GLXwinset(3G) GLXwinset(3G)
GLXwinset - Begin GL rendering in an X window
#include <gl/glws.h>
int GLXwinset(Display* xDisplay, Window xWindow)
If GLXwinset succeeds, all subsequent GL rendering calls will occur in
"xWindow." If the window is on a remote machine, the DGL will be used to
do the drawing.
All GL rendering and display list commands will work in the window.
gconfig(3G) will have no effect in this window. GLXlink(3G) is used
instead to pre-configure the window. drawmode(3G) is also illegal, but
by asking for overlay planes with GLXgetconfig(3G), and linking in an
overlay window with GLXlink(3G), GLXwinset will draw into the overlay
planes if the overlay window of a linked set is passed to it.
A return of 0 (GLWS_NOERROR) means that GLXwinset succeeeded. A negative
return code indicates that the Display, Window or configuration
information were invalid.
All of the GL routines which access window system controlled features are
illegal to call for a mixed model window. Not all of these routines
report errors, so here is a list of the routines which mixed model
programs cannot call.
qdevice, qread, qtest, qenter, getbutton, getvaluator, setvaluator,
noise, unqdevice, mapcolor, getmcolor, gconfig, doublebuffer,
singlebuffer, RGBmode, cmode, overlay, underlay, acsize, curstype,
defcursor, setcursor, winopen, wintitle, winposition, winmove,
foreground, noborder, noport, iconsize, icontitle, keepaspect, maxsize,
minsize, step, fudge, prefposition, prefsize
The following routines will work, but execute much slower for mixed model
windows, and this information should be obtained from the window system
if at all possible. Avoid these routines.
getsize, getorigin, reshapeviewport, getviewport
GLXgetconfig(3G), GLXunlink(3G), GLXlink(3G)
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