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pckeyboard(7)							 pckeyboard(7)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     pckeyboard	- keyboard specifications

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The Indy, Indigo2,	O2, OCTANE and Onyx2 systems use an industry-standard
     PC-compatible keyboard with a PS/2	style (6 pin mini-DIN) connector.

     The keyboard connects to the back of the system unit with a shielded
     partially coiled cord and is detachable at	the system cabinet only.  The
     system communicates with the keyboard via a clocked serial	protocol.  SGI
     uses keyboard scan	code set 3, which sends	a scan code on key press and a
     "break" code followed by repeating	the scan code.	Every key has a	unique
     scan code.	 All keys function the same way, allowing the system software
     to	use keys in any	manner.

   Compatibility    [Toc]    [Back]
     Most PC keyboards work out	of the box (they may require a 5 pin DIN to 6
     pin mini-DIN) if they match the normal 101-key layout.  Keyboards with
     different or extra	keys may require tuning	of keyboard map.  The
     following keyboards have been tested (some	only briefly) and seem to
     function correctly:

	  SGI Indigo2 keyboards	(US and	several	international models)
	  SGI Indy keyboards (US and several international models)
	  Kinesis ergonomic keyboard, Model 100, 110, 120 and 130
	  Comfort Keyboard System
	  IBM PS/2 Model M (P/N	1391401)
	  IBM 101 Key Keyboard with Trackpoint II - PS Style (P/N 92G7461)
	  Microsoft Natural Keyboard
	  Compaq enhanced II keyboard, domestic/101
	  Qtronix QX-601R

     Some keyboards that are known not to work,	or require minor changes:

	  Lexmark M13 (Select_ease) - Does not always power-on correctly.
		     See nogfxkbd option in prom(1m).
	  Data Hand - Newer versions are reported to work, but older
	       ones do not.
	  PC Concepts Ergonomic	- does not implement scan code set 3.

   Electrical Interface    [Toc]    [Back]
     The PC keyboard uses a clocked serial I/O interface.  The format used is
     one start bit (always false) followed by eight data bits, an odd parity
     bit and one stop bit (always true).  The true data	bits are at least
     +2.4V and less than +5.5V,	while the false	data bits are at least 0V and
     less than +0.7V.  While inactive, the clock and data lines	are held high,
     which indicates the keyboard has the right	to send	data.  When the	system
     wishes to send data to the	keyboard it holds the clock low	and then
     proceeds with its transmission.

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pckeyboard(7)							 pckeyboard(7)

     The pin assignments for the system	keyboard connector are shown in	the
     following table:

				     / 5 3  \
				    | ---  1 |
				    | ---  2 |
				     \ 6 4  /

				  Pin Assignments
				 1  | Data
				 2  | Reserved
				 3  | Signal Ground
				 4  | Power +5V
				 5  | Clock
				 6  | Reserved

   Software Interface    [Toc]    [Back]
     System software interfaces	to a PC	keyboard controller that maintains the
     clocked serial protocol with keyboard.  SGI uses keyboard scan code set
     3,	which sends a scan code	on key press and a "break" code	followed by
     repeating the scan	code.  The system software does	all the	processing
     needed to support functions such as capitalization, control characters,
     and numeric lock.	Variable speed hardware	auto-repeat for	a specified
     set of characters is supported and	is used	in standalone mode, while IRIX
     manages auto-repeat in software.  The default hardware auto-repeat	begins
     after 500 milliseconds and	repeats	at a rate of 10.9 characters per
     second.  There are	three lights labeled NUM LOCK, CAPS LOCK, and SCROLL
     LOCK that are under software control.  The	scan codes sent	by the
     standard 101 key American keyboard	are in the following tables.  Note
     that the legend names prefixed by two asterisks are only found on 102 key
     International keyboards.

			  AKEY		   |	       1C
			  BKEY		   |	       32
			  CKEY		   |	       21
			  DKEY		   |	       23
			  EKEY		   |	       24
			  FKEY		   |	       2B
			  GKEY		   |	       34
			  HKEY		   |	       33
			  IKEY		   |	       43
			  JKEY		   |	       3B
			  KKEY		   |	       42

