callobj(3G) callobj(3G)
callobj - draws an instance of an object
void callobj(obj)
Object obj;
obj expects the object identifier of the object that you want to draw.
callobj draws an instance of a previously defined object. If callobj
specifies an undefined object, the system ignores the routine.
Global state attributes are not saved before a call to callobj. Thus, if
you change a variable within an object, such as color, the change can
affect the caller as well. Use pushattributes and popattributes to
preserve global state attributes across callobj calls.
Likewise, the object may execute transformations that change the matrix
stack, so you may want to use pushmatrix and popmatrix to restore the
state of the matrix stack.
makeobj, popattributes, pushattributes, pushmatrix, popmatrix
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