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keyboard(7)							   keyboard(7)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     keyboard -	keyboard specifications

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The keyboard used on the 4D series, Indigo, Crimson and Onyx systems is
     an	up-down	encoded	101-key	keyboard.

     The keyboard connects to the main electronics cabinet through a shielded
     partially coiled cord and is detachable at	the system cabinet only.  The
     mouse plugs into either side of the keyboard.  Ports are provided on both
     sides of the enclosure to allow access to left-handed and right-handed
     mouse connectors.	The keyboard cord contains low voltage direct current
     power feeds and two serial	links; one for the mouse and one for the
     keyboard.	The keyboard serial link is bidirectional, allowing for
     control of	indicator lights and other keyboard functions.	Each time a
     key is pressed or released, a code	is sent	via the	keyboard serial	link.
     Every key has a different upcode and downcode.  All keys function the
     same way, allowing	the system software to use keys	in any manner.	Autorepeat
 is the only	function that treats keys differently.	When autorepeat
 is enabled,	a subset of the	keys repeat when held down.  Multiple
     key presses/releases result in all	key transitions	being reported.

   Electrical Interface    [Toc]    [Back]
     The keyboard serial I/O interface uses RS423 levels and communicates
     asynchronously to the system at 600 baud.	The format used	is one start
     bit followed by eight data	bits, an odd parity bit	and one	stop bit, with
     one byte sent per key up or down transition.  The idle state and true
     data bits for the interface are Mark level	or -5V,	whereas	false data
     bits and the start	bit are	spaces or +5V.

     The pin assignments for the keyboard connector on machines	with DB-15
     connectors	are shown in the following table:

			  1  | GND    |	Ground
			  2  | GND    |	Ground
			  3  | GND    |	Ground
			  4  | KTXD   |	Keyboard Transmit
			  5  | KRCD   |	Keyboard Receive
			  7  | +12Vdc |	Power
			  8  | +12Vdc |	Power
			  9  | +12Vdc |	Power
			 10  | MTXD   |	Mouse Transmit
			 11  | NC     |	Reserved
			 12  | NC     |	Reserved
			 15  | -12Vdc |	Power

     The pin assignments for the DB-9 keyboard connector on the	Personal IRIS
     4D/20 and 4D/25 machines are shown	in the following table for both	the
     CPU connector and the connectors on the keyboard itself.  The connectors

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keyboard(7)							   keyboard(7)

     on	each side of the keyboard are identical, so the	mouse can be attached
     on	either side.

		1  | NC		| +5Vdc		  | Power
		2  | KRCD	| KTXD		  | Keyboard to	CPU
		3  | NC		| -5Vdc		  | Power
		4  | -12Vdc	| -12Vdc	  | Power
		5  | MRCD	| MTXD		  | Mouse to CPU
		6  | GND	| GND		  | Ground
		7  | +12Vdc	| +12Vdc	  | Power
		8  | KTXD	| KRCD		  | CPU	to Keyboard
		9  | GND	| GND		  | Ground

     The pin assignments for the DIN-6 keyboard	connector on the CPU board of
     some of the newer systems are shown in the	following table:

			  1  | KRCD   |	Keyboard Receive
			  2  | MRCD   |	Mouse Receive
			  3  | GND    |	Ground
			  4  | +8Vdc  |	Power
			  5  | KTXD   |	Keyboard Transmit
			  6  | -8Vdc  |	Power

     The pin assignments for the mouse port connector (on the keyboard,	not on
     the CPU) for keyboards with DB9 connector are shown in the	following
     table; either connector on	the keyboard can be used for the mouse or for
     the keyboard cable.

				    MOUSE PORT
			    1  | +5V	| Power
			    3  | -5V	| Power
			    5  | MTXD	| Transmit Data
			    9  | GND	| Ground

     For machines whose	keyboards have the DIN-6 connector on the keyboard, as
     well as on	the CPU, the pinout is shown in	the following table.  The
     connectors	on both	sides of the keyboard have identical pinout, either
     can be used for the mouse and the cable to	the CPU.