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			  LKEY			       4B
			  MKEY		   |	       3A
			  NKEY		   |	       31
			  OKEY		   |	       44
			  PKEY		   |	       4D
			  QKEY		   |	       15
			  RKEY		   |	       2D
			  SKEY		   |	       1B
			  TKEY		   |	       2C
			  UKEY		   |	       3C
			  VKEY		   |	       2A
			  WKEY		   |	       1D
			  XKEY		   |	       22
			  YKEY		   |	       35
			  ZKEY		   |	       1A
			 ZEROKEY	   |	       45
			 ONEKEY		   |	       16
			 TWOKEY		   |	       1E
			THREEKEY	   |	       26
			 FOURKEY	   |	       25
			 FIVEKEY	   |	       2E
			 SIXKEY		   |	       36
			SEVENKEY	   |	       3D
			EIGHTKEY	   |	       3E
			 NINEKEY	   |	       46

			     LEFTCTRL	      |	     11
			    CAPSLOCKKEY	      |	     14
			   RIGHTSHIFTKEY      |	     59
			   LEFTSHIFTKEY	      |	     12
			      ESCKEY	      |	     08
			      TABKEY	      |	     0D
			       ENTER	      |	     5A
			     SPACEKEY	      |	     29
			   BACKSPACEKEY	      |	     66
			      DELKEY	      |	     64
			   SEMICOLONKEY	      |	     4C
			     PERIODKEY	      |	     49
			     COMMAKEY	      |	     41
			     QUOTEKEY"	      |	     52
			  ACCENTGRAVEKEY~     |	     0E
			     MINUSKEY	      |	     4E
			     SLASHKEY	      |	     4A
			   BACKSLASHKEY	      |	     5C
			     EQUALKEY	      |	     55
			  LEFTBRACKETKEY      |	     54
			  RIGHTBRACKETKEY     |	     5B

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pckeyboard(7)							 pckeyboard(7)

			   LEFTARROWKEY		     61
			   DOWNARROWKEY	      |	     60
			   RIGHTARROWKEY      |	     6A
			    UPARROWKEY	      |	     63
			       PAD0	      |	     70
			       PAD1	      |	     69
			       PAD2	      |	     72
			       PAD3	      |	     7A
			       PAD4	      |	     6B
			       PAD5	      |	     73
			       PAD6	      |	     74
			       PAD7	      |	     6C
			       PAD8	      |	     75
			       PAD9	      |	     7D

			    PADPERIOD	     |	     71
			    PADMINUS	     |	     84
			    PADENTER	     |	     79
			     LEFTALT	     |	     19
			    RIGHTALT	     |	     39
			    RIGHTCTRL	     |	     58
			       F1	     |	     07
			       F2	     |	     0F
			       F3	     |	     17
			       F4	     |	     1F
			       F5	     |	     27
			       F6	     |	     2F
			       F7	     |	     37
			       F8	     |	     3F
			       F9	     |	     47
			       F10	     |	     4F
			       F11	     |	     56
			       F12	     |	     5E
			  PRINT.SCREEN	     |	     57
			   SCROLL.LOCK	     |	     5F
			      PAUSE	     |	     62
			     INSERT	     |	     67
			      HOME	     |	     6E
			     PAGEUP	     |	     6F
			       END	     |	     65
			    PAGEDOWN	     |	     6D
			    NUM.LOCK	     |	     76
			    PAD.SLASH	     |	     77
			    PAD.ASTER	     |	     7E
			    PAD.PLUS	     |	     7C
			   **INTL.left	     |	     13
			  **INTL.right	     |	     53

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			 07	    |		  F1
			 08	    |		ESCKEY
			 0D	    |		TABKEY
			 0E	    |	    ACCENTGRAVEKEY
			 0F	    |		  F2
			 11	    |	       LEFTCTRL
			 12	    |	     LEFTSHIFTKEY
			 13	    |	      **INTL.left
			 14	    |	      CAPSLOCKKEY
			 15	    |		 QKEY
			 16	    |		ONEKEY
			 17	    |		  F3
			 19	    |		LEFTALT
			 1A	    |		 ZKEY
			 1B	    |		 SKEY
			 1C	    |		 AKEY
			 1D	    |		 WKEY
			 1E	    |		TWOKEY
			 1F	    |		  F4
			 21	    |		 CKEY
			 22	    |		 XKEY
			 23	    |		 DKEY
			 24	    |		 EKEY
			 25	    |		FOURKEY
			 26	    |	       THREEKEY
			 27	    |		  F5
			 29	    |	       SPACEKEY
			 2A	    |		 VKEY
			 2B	    |		 FKEY
			 2C	    |		 TKEY
			 2D	    |		 RKEY
			 2E	    |		FIVEKEY
			 2F	    |		  F6
			 31	    |		 NKEY
			 32	    |		 BKEY
			 33	    |		 HKEY

