mekton - multi-player networked game
mekton [ -n | -i infile [ -s ] ] [ -o outfile ] [ -t 0|1|2 ]
Mekton is a multi-player networked game. Players in the game pilot 15
meter tall humanoid robots("mektons").
-n Enable networking mode. If this flag is not used mekton will run
in solo mode.
-i infile
Specify an input file to be read instead of taking input from the
network. -o outfile Specify an output file to be written that
can later be read using the -i flag.
-s Enable shadow mode. In shadow mode instead of controlling your
own mekton you view the game through the eyes of the other
players mektons.
-t 0|1|2
Select team. 0 = "Rouge". 1 = "Terran Defense League". 2 =
"Barnard Pirate".
The year is 2250. Only a few short decades have passed since Humanity
freed itself from the boundaries of the Solar System and joined forces
with a vast interstellar compact of races inhabiting the Milky Way
But, as with any far-flung stellar empire, Humanity has its problems
maintaining control over its far flung worlds and outposts. Chief among
these are the notorious Pirates of Barnard's Star, rebels seeking independence
from what they see as an oppressive government, who have declared
open war upon the rest of Human Space. Attacking starships,
colonies and other facilities with impunity, these Pirates are a
dangerous threat to all those who live in Space; dangerous zealots willing
to sacrifice thousands of innocent lives for their cause.
In star systems too dangerous to tame, Humanity has recently established
Spinners; titanic ring-shaped space stations housing millions of citizens.
But these mighty artificial worlds are also big targets -- especially
to the depredations of those who would defy Earth's laws. To protect
these vital stations, Earth has established the Terran Defense
League; brave warriors armed with MEKTONS -- giant humanoid robots with
the firepower of a battleship. But the Pirates have also developed their
own Mektons; and that has the Terran Government very worried.
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As a member of the Terran Defense League, you have been assigned to protect
the Starcross One Colony in the Beta Crucis system. Orbiting the
gas giant that is Beta Crucis' primary world, the Starcross colony is the
vital link between the Rim Systems and the Core, as well as providing
processing for most of the heavy hydrogen fuels for the Human Space
Fleets. You know your job is critical -- millions of lives depend on
your skills as a Mekton warrior.
As a member of the Pirate Fleet, you know you must gain access to the vital
supplies of fuel and weapons the Terran Government has stockpiled in
the Beta Crucis system. You are prepared to face any danger -- even the
advance Mektons of the Defense League, if that's what it takes.
Now the Battle will be joined. Who will be the victor? Who will survive
in the world of Mekton?
To accomplish your mission, you will command the ultimate battle machine
of the 23rd century -- the MEKTON. Giant humanoid vehicles used in exploring
hostile environments, deep space construction and rescue missions,
Mektons can also be used as deadly weapons of warfare, armored
with heavy ablative plate and carrying energy cannons.
The Vantage [Toc] [Back]
The backbone of the Terran Defense League, this mekton is heavily
armed and armored.
The Ex-Sentinel [Toc] [Back]
An advanced design favored by the Pirates. It is lighter armed
and armored then the Vantage, but is capable of transforming to X
fighter mode.
Start Cross One is a vital link between the Rim and Core Sectors of Human
Space. As either a Pirate attacking Star Cross One for vital supplies,
or as a Defense League warrior fighting off the Pirates, your engagements
will take place within the Colony.
Mektons are controlled using the mouse and keyboard. The following controls
apply regardless of the mode of the mekton.
ESC Exit mekton.
H Display Help.
Enter Restart and bring up the user interface window.
h Toggle the level of the HUD(Heads Up Display).
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r Toggle the radar mode.
space Fire plasma.
e Fire plasma.
w Raise aim point.
q Lower aim point.
W|Q Reset aim point.
The following control the location of the camera.
F1 View from player's mekton.
F2 Follow the mekton's path while always facing the mekton.
F3 Wingman view. Follow the mekton's path and orientation.
F4 Spin View. A camera that faces and spins around the player's
F5 Tether View. A camera that stays at a fix location relative to
and facing the players mekton.
F6 Drop a camera at your mekton's current location and then view
your mekton from that camera.
F7 View from the last location a camera was dropped.
The following adjust the view from the current camera. These only have
effect on the current camera if applicable to that camera.
z Zoom the camera in.
Z Zoom the camera out.
