           ;      small mine
           g      large mine
           :      bullet
           o      grenade
           O      satchel charge
           @      bomb
           s      small slime
           $      big slime
           ><^v   you facing right, left, up, or down
           }{i!   other players facing right, left, up, or down
           *      explosion
           -*-    grenade and large mine explosion

     Other helpful hints:

     +o   You can only fire in the direction you are facing.

     +o   You can only fire three shots in a row, then the gun must cool off.

     +o   Shots move 5 times faster than you do.

     +o   To stab someone, you face that player and move at them.

     +o   Stabbing does 2 points worth of damage and shooting does 5 points.

     +o   Slime does 5 points of damage each time it hits.

     +o   You start with 15 charges and get 5 more every time a player enters
         or re-enters.

     +o   Grenade explosions cover a 3 by 3 area, each larger bomb cover a correspondingly
 larger area (ranging from 5 by 5 to 21 by 21).  All
         explosions are centered around the square the shot hits and do the
         most damage in the center.

     +o   Slime affects all squares it oozes over.  The number of squares is
         equal to the number of charges used.

     +o   One small mine and one large mine is placed in the maze for every new
         player.  A mine has a 2% probability of tripping when you walk forward
 on to it; 50% when going sideways; 95% when backing up.  Tripping
 a mine costs you 5 points or 10 points respectively.  Defusing a
         mine is worth 1 charge or 9 charges respectively.

     +o   You cannot see behind you.

     +o   Cloaking consumes 1 ammo charge per 20 of your moves.

     +o   Scanning consumes 1 ammo charge per (20 x the number of players) of
         other player moves.

     +o   Turning on cloaking turns off scanning -- turning on scanning turns
         off cloaking.

     +o   When you kill someone, you get 2 more damage capacity points and 2
         damage points get taken away.

     +o   Maximum typeahead is 5 characters.

     +o   A shot destroys normal (i.e., non-diagonal, non-door) walls.

     +o   Diagonal walls deflect shots and change orientation.

     +o   Doors disperse shots in random directions (up, down, left, right).

     +o   Diagonal walls and doors cannot be destroyed by direct shots but may
         be destroyed by an adjacent grenade explosion.

     +o   Slime goes around walls, not through them.

     +o   Walls regenerate, reappearing in the order they were destroyed.  One
         percent of the regenerated walls will be diagonal walls or doors.
         When a wall is generated directly beneath a player, he is thrown in a
         random direction for a random period of time.  When he lands, he sustains
 damage (up to 20 percent of the amount of damage already sustained);
 i.e., the less damage he had, the more nimble he is and
         therefore less likely to hurt himself on landing.

     +o   Every 30 deaths or so, a ``''?  will appear.  It is a wandering bomb
         which will explode when it hits someone, or when it is slimed.

     +o   If no one moves, everything stands still.

     +o   The environment variable HUNT is checked to get the player name.  If
         you don't have this variable set, hunt will ask you what name you
         want to play under.  If you wish to set other options than just your
         name, you can enumerate the options as follows:
               setenv HUNT name=Sneaky,team=1,cloak,mapkey=zoFfGg1f2g3F4G
         sets the player name to Sneaky, sets the team to one, sets the enter
         game attribute to cloaked, and the maps z to o, F to f, G to g, 1 to
         f, 2 to g, 3 to F, and 4 to G.  The mapkey option must be last.
         Other options are: scan, fly, nobeep, port=string, host=string, and
         message=string -- which correspond to the command line options.
         String options cannot contain commas since commas are used to separate

     +o   It's a boring game if you're the only one playing.

     Your score is the decayed average of the ratio of number of kills to number
 of times you entered the game and is only kept for the duration of a
     single session of hunt.

     hunt normally drives up the load average to be approximately (number_of_players
 + 0.5) greater than it would be without a hunt game executing.

STATISTICS    [Toc]    [Back]

     The -S option fetches the current game statistics.  The meaning of the
     column headings are as follows:

     score   the player's last score

     ducked  how many shots a player ducked

     absorb  how many shots a player absorbed

     faced   how many shots were fired at player's face

     shot    how many shots were fired at player

     robbed  how many of player's shots were absorbed

     missed  how many of player's shots were ducked

     slimeK  how many slime kills player had

     enemy   how many enemies were killed how many friends were killed (self
             and same team)

     deaths  how many times player died

     still   how many times player died without typing in any commands

     saved   how many times a shot/bomb would have killed player if he hadn't
             ducked or absorbed it.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]


AUTHORS    [Toc]    [Back]

     Conrad Huang, Ken Arnold, and Greg Couch;
     University of California, San Francisco, Computer Graphics Lab


     We thank Don Kneller, John Thomason, Eric Pettersen, Mark Day, and Scott
     Weiner for providing endless hours of play-testing to improve the character
 of the game.  We hope their significant others will forgive them; we
     certainly don't.

BUGS    [Toc]    [Back]

     To keep up the pace, not everything is as realistic as possible.

BSD                              April 4, 2001                             BSD
[ Back ]
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