			   34	   |	      GKEY
			   35	   |	      YKEY
			   36	   |	     SIXKEY
			   37	   |	       F7
			   39	   |	    RIGHTALT

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			   3A		      MKEY
			   3B	   |	      JKEY
			   3C	   |	      UKEY
			   3D	   |	    SEVENKEY
			   3E	   |	    EIGHTKEY
			   3F	   |	       F8
			   41	   |	    COMMAKEY
			   42	   |	      KKEY
			   43	   |	      IKEY
			   44	   |	      OKEY
			   45	   |	     ZEROKEY
			   46	   |	     NINEKEY
			   47	   |	       F9
			   49	   |	    PERIODKEY
			   4A	   |	    SLASHKEY
			   4B	   |	      LKEY
			   4C	   |	  SEMICOLONKEY
			   4D	   |	      PKEY
			   4E	   |	    MINUSKEY
			   4F	   |	       F10
			   52	   |	    QUOTEKEY"
			   53	   |	  **INTL.right
			   54	   |	 LEFTBRACKETKEY
			   55	   |	    EQUALKEY
			   56	   |	       F11
			   57	   |	  PRINT.SCREEN
			   58	   |	    RIGHTCTRL
			   59	   |	  RIGHTSHIFTKEY
			   5A	   |	      ENTER
			   5C	   |	  BACKSLASHKEY

			   5E	    |		F12
			   5F	    |	    SCROLL.LOCK
			   60	    |	   DOWNARROWKEY
			   61	    |	   LEFTARROWKEY
			   62	    |	       PAUSE
			   63	    |	    UPARROWKEY
			   64	    |	      DELKEY
			   65	    |		END
			   66	    |	   BACKSPACEKEY
			   67	    |	      INSERT
			   69	    |	       PAD1
			   6A	    |	   RIGHTARROWKEY
			   6B	    |	       PAD4
			   6C	    |	       PAD7
			   6D	    |	     PAGEDOWN

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			   6E		       HOME
			   6F	    |	      PAGEUP
			   70	    |	       PAD0
			   71	    |	     PADPERIOD
			   72	    |	       PAD2
			   73	    |	       PAD5
			   74	    |	       PAD6
			   75	    |	       PAD8
			   76	    |	     NUM.LOCK
			   77	    |	     PAD.SLASH
			   79	    |	     PADENTER
			   7A	    |	       PAD3
			   7C	    |	     PAD.PLUS
			   7D	    |	       PAD9
			   7E	    |	     PAD.ASTER
			   84	    |	     PADMINUS

	  0xED |	Set Status Indicators	     |	  LED bitmask
	  0xEE |		Echo		     |
	  0xEF |	   Invalid Command	     |
	  0xF0 |     Select Alternate Scan Codes     |	 Scan code set
	  0xF1 |	   Invalid Command	     |
	  0xF2 |	       Read ID		     |
	  0xF3 |      Set Typematic Rate/Delay	     | Encoded rate/delay
	  0xF4 |	       Enable		     |
	  0xF5 |	   Default Disable	     |
	  0xF6 |	     Set Default	     |
	  0xF7 |      Set All Keys - Typematic	     |
	  0xF8 |      Set All Keys - Make/Break	     |
	  0xF8 |	 Set All Keys -	Make	     |
	  0xFA | Set All Keys -	Typematic/Make/Break |	   Scan	code
	  0xFB |    Set	All Key	Type - Typematic     |	   Scan	code
	  0xFC |    Set	All Key	Type - Make/Break    |	   Scan	code
	  0xFD |       Set All Key Type	- Make	     |
	  0xFE |	       Resend		     |
	  0xFF |		Reset		     |

			0x00	     | Key Detection Error/Overrun
		      0x83 0xAB	     |	       Keyboard	ID
			0xAA	     |	   BAT Completion Code
			0xFC	     |	    BAT	Failure	Code
			0xEE	     |		  Echo
			0xF0	     |	     Break (key-up)
			0xFA	     |	    Acknowledge	(ACK)

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			0xFE			 Resend
			0xFF	     | Key Detection Error/Overrun

NOTE    [Toc]    [Back]

     Some Silicon Graphics systems use a serial	keyboard interface (detailed
     in	keyboard(7)) that uses a different scan	code set.  This	difference may
     break compatibility for some programs that	operate	with raw scan codes.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     keyboard(1), xmodmap(1), prom(1m),	keyboard(7), pcmouse(7).

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 8888
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