^Z Reset the camera zoom.
x Spin the camera left.
X Spin the camera right.
^X Reset the camera spin.
c Raise the camera height.
C Lower the camera height.
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^C Reset the camera height.
The following control the lighting.
v Make the lighting brighter.
V Make the lighting darker.
^V Reset the lighting.
The following controls apply only to a mekton in ground mode.
f Transition to flight mode.
t Transform if capable.
Mouse Y movement. [Toc] [Back]
Set desired velocity.
Mouse X movement. [Toc] [Back]
Set desired turn.
The following controls apply only to a mekton in hamanoid flight mode.
t Transform if capable.
d Increase desired rate of climb.
s Set desired rate of climb to zero.
a Decrease desired rate of climb.
Mouse Y Movement [Toc] [Back]
Set desired velocity.
Mouse X Movement [Toc] [Back]
Set desired slip velocity.
Left Mouse Button
Turn left. Middle Mouse Button Hold heading. Right Mouse Button
Turn right. The following controls apply only to a mekton in
transformed flight mode.
t Transform to humanoid form.
d Increase thrust.
s Set thrust to zero.
a Decrease thrust.
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Mouse Y Movement [Toc] [Back]
Adjust pitch.
Mouse X Movement [Toc] [Back]
Adjust roll.
By holding down the Tab key can you can disengage the mouse from controlling
your mekton. While the Tab key is held down your mekton will
continue on the path you have set. When the Tab key is released the
mouse will go back to the position it was at when the Tab was pressed.
While the Tab key is pressed the following special command is possible.
Left Mouse Button
Control aim point.
In shadow mode the space bar can be used to switch which mekton you are
In most cases you control your mekton by setting desired rates. Your
mekton's computer then calculates the thrust, leg movements, etc. that
are needed to achieve the desired rate set by you.
Ground movement is fairly simple. You set the desired velocity and turn
rate and the mekton walks or runs as appropriate.
Humanoid form flight is not quite as simple. Aerodynamically a mekton is
a rock with big jets attached. All flight in this form is done by
directing jets and adjusting thrust. The only reason a mekton is stable
in flight is that it has a computer to make all the adjustments. The
user sets the desired forward velocity, slip velocity, climb rate. Turning
is done through two possible methods. By default the mekton will
turn to face its current direction of movement. This can be overridden
by holding down the middle mouse button. Turning can also be achieved by
holding the left and right mouse buttons. If the middle mouse button is
not held also then this turning will compete with the turn to direction
of movement.
Transformed flight is basically like that of a modern jet fighter. This
form of flight can best be learned with the flight demo because the colony
does not provide a lot of room to maneuver.
Developed by:
Silicon Graphics
R. Talsorian Games
Alias | Wavefront
Coryphaeus Software, Inc.
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Based on the Mekton Zeta roleplaying game from R. Talsorian Games>
Built with realtime tools from Coryphaeus Software, Inc.
Developed with content creation tools from Alias | Wavefront and
Coryphaeus Software, Inc.
Built with IRIS Performer.
Rob Mace, SGI
Art Director:
Mike Pondsmith, RTG
Original Art:
Don Choy, RTG
Benjamin Wright, RTG
J. Waltrip, RTG
Content creation:
Buckley Collum, AW
Kevin "Bubba" Lombardi, AW
David Cooper, CSI
David Ligon, SGI
Michael McDonald, RTG
Special Thanks to:
Alan Gerrard, CSI
Andy Bushnell, CSI
Bruce Sinclair
Cindy Ferguson
Dan Vivoli, SGI
Doug Whetter, AW
Ed Immenschuh, SGI
H. B. Siegel, SGI
Ian Clazie, SGI
Jayne Capelin, CSI
Jim Helman, SGI
John Rohlf, SGI
Justin Howell
Kowsik Guruswami, CSI
Lisa Pondsmith, RTG
Megan Jewel Mace
Michael Jones, SGI
Paula Cutts, SGI
Randy Fox, CSI
Ritva Garlick, CSI
Sharon Clay, SGI
Warren Pratt, SGI
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The mekton executable is located in /usr/demos/General_Demos/mekton
The Colony does not yet have a hub and spokes.
Mekton, Mekton Z, Mekton Zeta are trademarks of R. Talsorian Games Inc.
All Rights reserved.
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