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keyboard(7)							   keyboard(7)

			  1    KTXD	Keyboard Transmit
			  2  | MTXD   |	Mouse Transmit
			  3  | GND    |	Ground
			  4  | +8Vdc  |	Power
			  5  | KRCD   |	Keyboard Receive
			  6  | NC     |	Not Connected

   Software Interface    [Toc]    [Back]
     The interface between the keyboard	and the	system is 600 baud
     asynchronous.  The	format used is one start bit followed by eight data
     bits, an odd parity bit and one stop bit, with one	byte sent per key up
     or	down transition.  The MSB of the byte is a 0 for a downstroke and a 1
     for an upstroke.  Control bytes are sent to the keyboard with the same
     speed and format.	The system software does all the processing needed to
     support functions such as capitalization, control characters, and numeric
     lock.  Auto-repeat	for a specified	set of characters can be turned	on or
     off by the	system software	by sending a control byte to the keyboard.
     When auto-repeat is enabled, a pressed key	begins auto-repeating after
     0.65 seconds and repeats 28 times per second.  The	keyboard initializes
     upon power-up.  The configuration request control byte causes the
     keyboard to send a	two-byte sequence to the system.  The second byte
     contains the eight-bit value set on a DIP switch in the keyboard.	All
     keyboard lights (if any; some newer systems have keyboards	without	user
     controllable lights) are controlled by the	system software	by sending
     control bytes to the keyboard to turn them	on or off.  Control bytes are
     also used for long	and short beep control and key click disable.  When
     key click is enabled, the keys click when they are	pressed.  The long
     beep duration is 1	second and the short beep duration is 0.2 second.
     There are three lights labeled NUM	LOCK, CAPS LOCK, and SCROLL LOCK that
     are under software	control.  On older keyboards there are also four
     general-purpose keyboard lights labeled L1	through	L4.  The required
     keycode mappings and control byte formats are shown in the	following
     tables.  Note that	the legend names prefixed by two asterisks are
     reserved and not implemented on the keyboard.  Legend names prefixed by
     two exclamation marks do NOT have the auto-repeat enable capability.
     Legend names prefixed by two dollar signs do NOT have the key click
     enable capability.

			    AKEY	   |	     10
			    BKEY	   |	     35
			    CKEY	   |	     27
			    DKEY	   |	     17
			    EKEY	   |	     16
			    FKEY	   |	     18
			    GKEY	   |	     25
			    HKEY	   |	     26
			    IKEY	   |	     39

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			    JKEY		     33
			    KKEY	   |	     34
			    LKEY	   |	     41
			    MKEY	   |	     43
			    NKEY	   |	     36
			    OKEY	   |	     40
			    PKEY	   |	     47
			    QKEY	   |	      9
			    RKEY	   |	     23
			    SKEY	   |	     11
			    TKEY	   |	     24
			    UKEY	   |	     32
			    VKEY	   |	     28
			    WKEY	   |	     15
			    XKEY	   |	     20
			    YKEY	   |	     31
			    ZKEY	   |	     19
			   ZEROKEY	   |	     45
			   ONEKEY	   |	      7
			   TWOKEY	   |	     13
			  THREEKEY	   |	     14
			   FOURKEY	   |	     21
			   FIVEKEY	   |	     22
			   SIXKEY	   |	     29
			  SEVENKEY	   |	     30
			  EIGHTKEY	   |	     37
			   NINEKEY	   |	     38

			    **!!BREAKKEY       |     0
			    **!!SETUPKEY       |     1
			    $$!!LEFTCTRL       |     2
			   $$!!CAPSLOCKKEY     |     3
			  $$!!RIGHTSHIFTKEY    |     4
			  $$!!LEFTSHIFTKEY     |     5
			    **!!NOSCRLKEY      |     12
			      !!ESCKEY	       |     6
			      !!TABKEY	       |     8
			    RETURN.ENTER       |     50
			      SPACEKEY	       |     82
			    **LINEFEEDKEY      |     59
			    BACKSPACEKEY       |     60
			       DELKEY	       |     61
			    SEMICOLONKEY       |     42
			      PERIODKEY	       |     51
			      COMMAKEY	       |     44
			      QUOTEKEY"	       |     49
			   ACCENTGRAVEKEY~     |     54

