pcmouse(7) pcmouse(7)
pcmouse - mouse specifications
Indy, Indigo2, O2, OCTANE and Onyx2 systems uses an industry standard PC
(6-pin mini-DIN) mouse port. All newer SGI systems now use this mouse
port which allows easy attachment of third party mice, trackballs, or
other pointing devices.
Compatibility [Toc] [Back]
Third-party mouse-port-compatible (also called "PS/2 compatible,"
"Pointing Device Port" or "PDP") pointing devices commonly sold into the
IBM PC-compatible market can be used. Note that the common Microsoftcompatible
serial mice do not work on the mouse port. Three-button
devices are preferred, but two-button devices operate as if the middle
button does not exist.
The following mice have been tested (many only briefly):
SGI PS/2 mice
IBM PS/2 Model 6450350 (old style)
IBM PS/2 Model 33G5430 (new style)
IBM RS/6000 P/N 11F8895 (Logitech M-SB9-6MD)
Alps Glidepoint (PS/2 mouse port version)
Logitech MouseMan Serial & Mouseport Version
Logitech TrackMan Serial & Mouseport Version
Logitech M-SE9-6MD
Logitech M-SF15-6MD
Microsoft Mouse Serial & PS/2 Version (only two buttons)
MicroSpeed MicroTRAC trackball (only two buttons)
Mouse Systems White Mouse
Mouse Systems PC Mouse III (in two button mode only)
Protocol [Toc] [Back]
The PS/2 mouse uses a three-byte data block. The first byte is a control
byte with the format: YO XO YS XS F M R L where [XY]O is an overflow
indicator, [XY]S is the sign of the delta bytes, F is floats depending on
the particular mouse used, and M R L are middle, right, and left buttons
(1 indicates pressed) respectively. Byte two is the X delta and byte
three is the Y delta.
Pinout [Toc] [Back]
The mouse connector is a 6 pin mini-DIN connector with the shield
connected to the system chassis:
/ 5 3 \
| --- 1 |
| --- 2 |
\ 6 4 /
Page 1
pcmouse(7) pcmouse(7)
1 | Data
2 | Reserved
3 | Signal Ground
4 | Power +5V
5 | Clock
6 | Reserved
All Silicon Graphics systems, except those noted above use the mouse
described in mouse(7).
Some Silicon Graphics mice (particularly Silicon Graphics PN 9150800)
look very similar to the old style Indigo2 mouse (Silicon Graphics PN
9150809) and even use the same 6-pin mini-DIN connector, but are not
prom(1M), keyboard(7), mouse(7), pckeyboard(7).
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