texgen(3G) texgen(3G)
texgen - specify automatic generation of texture coordinates
void texgen(long coord, long mode, float params[])
coord Expects the name of the texture coordinate whose generation is
to be defined, enabled, or disabled. One of:
TX_S: The s texture coordinate
TX_T: The t texture coordinate
TX_R: The r texture coordinate
TX_Q: The q texture coordinate
mode Expects the mode of generation to be specified, or an indication
that generation is to be either enabled or disabled. One of the
symbolic constants:
TG_CONTOUR: Use the plane equation specified in params to
define a plane in eye-coordinates. Generate a texture
coordinate that is proportional to vertex distance from this
TG_LINEAR: Use the plane equation specified in params to define
a plane in object-coordinates. Generate a texture coordinate
that is proportional to vertex distance from this plane.
TG_SPHEREMAP: Generate texture coordinates based on the vertex
and current normal. When used with the appropriate texture
(described below), this gives the appearance of the reflection
of an environment placed at infinity. Typically, both TX_S and
TX_T are enabled.
TG_ON: Enable the (previously defined) replacement for the
specified texture coordinate.
TG_OFF: Disable replacement of the specified texture coordinate
(the default).
params Expects a 4-component plane equation when mode is TG_CONTOUR or
TG_LINEAR. Array element 0 is plane equation component A, 1 is
B, 2 is C, and 3 is D. The specified contents of params are
insignificant when mode is TG_ON, TG_OFF, or TG_SPHEREMAP.
Texture coordinates s, t, r, and q can be specified directly using the t
command. It is also possible to have texture coordinates generated
automatically as a function of object geometry. texgen specifies,
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enables, and disables such automatic generation. Either or both texture
coordinates can be generated independently. Automatic texture coordinate
generation is disabled by default.
texgen supports three generation algorithms: TG_LINEAR, TG_CONTOUR, and
TG_SPHEREMAP. TG_LINEAR operates directly on object coordinates, and is
therefore most useful for textures that are locked to objects, such as
ground texture locked to a terain, or metalic texture locked to a
cylinder. TG_CONTOUR operates on eye-coordinates. It supports motion of
an object through a `field' of texture coordinates. TG_SPHEREMAP
computes a reflection based on the vertex and normal in eye-coordinates.
Both modes TG_LINEAR and TG_CONTOUR define a texture coordinate
generation function that is a linear function of distance from a plane.
The plane equation is specified as a single, 4-component, vector in
object coordinates.
| a |
P = | b |
object | c |
| d |
The TG_LINEAR plane equation remains in object-coordinates. The
TG_CONTOUR plane equation is transformed by the ModelView matrix into
eye-coordinates when it is defined:
P = M -1 P
eye ModelView object
When a generation function has been defined for a texture coordinate, and
texgen has been called with TG_ON, each vertex presented to the graphics
system has that texture coordinate value replaced with the distance of
the vertex from the defined plane. For example, when texture coordinate
s is generated by a TG_LINEAR function, the generation function is:
| a |
s = V .P = | x y z w |.| b |
object object | object, object, object, object| | c |
| d |
Alternately, when t is generated by a TG_CONTOUR function, the generation
function is:
t = V .P
eye eye
V = V M
eye object ModelView,
P = M -1 P
eye ModelView object
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texgen(3G) texgen(3G)
Note that the ModelView matrix that modifies the plane equation is the
ModelView matrix in effect when texgen was called, while the ModelView
matrix that modifies the vertex coordinates is the matrix used to
transform that vertex.
The creation of an appropriate texture for TG_SPHEREMAP requires some
explanation. Consider a unit sphere centered at the viewpoint which
represents the complete environment. The mapping of this sphere to a 2D
texture is captured with a formula, given below.
Let R be an arbitrary unit vector based at the viewpoint. s and t are
texture coordinates in the range 0.0 to 1.0. The texture value is taken
from the point of intersection between R and the unit sphere. The set of
all possible values of R captures the complete environment. The mapping
from R to texture coordinates s and t is:
mag = 2*sqrt(R.x*R.x+R.y*R.y+(R.z+1)*(R.z+1))
s = R.x/mag+.5
t = R.y/mag+.5
The point in the environment directly behind the viewer maps to s = .5, t
= .5. The intersection between the plane z = 0 and the environment maps
to a circle centered at s = .5, t = .5 with a radius of sqrt(2)/4. The
point in the environment directly in front of the viewer maps to a circle
with a radius of .5. This circle marks the boundary of the complete
environment in the texture. In a reflection, this boundary can be
approached but not reached. Since the view direction is fixed for each
environment texture, a change in the view direction will require a new
texture to be calculated.
texgen generation functions remain valid until they are redefined. They
are enabled and disabled without redefinition by calls to texgen with
modes TG_ON and TG_OFF. texgen definition has no effect on the enable
mode of the texture generation function.
When enabled, texgen replaces s, t, or both each time a vertex command is
received. A texture coordinate that is not being generated continues to
be specified by t commands. Texture coordinate are transformed by the
Texture matrix (see mmode) following coordinate replacement by texgen.
mmode, n, t, texdef2d, texdef3d, texbind, tevdef, tevbind, v
IRIS-4D G, GT, and GTX models, and the Personal Iris, do not support
texture mapping. texgen is ignored by these machines. The Iris Indy,
Indigo Entry, and XL support texture mapping except for lines. IRIS-4D
VGX and VGXT models, the Personal Iris, Indy, Indigo Entry, XS, XS24, XZ,
Elan and Extreme systems do not support TX_R and TX_Q. Use getgdesc to
determine whether texture mapping is supported.
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texgen(3G) texgen(3G)
texgen cannot be used while mmode is MSINGLE.
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