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			      MINUSKEY		     46
			     VIRGULEKEY?       |     52
			    BACKSLASHKEY       |     56
			      EQUALKEY	       |     53
			   LEFTBRACKETKEY      |     48
			   RIGHTBRACKETKEY     |     55
			    LEFTARROWKEY       |     72
			    DOWNARROWKEY       |     73
			    RIGHTARROWKEY      |     79
			     UPARROWKEY	       |     80
				PAD0	       |     58
				PAD1	       |     57
				PAD2	       |     63
				PAD3	       |     64
				PAD4	       |     62
				PAD5	       |     68
				PAD6	       |     69

			       PAD7	      |	     66
			       PAD8	      |	     67
			       PAD9	      |	     74
			     **PADPF1	      |	     71
			     **PADPF2	      |	     70
			     **PADPF3	      |	     78
			     **PADPF4	      |	     77
			     PADPERIOD	      |	     65
			     PADMINUS	      |	     75
			    **PADCOMMA	      |	     76
			    !!PADENTER	      |	     81
			    $$!!LEFTALT	      |	     83
			   $$!!RIGHTALT	      |	     84
			   $$!!RIGHTCTRL      |	     85
				F1	      |	     86
				F2	      |	     87
				F3	      |	     88
				F4	      |	     89
				F5	      |	     90
				F6	      |	     91
				F7	      |	     92
				F8	      |	     93
				F9	      |	     94
				F10	      |	     95
				F11	      |	     96
				F12	      |	     97
			  !!PRINT.SCREEN      |	     98
			  $$!!SCROLL.LOCK     |	     99
			      !!PAUSE	      |	    100

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			     !!INSERT		    101
			      !!HOME	      |	    102
			     !!PAGEUP	      |	    103
			       !!END	      |	    104
			    !!PAGEDOWN	      |	    105
			   $$!!NUM.LOCK	      |	    106
			   PAD.BKSLASH/	      |	    107

			       PAD.ASTER*	   |  108
				PAD.PLUS+	   |  109
		       config byte(1st of 2 bytes) |  110
		       config byte(2nd of 2 bytes) | DIP SW
			       GERlessThan	   |  111
				 spare1		   |  112
				 spare2		   |  113
				 spare3		   |  114
				 spare4		   |  115
				 spare6		   |  117
				 spare7		   |  118
				 spare8		   |  119
				 spare9		   |  120
				 spare10	   |  121

			   0	  |	  **BREAKKEY
			   1	  |	 **!!SETUPKEY
			   2	  |	 $$!!LEFTCTRL
			   3	  |	$$!!CAPSLOCKKEY
			   4	  |    $$!!RIGHTSHIFTKEY
			   5	  |    $$!!LEFTSHIFTKEY
			   6	  |	   !!ESCKEY
			   7	  |	    ONEKEY
			   8	  |	   !!TABKEY
			   9	  |	     QKEY
			   10	  |	     AKEY
			   11	  |	     SKEY
			   12	  |	 **!!NOSCRLKEY
			   13	  |	    TWOKEY
			   14	  |	   THREEKEY
			   15	  |	     WKEY
			   16	  |	     EKEY
			   17	  |	     DKEY
			   18	  |	     FKEY
			   19	  |	     ZKEY
			   20	  |	     XKEY

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			   21		    FOURKEY
			   22	  |	    FIVEKEY
			   23	  |	     RKEY
			   24	  |	     TKEY
			   25	  |	     GKEY
			   26	  |	     HKEY
			   27	  |	     CKEY
			   28	  |	     VKEY
			   29	  |	    SIXKEY
			   30	  |	   SEVENKEY
			   31	  |	     YKEY
			   32	  |	     UKEY
			   33	  |	     JKEY
			   34	  |	     KKEY
			   35	  |	     BKEY

			   36	   |	      NKEY
			   37	   |	    EIGHTKEY
			   38	   |	     NINEKEY
			   39	   |	      IKEY
			   40	   |	      OKEY
			   41	   |	      LKEY
			   42	   |	  SEMICOLONKEY
			   43	   |	      MKEY
			   44	   |	    COMMAKEY
			   45	   |	     ZEROKEY
			   46	   |	    MINUSKEY
			   47	   |	      PKEY
			   48	   |	   LEFTBRACKET
			   49	   |	    QUOTEKEY
			   50	   |	  RETURN.ENTER
			   51	   |	    PERIODKEY
			   52	   |	   VIRGULEKEY
			   53	   |	    EQUALKEY
			   54	   |	 ACCENTGRAVEKEY
			   55	   |	 RIGHTBRACKETKEY
			   56	   |	  BACKSLASHKEY
			   57	   |	    PADONEKEY
			   58	   |	   PADZEROKEY
			   59	   |	  **LINEFEEDKEY
			   60	   |	  BACKSPACEKEY
			   61	   |	    DELETEKEY
			   62	   |	   PADFOURKEY
			   63	   |	    PADTWOKEY
			   64	   |	   PADTHREEKEY
			   65	   |	  PADPERIODKEY
			   66	   |	   PADSEVENKEY

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			   67		   PADEIGHTKEY
			   68	   |	   PADFIVEKEY
			   69	   |	    PADSIXKEY
			   70	   |	   **PADPF2KEY
			   71	   |	   **PADPF1KEY

			   72	   |	  LEFTARROWKEY
			   73	   |	  DOWNARROWKEY
			   74	   |	   PADNINEKEY
			   75	   |	   PADMINUSKEY
			   76	   |	  **PADCOMMAKEY
			   77	   |	   **PADPF4KEY
			   78	   |	   **PADPF3KEY
			   79	   |	  RIGHTARROWKEY
			   80	   |	   UPARROWKEY
			   81	   |	  !!PADENTERKEY
			   82	   |	    SPACEKEY
			   83	   |	   $$!!LEFTALT
			   84	   |	  $$!!RIGHTALT
			   85	   |	  $$!!RIGHTCTRL
			   86	   |	       F1
			   87	   |	       F2
			   88	   |	       F3
			   89	   |	       F4
			   90	   |	       F5
			   91	   |	       F6
			   92	   |	       F7
			   93	   |	       F8
			   94	   |	       F9
			   95	   |	       F10
			   96	   |	       F11
			   97	   |	       F12
			   98	   |	 !!PRINT.SCREEN
			   99	   |	 $$!!SCROLL.LOCK
			  100	   |	     !!PAUSE
			  101	   |	    !!INSERT
			  102	   |	     !!HOME
			  103	   |	    !!PAGEUP
			  104	   |	      !!END
			  105	   |	   !!PAGEDOWN
			  106	   |	  $$!!NUM.LOCK
			  107	   |	  PAD.BKSLASH/

			108   |		PAD.ASTER*

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keyboard(7)							   keyboard(7)

			109		 PAD.PLUS+
			110   |	config byte(1st	of 2 bytes)
		       DIP SW |	config byte(2nd	of 2 bytes)

	     BIT  |		       DESCRIPTION
	      1	  |	   short beep	      |	complement ds1 and ds2
	      2	  |	    long beep	      |		 ds3
	      3	  |	  click	disable	      |		 ds4
	      4	  | return configuration byte |		 ds5
	      5	  |	       ds1	      |		 ds6
	      6	  |	       ds2	      |		 ds7
	      7	  |    enable auto-repeat     |	       not used

				 ds1	     |	NUM LOCK
				 ds2	     |	CAPS LOCK
				 ds3	     | SCROLL LOCK
				 ds4	     |	   L1
				 ds5	     |	   L2
				 ds6	     |	   L3
				 ds7	     |	   L4

NOTE    [Toc]    [Back]

     Indy, Indigo2, O2,	OCTANE and Onyx2 use a PS/2 style keyboard (detailed
     in	pckeyboard(7)) that uses a different scan code set.  This difference
     may break compatibility for some programs that operate with raw scan

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     keyboard(1), mouse(7), pckeyboard(7), pcmouse(7).

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 9999
[ Back ]
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